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Posts posted by Wolfpact

  1. I started Lynch and have gone to Pandora since. 


    Lynch is a huge gun if you set him up properly, with a powerful free beatstick buddy that can recur and has light control options, and his signature minions - the Illuminated - are extremely tough. Lynch himself is, as mentioned, able to really ruin someone's day - with proper upgrades, setup, and circumstances he can drop a theoretical 24 damage onto the board in a turn personally - using Play for Blood to setup a massive Final Debt with a full hand of 8 cards (6 base, plus 2 from Woke Up With a Hand) plus all four Aces collected, then targeting a second Play For Blood on a new target, ending with 52 Card Pickup for 8 more damage.


    I love Pandora even more, but she is, again, not as beginner friendly. Very flexible though, able to be both controlling or a powerful,if fragile, hit-and run grinder.

  2. So, new to the game here, and started with Lynch - primarily as Neverborn, but hey, he can play for both teams so I may as well use that to my advantage, right? :)


    Anyhow, looking at some various synergies in his model options, I gained the possibly foolish notion of using the following Crew as a 'manipulating' sort of controller setup.. not sure how effective it wouldbe, but it feels thematic at least - and so I'd love feedback and advice on that score for future Lynch expansion into TT!



    Ten Thunders

    50ss Crew


    Jakob Lynch -- 6ss

     +Woke Up With A Hand - 2ss

     +Endless Hunger - 2ss

     +Wanna See A Trick - 1ss


    Hungering Darkness - 0ss

     +Addict - 1ss

     +Hidden Agenda - 0ss


    Beckoner - 7ss


    Beckoner - 7ss


    Lust - 8ss


    Oiran - 5ss


    Oiran - 5ss


    The Illuminated - 7ss


  3. I've literally played one full game so far (heh), but I can tell I'm going to be poking at least two Factions as I started Neverborn (Lynch is my man) but have been eyeing the Freikorps and Von Schill *and* Levi and Co. heavily.. plus, still want at the least to pick up Pan and Lil for NB.....

    When I first looked into Malifaux back when 1E was fresh I was strongly eyeing the Ressers, but I'm not sure I feel liek committing to a faction when I'm only interested in 1 primary Master (Namely Seamus); it's the same with the Arcanists largely ('Tina, in their case).

  4. Well, I'm just posting to say I've officially got a Lynch crew box painted up, plus a couple Beckoners, and with plans, circumstances permitting, to grab a Doppelganger and Mr. Graves in the next week or so.

    Out of curiosity, after those two purchases, which other Neverborn Masters would you fine folks recommend branching out into? I'm particularly looking at both Lilith and Pandora, but would love to hear cases for any of the faction's Masters and their boxes.



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  5. So, I'm a hopeless case. Still have glue residue on my fingers from my very first Crew's in-progress assembly and I'm looking into my next one(s)...


    And well, I love Levi's website fluff, look, and suggested play-style from reading PullMyFinger on him. Plus, his Abominations seem to have a good synergy with Sue - who is high on my list to pick up (as I'm a huge Johnny Cash fan in general and well, Sue looks really great)...

    Which, plus Alyce leaves me looking into a third "anchor" - Bishop seems a valid choice?  I'm wide open for feedback here


    And would, for a summoning Levi/Alyce, an extra box of Abominations be advisable? I'd pick up a Desolation Engine for this crew to bring in by way of Abomination summons




    50ss Crew

    - Leveticus -- 7ss
     +From Ash - 2ss
     +To The Earth Return - 1ss

    - Hollow Waif x 2 - 0ss

    - Abomination - 4ss

    - Abomination - 4ss

    - Rusty Alyce - 10ss
     +Desolate Soul - 2ss
     +From The Aether - 2ss

    - Sue - 8ss

    - (Insert 10ss Figure Here)




    Though, one other concern.. I hear Levi called a little overpowered on the forums? I don't want to rely on a crutch, but again he and his Crew jsut really speak to me aesthetically..


    So.. anything on Levi, a good 10ss (or Xss with upgrades, etc.) to mix with that list, things to know about power levels, purchase advice, etc.? Anything you fine folks feel fit to share will be most appreciated.

  6. 28 minutes ago, thebarbalag said:

    That's a fine start for Lynch. You'll get a lot of mileage out of that.

    Sue is a pretty model for a lot of circumstances. Not exactly my go-to Merc for Neverborn (that would be Johan or Bishop, on occasion, with Pandora, or Lust, more often, with Pandora), but he certainly does things that other Neverborn models don't do. If you like him, give him a whirl.

    Using that aforementioned starting purchase, what would be recommended as a good starting set of lists for each of the SS tiers? 35, 50, etc?

  7. So, for starting out with Lynch.. would a good starting purchase be his box set, a Doppleganger, a box of Beckoners, and a box of Depleted?


    Also, probably not but due to being a huge Johnny Cash fan and loving the lookof the model, how well does Sue play with Lynch and the Neverborn in general?

