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Posts posted by TeddyBear

  1. A clarification please: can Doppleganger copy "transfixing Gaze" action from Wicked Mistress Upg? I think no because the upgrade it is not generical but specifically for Lilith, is it right?

    Maybe could you let me other examples please?


    This question as been asked at least a thousand times, apologize for this..  what happen when a paralyzed model undergoes obey? (tell me it's a waste of obey action)


    Thanks as Always for help.



  2. i would like to add some question please, i thought not open a new topic


    1. when a stat card (of a model) say : "after failing" means after a failing duel right?

    2. for example when "a sucker" model die by hazardous terrain generated by jakuuna ubume, the owner of sucker earn any points for scheme?

    3. when a model die by a vodoo doll who trew herself from a palace, model that die leave an head from headhunter or no?

    4. why the bandersnatch have charge stat, and no :meleeactions? The charge don't generate 2 :meleeactions usually?


    sorry again for my terrible english, if i no displace anyone in future i will use this thread again for posting other questions..


    p.s. thanks to all users that answer previous question n.1... thanks your answers i was able to correct an entire store ;)

  3. 11 hours ago, Freman said:

    Well at the moment you're taking Sewer King solely to sacrifice models. I wouldn't bother unless you're taking Lost models.

    The Plague and The Piper are non-negotiable in my crew selection, the third option depends on what I'm trying to do. It switches between I Pay Better, Survivalist, Sewer King, Infectious Melodies, or nothing at all.

    If you want to play the time wasting game, four rats, 8 stones, buys you eight activations that leave you with a Rat Catcher and a rat. Place them so that one rat is three inches from the others but they're not within three inches of each other, a T shape works, then just count round then activate the one in the centre to turn it into a Rat King, then turn the Rat King into a Rat Catcher and rat, then reactivate the Rat with Mouldy Cheese. You can do the same with The Stolen replacing two of the rats giving 9 activations for 6 stones.

    thanks for the advices,

    after these i thought about changing my list (in fact the plague and the piper as you say, are too important)

    maybe take off big jake, put inside nix with infectious melodies 1 stolen insted off obedient wretch, and 3 malifaux rat.. with a 3 ss pool total..

    in fact, i add sewer king upgrade for use it with A&D (add two pieces) at the end of every turn..

  4. Finally today arrived my Hamelin and BoR boxes!!

    I'm done now to build, how difficult!! i did not think they were so small

    I'd like to try it as way that all you think is boring.. (doing wasting ap for opponents)

    Would you have some good advices or explanation to use it best? (is the first time I'll use it)

    I also thought this list:


    Hamelin (5ss pool)

    sewer king (1ss)

    the piper (2ss)

    infectious melodies (1ss)

    Stolen (2ss)

    A&D (13ss)

    the bigger they are (1ss)

    Killjoy (12ss)

    oath keeper (1ss)

    Big Jake (5ss)

    Obedient Wretch (4ss)

    2 Rats (2ss+2ss)


    i also wanted to put inside Plague Upgrade, but i wouldn't know what to remove.. sewer king and piper are too interesting with a&d and i.m. for ratjoy the same..

    The rat engine is best to using during first round?

    then what is best to do?

  5. Hi guys, i would like to ask you some questions, specifically some clafications;

    unfortunately where i play some questions are not answered, and often there are no enchman they can answer questions..:(


    1. Two models (one  has :melee3) (the other has :melee1) when the second approaching at 3" of first, are they both engaged? (usually where i play only the second is engaged, is it correct?)

    2. Disengaging strike consumes ap? or the only ap that it get consumed is only for doing movement?

    3. Interact actions: to put/remove markers must be in base combat, for exhaust must be at 1", burning condition  can be removed from a frindly model at 2" , in mark for death models can be engaged, but what happen in catch and release or in other cases when the distance is not specified?

    4. models that fall over 2" take damages, even those models that height 3?


    Thanks for those who have patience to answer and excuse mistakes! :D

  6. On 18/11/2016 at 5:14 PM, Adran said:

    You know if you don't hire the 3 abominations and  "from the aether", you can just hire a desolation engine, and have change...

