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Posts posted by Kyris

  1. 1 hour ago, skoatz said:

    Which I think is the right way to go about depicting a character's sexuality.  The thing is nothing like Kirai's story exists for a gay, lesbian, or bi character in the lore.

    In general, most sexuality is hinted it regardless of orientation.  However, it is sometimes explicitly stated such as in Kirai's case.  But that's not also true for a character who is LGBT.  It would be nice to have a character or two explicitly mentioned as gay/lesbian/bi.

    It doesn't even have to be done through love scenes similar to Kirai's.  It could be something as simple as a sentence or two that more explicitly states a character's non-hetero sexuality.

    I know journals from the late 19th century and early 20th century have been a great source of insight into same-sex relationships of the time.  A short journal entry that establishes a character's non-hetero sexuality could be consistent with the time period.


    which, not only am I not against. I'm absolutely in support of; although I think it's important to note that we shouldn't demand anything from Wyrd, just suggest "hey, this would make a cool character"

    the problem isn't including gay characters. the problem is characters who's major traits are their sexuality; period. male or female, gay, straight, bi or trans. No person is defined solely by their sexuality, sexuality orientation, or gender. and that's exactly how any well written story should treat it. It's a difference between "the gay character" and "a character that happens to be gay"

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, TheSpinebuster said:

    We clearly disagree on the subject of what can constitute good writing. Demanding a character's sexuality be treated quietly and unobtrusively is a silencing tactic.

    Imagine if they made a character who's main, defining character trait, was that were heterosexual.

    With nearly every ability on their card flavored in a way to reference how often they have heterosexual intercourse, and just how aggressively heterosexual they are.

    You might be interested in that sort of thing. But I'm not. I know people like that in real life; they're all annoying frat bros and I can't stand any of them.


    Your sexuality is, and should be, one of the million of things that make you a unique, interesting person.

    If you want to normalize homosexuality(as it should be), you have to treat it just that way; as normal.


    Here's a good test; take a character like kirari. Her story has her losing a lover as a major part of her story. That lover happens to be a male: now, change the model into a female and swap the names/pronouns whenever he is mentioned. Does it change the story? No. Because her being straight isn't what defines her.

    • Like 5
  3. 12 minutes ago, TheSpinebuster said:

    There is nothing wrong with a character being gay and it being a focal point of their story, unless you think there is something wrong with being gay (or trans or bi, etc.). 

    No. that's bullshit.

    I think making a character who's main focal point is their sexuality or sexual orientation; gay or straight, does a disservice to not only Wyrd's writing talent but also the incredible lore and mythology that they've created.

    it's not them being gay that's the issue. But writing a character who's main character trait is their sexuality or sexual orientation is just bad writing.

    Turning that around and trying to say "You only think that because you hate gay people!" is absolute bullshit.

    • Like 5
  4. 4 minutes ago, TheSpinebuster said:

    You also can't use 'They don't explicitly deny the existence of LGTBQ characters' as evidence that they are represented in the lore.

    I never said they are represented in the lore. I said "sexuality is" but "sexuality orientation", largely, isn't. both LGBT or straight. Yes. there are a few characters who are said to have past lovers, such as Kiari. But those are the exception rather than the rule.

    Would I care if they added some LGBT characters? not really. Would I care if they made gender-flipped alternate sculpts of, for example, the dead Doxie or rotten belle, or hell even the nurse models? I would care yes; I'd be in favor of it. More model choices is never a bad thing.

    However, sexuality and sexual orientation has never, and in my opinion, should never, be something that is focused on in this game; and yes, that includes "hetero-normative" things as well. Sure; you have characters like Lynch who run a brothel/casino/whatever else it is. But that's more or less mentioned in passing. It's not his main character trait by far. Yes, McMourning's nurses are highly sexualized, and while it can be argued that it is a major focal point of the nurse model, it's not a major focal point of their character from a lore or gameplay perspective. 

    I don't think anyone is actively against adding a character that happens to be gay, or lesbian, or trans, or bi, or anything else. But I'm sure many people would be against that becoming a focal point.

    • Like 3
  5. Just now, Dogmantra said:

    You're correct, but also kind of missing the point. Astrella was pointing out that there already is sexuality in the universe, it is often just overlooked because it is frequently either heteronormative or assumed to be.

    there is sexuality in the game; I mean, one of the major lore characters is a jack the ripper expy who has an army of zombie prostitutes. But I take exception to this idea that all sexuality depicted is "straight" when we're not shown anything one way or the other in either of the examples given. You can't assume it's only straight people going to the honeypot and then use that as argument that only straight sexuality is part of the games setting. there's absolutely no reason for them to include that little aside.

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Boomstick said:

    Can't agree more about the cover: Eye-catching, suggestive, mysterious! Love it.

    Now if you'll excuse me...*dives into the oncoming wave of speculation*

    Personally, I hope all the upgrades in some way reflect changes in the fluff, the more obvious being Dreamer growing up a bit and Von Schill getting robo-prosthetics (and hopefully alt models in both cases...)

    You know, now that you mention it...What will happen once Dreamer becomes old enough to realise what's going on? hmm, curious.

    • Like 2
  7. On 7/2/2017 at 6:47 AM, Da Git said:

    Lingxuzi is cool, but I think he'd be too powerful for the game, he seems more like a Tyrant/Oyabun/GG fluff character, than one to enter the game...  Besides, someone has to die!

    I don't know. I've been thinking for awhile that it might be kinda neat to have a second, bigger version of Malifaux that uses Tyrants as leaders rather than Masters; similar to how WH40K has the "apocalypse" rule set for massive games.

