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Posts posted by Wolfpact

  1. 3 hours ago, hydranixx said:

    My first instinct is to say, easy there tiger. You've just picked up 2 new masters; it's going to take you a little while to get familiar with them. One risk of increasing your master pool so substantially when you're new to the game or a faction, is that you may find yourself inundated with choices.

    I know that sounds counter intuitive at first; in a game like Malifaux, how could more options possibly be a bad thing? But my genuine feeling is that if you pick up too many masters at once, you could spread yourself too thin and might not get an in-depth understanding for each of them individually.

    Everyone here knows of someone who owns all or almost all the masters in a faction, but gravitated only to 1 or 2 of them and exclusively play them, while the rest sit on the shelf gathering dust, sometimes still on the sprue.. There's just not enough time in the average working week to play everything...

    That said, if you do get to play like 4-5 games per week, then you can very quickly get some solid game time with each master. In particular, Vassal is awesome for that, if it suits you.

    I'm no expert in Outcasts, but my experience with and against Leveticus is that he's easy enough to pick up with the waif + anchor mechanic, but has a really high skill ceiling, owing to the complexity of his hiring pool. I honestly think one could exclusively play Leveticus for a year and no two games would be exactly alike, particularly if you have quite a lot of undead or constructs models to hire in from other factions.

    Again, as Freman points out, Rusty Alyce is an exceptional henchwoman, and performs well with other masters as well as with Levi himself. Between her, Levi and their thematic pieces, you also have some fairly unique summoning options - summoning Abominations as a byproduct of killing enemies as a great 2 for 1, not to mention Desolation Engine or Ashes & Dust dying and becoming two pieces. 

    Leveticus, as stated, really thrives when you have a deep 6 stone + model pool. I think you've already got a decent arsenal to work with, between Johan, Hannah, Sue & your Trapper, but you could easily expand that with most of the medium/high priced options in Outcasts. You could even opt to add tough, mobile anchors like Soulstone Miners and Hunters if you go Pariah of Iron or control pieces such as Dead Doxies if you go Pariah of Bone. Food for thought.

    Heh. Again I'm mainly trying to get while my funds are good, and push up my order total for sale bonuses. That and I am working to get my various game-playing friends and family into the game and maybe someday even jump-start a local scene/meta for the game here, so having a nice assortment for people to poke around and learn with is part of it too.


    (That and in the immortal words of Jayne Cobb, "I like bein' spoilt fer choice." I'm that lunatic who love a ton of options. Probably helps that I pick up new concepts and mechanics fast - head for game theory I suppose?)


    I might hold off on the Viks as I already have a couple strong melee options (Pandora, plus Illuminated, Baby Kade, and a Teddy) from my Neverborn collection. As for Levi, I know he has a huge hiring pool but honestly, I just like his look and feel plus his primary thematic crew - the Abominations and the Engine, plus Rusty and Levi's look himself. And I'd be lying if I didn't say thatFour Horsemen bit he can do is not deeply entertaining as a notion - but given the fact those are $35 apiece plus the Emissary besides, that's a very distant thought.


    I mainly just want a solid toolbox without jumping around through too many Factions (for now). I love Parker to death, he's a genuine joy to play in both feel and mechanics and I find him really good for scheming and mobility. Lynch and Co. are my go-to crew for just flat-out murder. And I love Pandora very, very much - but all of my (tiny) number of opponents who I brought into the game absolutely hate facing her.... I've not gotten a summoner or swarmer yet - My Parker crew is my most numerous when it comes to activations, to date, and VS I love for tanky work....



  2. Thanks to everyone so far!


    As to spending the money, it's to push up my purchase total for whatever Black Friday incentives are on offer.


    And as far as the Resurrectionists go, it doesn't bother me to invest there as given density of 'Masters I find appealing / interesting' is thickest in them after Outcasts, they'relikely where I'll end up expanding one of these nights :P

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  3. So yeah, me again.




    Anyhow, funds have increased a bit (and I've realized I may be better off buying the main books digitally due to practicality reasons). In addition, I've gotten a few more games in with Parker and his Outcast buddies, and the more I play them the more comfortable I feel in the faction.


    I already know I'm grabbing up the Hired Guns and Hired Swords boxes plus Hannah and a Hodgepodge Effigy per y'all's kind suggestions in my last thread. So that leaves around $100 (safe and lowball estimate) more to play with in light of said finance factors.


    So,  what comes next? Hamelin seems like a huge investment from my reading - $100 flat to get him going between his box and Brotherhood of the Rat  is, I admit, a little daunting. But then I've heard he's a really good control Master? Lot of eggs in one basket all the same.


    I still like Leveticus overall - being honest, I love his aesthetic and lore and his reputation for killy brutality - while reassuring - isn't the draw; I hear nothing but glowing praise for Rusty Alyce, too, and that she works nicely with both VS and the Viks?   I know his biggest strength is his ridiculously-deep hiring pool, but honestly I'm just in t for his thematic bits, here.. does that cheapen him?


    Tara..I admit, I love her aesthetic; I consider Death Marshals one of the coolest-looking things in the game but my Guild interest is next-to-nil and she can bring them. But I've heard a lot of negative press for her? I see "she's fiddly' as a recurring theme there which in full disclosure is not really a turn-off for me - I like having a lot of buttons to press and levers to pull - but that doesn't seem to be the limit of the negativity?