    I will admit, Levi isn't my go to master if I want to summon a desolation engine, but ashes and dust, levi and the desolation enngine normally summon plenty of abominations on their own. At least when I use them.


    On 21/11/2016 at 0:11 PM, Nukemouse said:

    3 Abominations is going to be 1 less soulstone than Desolation Engine and the upgrade from the aether means in the end you are paying MORE.

    Thank you guys, i have done a few games..actually your advices to deploy desolation engine were very helpful.. and also i can use reactivation trick (with alyce) on desolation starting from first turn. It is true: it works better with strategies and schemes that requires kills, but when opponent don't have pieces in play it is difficult for him to do schemes or strategies ;)

    Tonight i will try again same list

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Nukemouse said:

    The Desolation Engine is very strong and scary, especially on the second turn where you can potentially reactivate him using Alyce and have him heal himself right back up! I think risking not having him out is silly!

    Thanks, this is exactly the reason of 3 abominations in my list.. (if all goes wrong, with from the aether on alyce, in second turn i get fourth abomination) only i would not give up to A&D and Lazarus. I also know that the list is "killing oriented" but it intrigued me much to try it in this way..

  8. 1 hour ago, Freman said:

    Remember that Reactivate is a condition. You can put it on a model before its first activation and it'll still be there afterwards.

    It's why if you're going to use Alyce's Burn Out on Lazarus, you should do it before his first activation so he can heal twice that turn.

    Thank you.

  9. 21 minutes ago, Freman said:

    Taking on "Fast" is an option for a minion or peon model with line of sight to the model with Infectious Melodies, so the Ratcatcher gives it the Reactivate condition, it moves twice, then it activates again, choosing to gain "Fast" and moves three more times for a total of 25 inches movement. Then, due to the rules of Infectious Melodies, it is sacrificed. The model with Infectious Melodies doesn't actually do anything, the model being activated chooses to gain fast, with the price that it dies afterwards.

    aah ok thanks Freman, then rat move first for two times (10") then after it gains fast (from upgr.)and reactivate (from ratcatcher) so, if i want to put the rat as close at possible between opposing crew models, i need the model with (I.M. upgrade) already at 10" (to be in range for the upgrade)?

    edit.  it needs only LoS, sorry i don't have book i not remeber well the upgrade :P (i thought "infectious melodies" had a range) many thanks

    • Like 1
  10. Thanks as always Dan for the excellent advices, i honestly do not know why i put iron upgrade :mellow:

    What would you change in the list? (i would, however, be able to summoning in the early rounds the desolation..) only upgrades and add hodgepodge or other?

    Unfortunately i haven't watcher.

    Edit: i sincerely thought about "from the aether" on alyce, looking your last report :P

  11. Until now i always played Leveticus with Pariah of bone.

    i would like to make some changes. I had thought this (iron) list:


    Leveticus (1ss pool)

    -pariah of iron (1ss)

    -desolate soul (2ss)

    2x Hollow Waif ()

    Rusty Alyce (10ss)

    -from the aether (2ss)

    Ashes and Dust (13ss)

    Lazarus (10ss)

    3x Abomination (4ss)


    Why this list?

    I would like to play A&D with Lazarus and Desolation Engine.

    (A&D : anchor, scheme runner on the edge of table, beater)

    (Lazarus: anchor, shooter, tank)


    But there are several problems in this list:

    - pool of soulstone it is ridiculous..

    (if i used 2 abominations only i'm afraid i haven't time to summon desolation engine, at least until 3/4 turn.. with alyce, if goes wrong something, i can evoke desolation in second turn, with two 0 actions  with upgrade)

    - not sure that the upgrades on leveticus are good for summoninng new abominations
    - the pieces in this list synergize very well (i do not know if eventually there would be something better)
    I would have also (eventually) Joss, soulstone miner, coryphee, and effigies
  12. sorry for this other silly question (i'm evaluating if purchase Hamelin) surely someone has already answered

    Blighted condition, increase by 1 at the end of turn for each instance of blighted on the model?