  8. 9 hours ago, Astrella said:

    English Ivan and Mei Feng; McCabe had a girlfriend. I think it's very disingenuous to say (straight) sexuality doesn't feature in the lore when we have the Honeypot, quite a few storylines featuring / centering on sex workers,

    none of those are explicitly straight as you imply...We have no idea what sorts of people frequent the honeypot. Lynch is trying to spread Brilliance to as many people as he possible can so it's in his best interest to be as...ahem...inclusive, as possible. same with the sex workers. to me knowledge we're never shown or have it stated that any of them have one specific gender/sexuality of clientele. It seems to me that you're under some assumption that only straight people go to sex workers.

    • Like 2
  9. semi-weekly(I'll start getting a rhythm down, I swear) update on through the breach games.

    on the 12th I'll be running Earthly Desires at Rune and Board in hillsboro Oregon. from 6 till whenever the games done.

    As always, these one-shots are ideal for new players but I'm more than happy to have some experienced players show up.


    Location: https://runeandboard.com/

    Calendar: https://runeandboard.com/hillsborocalendar/

    Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RuneandBoard/


  10. I'm going to be doing weekly one shots of Through the Breach at Rune and Board in Hillsboro Oregon; the first game will be Wednesday June 28th, from 6 until we finish the adventure.

    This week I'll be running Sixteen Tons to get us started.

    For now, I'm mostly doing one-shots with the aim of teaching new players about the setting and system, but I'm more than open to having more experienced players!


    Location: https://runeandboard.com/

    Calendar: https://runeandboard.com/hillsborocalendar/

    Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RuneandBoard/

  11. 21 hours ago, -Loki- said:

    So it's June and we're still waiting. I'm considering upping to dual commander now. What kind of warning are we going to get to make last minute changes before we finalise shipping?

    Call me pessimistic, or optimistic..but at this rate even despite all attempts by the fates to make me unable to preorder, I might just be able to preorder stuff at this rate; not that I'd complain about that.

  12. The store doesn't need to sell Wyrd products; the store I signed up with doesn't sell products and I got approved, so that shouldn't be an issue.


    As far as running events at both locations; I don't think it'll be a problem either. Generally speaking you need to post on the forum when/where the location is and use that forum post as part of your event reporting, so Wyrd still has all the locations where things are run on file, essentially.

  13. 5 hours ago, Adran said:

    I have just used washes (Normally Citadeal, because thats what I have the most of, but I on't think any have failed for me) straight on the plastic, and it seems ok. If you are finding that the shading doesn't adhere, then I guess you could "prime" with varnish. 

    I like the shading effects on them, it really helps pick out the detail. 

    Yeah, this is one problem I've always had with just the very nature of the translucent models. I love the idea of them; and some models look absolutely FANTASTIC. But it's mostly the more ethereal sorts of models. Spirits, things of that nature. But at the same time it's really, really difficult to make out a lot of features on damn near every model ever created without some kind of paint and/or shade to make them stand out.


    Alas, such is life.

  14. 1 hour ago, Bengt said:

    No. If you google "malifaux retro fate deck" you'll see that they are different products, if conceptually very similar. Classic is still in print and wasn't even out yet when I made that post. :P

    Hah! I didn't even notice the date. Man, I need to check post dates more often. I just saw the thread near the top. I blame Yazza!

  15. On 4/5/2016 at 10:45 PM, Bengt said:


    Retro deck, layed out like regular paying cards with Malifaux suits. Out of print.


    Do you mean the "classic fate deck"? it seems some places online still have them

    http://www.miniaturemarket.com/wyr20035.html as an example. I know I just picked two from a local store not that long ago, so if they're out of print it's recent.


    You also forgot the twisted fate deck; http://www.miniaturemarket.com/wyr20036.html which is my personal favorite.

    as well as the evil baby orphanage one(my least favorite).

  16. 9 hours ago, spect_spidey said:

    So the shop owner wouldn't open the Free RPG Day box for me, even though one of his employee's had said they would when it came in. So I still don't know what models are in there. There was a Malifaux tournament though and one guy at the tournament runs rpgs at another store in the region. He said his local store got two Resurrectionist models. I can't remember what one was, the other was a mindless zombie. He said the third model was a Guild Witchling Stalker or Handler. I can't remember which.


    Does this match or resemble what you saw at your local store Kyris?

    Kind of but not exactly. my store had an outcast and two resurrection models.

    Eh, screw it. I'll just give it away and hope I don't get in trouble!(here's hoping!)

    the models were all limited edition colors; two clear plastic and one alternate color plastic. and they were(drumroll please)

    bubblegum pink Malifaux child. Clear red Bete Nior. and I didn't get a good look at the exact *model* to confirm if it was alternate color or translucent plastic. But it was a graveyard spirit.

  17. It's definitely a mini that can be used on both. as for what faction? Multiple. ;)

    My store only had one pack of 3, so maybe there will be different models in different packs, the feeling I got from the pack I took a peak at was very much "random assortment".

    • Like 1
  18. I managed to get a little sneak peak of the miniatures given out for free RPG day.


    I don't know know how much I can or can't say, however. Not sure how "under wraps" It's supposed to be buy what I will say is most malifaux and ttb players should be pleasantly surprised by it.

    • Like 2
  19. This makes me happy. I was planning on running a full, year-long(academic year, that is) campaign with my college's RPG club. Right now I'm just doing one shots, so being to run 2nd edition for the campaign is gonna be great.

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