    Jack Daw I hear a lot of good press for, and the games I've watched online of him makes him seem really fun. Bonus: Dead Outlaws are going to be bought when provided for purchase to use with Parker. Maybe the Crossroads 7 too? It's a lot easier to swallow $110 for two Crews than $100 for one, and I hear a lot of praise for Envy with Parker. Plus as with others, I simply like their themes and visuals as models.


    Or rather than new Masters / Crew Boxes, should one focus on individual models? Lazarus speaks to me and is a Freikorpsmen, and I've always liked the look of Vanessa who is, of course, a Sister.  Levi's box plus more Abominations and maybe a Desolation Engine? Maybe Anna Lovelace if she's available (I know she has good denial and that the 'Korps thrive on take-and-hold, and that she has the 'Korps tag)?


    Something I've totally overlooked?


    For reference, what I already own in Outcasts

    * Parker Barrows

    * Mad Dog Brackett

    * Bandido x3

    * Doc Mitchell

    * Johan

    * Sue

    * Big Jake


    And what is already on the shopping list

    * Hired Guns

    * Hired Swords

    * Hannah

    * Hodgepodge Effigy




  4. I'd second Lynch. There's nothing not worth taking in that box.


    'Dita is really strong out-of-box too, to my experience.


    Likewise Mister Jones.


    I'd suggest Parker but you know, probably not allowed and not easily-accessed. He's got a great core box though, with a good bit of wiggle room - 27 'Stones or so before Upgrades/Cache (and I find Parker can play fast and loose with both at game start) and the more I play with my Bandidos the more I love them for their point cost; I've yet to find any reason to complain for having Mad Dog or Doc along, either. Especially Doc. 3 Stones for such a largely-reliable healer...

  5. If you want to go Neverborn and not be a glass cannon, you should consider Lynch. He plays uniquely, he can respawn his master/pet beatstick, he hits like a truck filled with slightly smaller trucks with proper setup... and his Illuminated minions are Terrifying, Armored, and heal 2-4wounds per turn with a positively brutal melee attack and a remarkably good Charge of 8". His (not-included_ Beckoner thematic support unitsare good at luring people into the waiting arms of said brutes and debuffing them to start the carnage, and though I've not used them (yet) his cheap junkie Depleted are supposedly stupidly-durable tarpits.

  6. So, out of curiosity with my Black Friday Malifaux gluttony drawing ever nearer...


    My first Master was Lynch, admittedly more for Neverborn; my DP game last night was the first time I'veplayed him as Thunders and,being honest it wasn't any different list or tactics-wise from when I play him as 'Born.


    Now, full disclosure I'm not looking to dive deep here - in fact honestly none of the other 10T Masters really speak to me. But having options is nice, and while the Masters don't do much for my tastes you nice gentlemen and ladies do look to have some very thematic, fun, and effective Minions, Enforcers, and the like.


    For quick reference, here's everything I own that is either 10T or 10T-compatible:

    * Jakob Lynch

    * Hungering Darkness

    * The Illuminated x3

    * Beckoner x2


    So.. not a lot as you can see! Anyhow, I'm looking for around 19-21ss worth of models that work well with Lynch, don't require another Master box, and give options that 'Born Lynch may lack. From cursory reading The Lone Swordsman and Ten Thunders Brothers seem plausible, and possibly Katanaka Snipers (if only because of the lack of good ranged options for Lynch in Neverborn), but I may be completely wrong there. Fuhatsu and the Samurai both entertain me greatly conceptually, but I've heard very mixed reviews bandied about?


    Any advice and thoughts welcome!

  7. Well, as has been said the Nephilim are basically sexy (for the most part) demon-vampires.


    And there's also Pandora.


    Titania's not too bad for being dead, either.


    "Killer hot monster babes" is.. actually kind of a Neverborn gimmick, really, alongside "quirky, whimsical horrors".


    Welcome to the fun side of the Breach!

  8. No one's mentioned Lynch?


    He seems a bit complicated but really isn't - for my scrip at least; he gets rewarded for acting last, often meaning your opponent has taken the initiative and leaving Lynch to react. He hits like a truck filled with smaller trucks if set up properly. He works with 10T, obviously.


    And he has The Illuminated, who are hard-hitting, decently fast... and just freaking stupidly hard to put in the ground without very dedicated effort and can even then usually choke things in a higher Soulstone bracket than themselves - their defenses are not phenomenal but they have armor, a very reasonable 7 wounds, and can heal 2-4 wounds a turn while still wreaking havoc; they have a scary good charge range.

  9. I can only really advise, of those, on Pandora.


    'Dora is a lot of fun if you enjoy being a total rat bastard/evil bitch, and if done properly is really obnoxious to try and pin down; being able to use her very high WP 7 as a defense for most everything and then duck away when you (likely) succeed on them - or push the offensive right into the heart of enemy lines - is pure, sadistic joy. Have to watch out getting hurt when it happens though, as she's not precisely durable - which is sort of a pattern with her crew, really.


    Baby Kade requires setup but can do simply unholy things to unfortunate targets when arranged - and if you have a Teddy (which with 'Dora and hell, with Neverborn in general you should) this jsut gets even uglier.


    Sorrows are quick and if they mob something (which they don't have too hard a time doing) it can turn ugly for them quick, and backing up Pandora that just gets worse - that chip damage seems insignificant at first but by the time it stops seeming so it's generally far, far too late.


    Candy and the Poltergeist I'm less enthused over to my experience. Candy's really high for her less-than-reliable healing and plays better with Contrl Pandora than Beater Pandora I'm told  (I've only really played her as a brawler)


    Get a Doppelganger. That's universal 'Born wisdom, and that is for good reason.

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