    For example: enemy model have blighted +2 on it, at end of turn blighted will become +4 (+1+1/+1+1) or only +3?

    blighted condition can be removed only by models that can remove conditions, is that correct?


  13. 5 hours ago, Freman said:

    He can do the activation control game by summoning Stolen, in the following turn turning them into rats, turning the rats into Rat Kings, then turning the Rat Kings into Rat Catchers, and doing what he wants to do when the opponent has run out of activations. 

    For myself I don't bother, it's a bit boring. Instead I focus on summoning Rat Kings, I have five models, two plastic Rat Kings and three Twisted Apparitions, that I could potentially get onto the board over the course of a game. It's not the huge summoning power of Nicodem or Molly, but it's a relentless progression that can land you an extra forty stones worth of models over the course of a game. If one gets badly damaged use Obey to sacrifice it and turn it into a Rat Catcher (and rat of course, that +1 armour can be surprisingly handy).

    My core with Hamelin is The Piper, The Plague, a Stolen, and the Obedient Wretch. The Wretch can use any low crow to summon a rat, provided there's a model around to throw rats at. Even another rat will do, just don't hit one more than once. You can potentially kill one with unlucky damage flips. The Rat Catcher actually has his crow built in, which makes him handy for summoning in melee, but I prefer to summon the Catcher rather than hire them.

    Ashes and Dust is awesome with Hamelin, just Obey him to cast Industrial Age three times, then cast it another three times with AaD's activation, and that's a great way to suck cards out of your opponent's hand.

    Nix I haven't used much. He's reasonably resilient, within his three inch aura of "no severe damage" effect, and the ability to spam Bleeding Disease can make your opponent very unhappy when there's a lot of Blight on the table. That said he's competing with the rest of our 8-10 stone range and we have a lot of good models made even better by an Obey master.

    Among the nasty tricks are using Pipes to draw an enemy model in, using the trigger from The Plague to give them blighted, then obeying a nearby Rat King to charge them as a 1AP action. Every time you inflict damage with the King, hit the trigger to up its blighted by 1. When it's high enough hit the model with bleeding disease to kill it.

    Winged Plague are probably the best in faction scheming model available to us, and again they're great for handing out blighted. I always take at least one.

    Hamelin is a top tier Outcast master. Make no mistake about that.

    Many thanks Freman!!

    Now I'd like to try it even more :D

    Only three other questions please:

    What is twisted apparitions? i search about it and i found only an article about 3 metal miniature (but i know malifaux game from 2e)

    What twisted apparations do? (I like it very much aesthetically)

    Do you think that with the basic box plus rat of brotherhood box i can use Hamelin well or i need other pieces like rats, stolen or winged plagues?
    Anyway thanks a lot!
  14. I don't know Hamelin like master, he has always fascinated me, especially his background, and i never saw someone play him,

    How is its style of play? (i understand that he exploits many more activations than his opponent right?)

    What pieces are needed to start using it right?

    (sorry a lot for my usual mistakes in writing i hope that you understand anyway)

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Treehouse said:

    Pandora needs Soulstones, especialy Brawler Dora wants them for damage prevention. Speaking of which, I would strongly advice on taking Aether Connection.

    Basically what I do first when building Brawler is to buy Box, FgF and Aether and then 3-4 extra stones.


    I wouldn't put FgF on theWidow Weaver, as she only has a 2" melee reach and you don't want her in melee usally anyways. She's only DF4 and will go down fast, even if she is a henchman and can use stones. She's better in casting Exhale Terror against an enemy model within Pandora's Misery aura. If you also have a Sorrow in there and said enemy model fails the WP-duel, Exhale Terror is practically a 3/4/6 cast that causes a horror duel (which, if failed, pings some more damage).

    Remember, Misery damage ignores armour and hard to kill, as it's resolved separately. So in this example: 1/2/5 of the cast + 1 Misery from Pandora +1 Misery from Sorrow.