  8. Part of the appeal really. I've made a gaming career out of dirty tricks and (a term I've heard used elsewhere) "wombo-combos" and control schemes. If I'm not getting 'banned' from 'ever playing [blank] again!' by my gaming buddies/relatives I'm generally not doing my job as I see it. So the more I read from you kind folks, the more I think I am indeed at home here :P

    And, I won't lie, I really love the faction's overall aesthetic to boot.


    How hard is Lynch to pick up and run with? I've heard Lilith is "low skill floor, high skill ceiling"?

    • Like 1
  9. So, howdy folks.

    I've been popping in ona few of the boards for about a week as I read up, learn, and get the materials and funds in order, preparing to dive into Malifaux. I've pondered various Masters but I've seen one bit of advice repeated: Stick to One Faction at First so as to build up a crew-building pool, and though I truly enjoy the nature and suggested gameplay and lore of a couple other Masters in various factions , three out of five of my shortlist are Neverborn - and it doesn't hurt that they've got some fun models  in the Starter Set, either.


    So, after some consideration, seems like I'm going to cut my Malifaux teeth on the Neverborn, and so I come to the veterans for advice!


    Really, any suggestions you have to offer. Any resources and bits of expertise.As I understand they're the 'tricksy'f action and focus on melee heavily - both of which are things I enjoy. I'm primarily looking at Lilith (she seems to play well with the Starter models, and the whole charging about thing appeals) and Lynch (as a longtime Deadlands fan, the Huckster-esque nature of his presentation is alluring, and I've heard he can be a real blaster damage-wise), with Pandora rounding out my top three (More dirty mind tricks and manipulation!).


    (My nephew, who I'm getting into this alongside, is also interested in Chompy and Dreamer, but I've been warned that the Kid is a terrible Master for beginners)


    Given a budget of about $80 U.S. (not counting the Starter), what are good choices for supplementing the starter boxes for Lil, Lynch, and Pan? I've heard a lot of good things about Mister Graves?


    Again, any advice and suggestions you have to offer the new guy, I accept gratefully!



  10. So, having read around various reference sites on the web, this is my first effort at slapping together a shopping list / crew list for a 50 SS Seamus crew. I suspect it will be terrible, and feedback is welcome and appreciated.


    * Seamus (Mad Haberdasher, Sinister Reputation) [3 ss]

    * Madam Sybelle (Bleeding Tongue, Not Too Banged Up) [10 ss]

    * Sue [9 ss]

    * Copycat Killer [3 ss]

    * Dead Doxie [6 ss]

    * Rotten Belle x 3 [15 ss]

    * Soulstone Cache +4 [4 ss]


    My (likely flawed) understanding would be to use Sue's Ring of Fire and the Belles' Luring shenanigans to sucker in targets for Pouncing and burning damage, while Seamus and the Copycat (and Sue as well) provide ranged fire support or sniping on those getting out of the deathtraps, and Sue protecting the massed Belles from bursty AoE spellcasting.


    So, am I being completely wrong-headed at this, or am I on the right track, pards?

  11. Howdy, pards.

    New player, doing some research and getting the last bit of money in to pick up the StarterKit, though I've looked in on the game for a few years now and never had the time.

    I've watched enough vids to get a basic grasp and know this is the minis game for me - I really love what I've seen mechanically, and as I'm a great lover of the sort of setting the game is based in and the strong characterization of the various Masters and factions, it really does feel like an excellent match.


    So,here's the obligatory set of ignorant new guy questions!

    * I intend to start with the Starter box, and my likely frequent opponent -my nephew - wants to go with Dreamer and Chompy. Is he friendly enough for a minis-newb to pick upon? Nephew has plenty of boardgame and RTS experience.


    * As for myself, I'm a touch divided! I've always had an eye on Seamus and Co. - both liking his lore and aesthetic and liking what I understand of his playstyle. Is my estimation that he's focused on being tough, tricksy, and laying down big shots of burst damage accurate? All of those things appeal to me.


    I'm also looking heavily at Lilith and Pandora, and possibly Rasputina. I like casters and melee'ers, and the more "oh you bastard!" potential available, the better for my tastes.


    * As a huge Johnny Cash fan, I absolutely want to get Sue. How well does he synergize with Seamus, Lilith, Pandora, and Rasputina, respectively? Yes I know, RUle of Cool at work but.. the mini looks awesome and the reference is too good for me to not pick him up.


    * Outside Sue... in the quest to bring a Crew box up to 50 or so Soulstone.. what are the best options for expansion for Dreamer/Chompy and Seamus, Lil. Pan, and 'Tina?


    * And here'sthe last one: I'm not exactly that dexterous, so the beautiful paintworkI see around the web is likely completely beyond me. I'd not gettoo much flak showing up at a tourney or con with a Crew sporting a simple,clean single-color paintjob, would I?


    Thanks in advance!

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