    Depending on the sheme, you probably don't need 2 Madnesses - especially if its Reckoning, you have 6 weak minions in there and a weak-ish (Iggy can die quickly) enforcer.


    I don't know about the Changelings. HAvent used them, but 2 seem to bee too much.


    I'd go with:


    Pandora +3 SS (total of 6)

    - Fears, Box, Aether +4SS

    Primordial Magic +2 SS

    Doppelgaenger +7SS

    - A thousand faces + 1SS

    Iggy +5SS

    - A thousand faces +1SS  / or new 0 upgrade  (you can swap Faces for either Depression or Malifaux provides - Iggy is most useful castin Incite as a 0 action and prevent damage from other woes. His cast with burning is nice, but you could also use 1AP a turn to drop a sheme marker and then at the end of turn 'eat' it with Malifaux Provides to heal damage that you have previously suffered by preventing damage from other woes using Martyr.

    Sorrow +5SS

    Sorrow +5SS

    Widow Weaver +8SS

    Insidious Madness +5SS


    Leaves you with 4SS to add a Changeling, or you could drop an upgrade on either Iggy or Doppelgaenger depending on sheme and add a 5SS minion.


    Thanks Treehouse!! very helpful advice!

    i think i'll try a very similar list, maybe, will change something according to the schemes / strategies

    Changelings have the copycat ability: they can copy (1) attack action from any model or upgrade within :aura3, these attack actions not declare triggers and start from 4 without suit. Also from Pandora

  16. Just for know, i used the list that i wrote (summoner) in last game:

    we flip for:


    guard the stash

    exhaust their forces

    show of force

    hunting party

    frame for murder


    i chose frame for murder (teddy) and exhaust


    my opponet used


    carrion emissary

    anna lovelace

    forgotten marshal

    scion of the void

    graveyard spirit

    2 void wretch


    (i don't remember his upgrades)


    in the first turn he kill my teddy (i imagined that he would be rage on him)

    later he recovered with convict labor and hunting party (but he had hidden his voids inside of impassable buildings - for this i ask in rules section :D)

    finally i concede the game with a score of 7 to 5 for him.

    After all , i do not complain for only the second time i use dreamer

    i only regret not having done any points from the strategy, which it was ideal for summoning dreamer i think..maybe i not choose right evocations: next times insidious will welcome!

    *sorry for the spelling mistakes*
    • Like 1
  17. Thanks guys for all answer,

    i was thinking to a list (only for example, i know that in Malifaux list depends on the schemes/strategies and opponents ;)) i only need to get an idea..

    For example brawler pandora


    Pandora (3ss)

    the box opens (2ss)

    fears given form (1ss)

    Poltergeist (5ss)

    Widow Weaver (8ss)

    fears given form (1ss)

    Iggy (5ss)

    Insidious madness (5ss)

    Insidious madness (5ss)

    Sorrow (5ss)

    Sorrow (5ss)

    Changeling (4ss)

    Changeling (4ss)

  18. On 3/11/2016 at 8:33 PM, TeddyBear said:

    Could i ask you an opinion on these two lists?

    (summoner dreamer)

    Dreamer (7ss pool)

    Dreams of Pain (5ss)

    On dreaming wings (2ss)

    2 x Daydream (2ss + 2ss)

    Teddy (11ss)

    Baby Kade (7ss)

    Doppleganger (7ss)

    Mr. Tannen(6ss)

    Alp (3ss)


    (melee dreamer)

    Dreamer (5ss pool)

    Restless dream (1ss)

    Tantrum (2ss)

    Stone of the tyrant echoes (1ss)

    Coppelius (8ss)

    Lelu (7ss)

    Lilitu (7ss)

    Doppleganger (7ss)

    2x Stitched Togheter (6ss+6ss)

    Alp (3ss)


    Are they terrible?
    there is' something to change?

    seen that i can not use it to your standards, it would be appropriate to use the stone of echoing truth also in first list maybe? (in case of misplacement of child :D???)

    no one could advise me please?

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