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Posts posted by Passenty

  1. So iam after my first dozen of games. Against abby or empire I more or less know what to do and had some good tigh games. But I struggle heavily against cult, I wouldnt even say those are games as I feel hopeless. The only good units seem to be commandera(I dont own eels yet) and we usually play single commander/singel+10, the rest dies really easily so even healing Magic frenzy cant get enough stuff back. Between his Titan stomps, aoe attacks from rhinos, doomseekers and at later stages breachling strategem I lose 12+ models A turn. My main problem is that apart from commanders my units cant kill enough of cult stuff-even if one fireteam survives they teleport away and reinforce/heal. Rhino seems immortal as only strengh 5 attack is on Alpha who dosent do much damage. Gorysche is quite tough even with low stats and they have the strategem that it come back after death. My stuff is busy walking then dies then comes back and dies again. So any useful strategies or units against cult? As for me cult has more punch and mobility and horde have no shooting

  2. 10 minutes ago, Saduhem said:

    My regular opponent gets a lot of value out of the card draw, eapecially when it makes a model bleed on my poor Hanged who really doesn't like those tiny, irresistible pings. Blood for Blood is so good that it pretty much makes Nekima's other bonus action rarely worth using. Lilitu's got a more versatile version of it with card draw on top.

    Frankly how many Times a game are you drawing cards with lilitu? Twice A game? How many Times can you do it so the other model bleeds on something? Once? For reason unknown lilitu and lelu are the slowest of nephilim which are generally really fast so its quite tough for them to keep up. Not to mention 12" for lure is excatly the range of most guns and lilitu dies to excatly one shoot with focus+one min damage shoot of any shooter(even the cheap ones like desperate merc, frontiersman, rifleman). Dont get me wrong card draw is very strong I like that she has it but is this plus 1ca really worth 2ss over other lurebots who usually also have some form of utility.

  3. I allready wrote it dozen times Cerber is an always take as other chimera Models are plainly bad(with humble exception of Paul as he is cheap and enables A lot of fun stuff). Order initiates are definetly not worth 7ss, without mutation they have no speed, no damage and bad utility why ever buff it when you can take good model instead(blessed of december?) and buff it. Cojo is the same not sure I would take him for 9 and for 10 he does so Little, if he is to do damage give him min3 and if survivalibity htk or at least htw- I would take just another cerber and give it armor mutation for Cojo everytime. In neverborn its even worse as you cant take magical training or blessed. Hoarcat pride are bad in rasputina crews and even worse with marcus but instead of cost reduction(which still would not make this model playable) they should get something. Min2 would mean they might kill something or +1 damage when they charge- evolution while still bad would at least be a nod to marcus. Frankly I dont understand wyrd idea of damage spread- half 4-6ss shooty minions get 2/3/5 or 2/4/5 12 or 14" attack some of which ignore either cover or concealment while melee cheap minions are stuck with pathetic damage spread. Or just make them scheme runner and give them leap or deadly persuit

    Edit- Serrated teeth should give an action which gives adversary from range, we would get A mutation which is useful for backline models like myranda, jackalope or initiates. Marcus would also have something to do past turn 1.

    • Agree 3
  4. Pandora without engagement is farce. Not only she and candy have good auras which opponent can just walk away from but her New opportunist would be much better if she had 2" engagement.

  5. 13 hours ago, Zeus said:

    Lillitu has a better lure stat than a belle & so does baby kade & the doppelgänger if it copied the action that’s 3 models in neverborne  who have a lure 7 stat which is on par with a master eg Hamelin??? Come on wyrd this doesn’t make sense, stat 7 lures are V powerful & should be restricted to master only.

    I will Trade stat7 any day for 2ss cost reduce. She is very squishy for 7ss I think she deserves at least manipulative for the cost.

    • Agree 1
  6. The hazardous  aura is ok. With bb it does A lot of damage against melee crews without 2" range. I would really like the tress(blocking ones not the germinate ones) to as against shooty crews you have zero tech and 5 def on All models. Master of malifaux or at least some bigger range on tangle shadow would be nice as now when you wanna use it everything shoots you to death. She is just another nvb masters who needs inhuman reflexes or she just dies.

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  7. 26 minutes ago, stevenlance said:

    I’m not sure seamus needs a “10” 4/6/8 ignore HTW” attack or Dreamer has protective or his crew use lucid dream or yadunori cost is only 10 or tara and others can hit buryd miniatures or big jake come back in turn 5 or von schill do all the things hi do, kill and give items. The thematic of Colette is the Mirrow and smoke, is logic the buryd. She don’t kill , she don’t summon, she don’t buff performers but she have to be very near the enemy, she have to be god at some thing,  Let her be. 

    I now, I repeat my self. But every its traing to make Colette useless. 

    Debuffing whole enemy crew is quite good support. She dosent kill but making enemy Models useless is not much worse. I also totalny disagree on performer Models beeing weak. We shall się how they change conditions and how she works then

  8. 1 hour ago, Erik1978 said:

    I agree with Kitty, it's WAY too easy to push your own model 9" and tag along, other models with a LESSER push have a once per activation/turn rule.

    I totalny agree. First turn i moved huggy 6 Then her and maddox Both 9. And it dosent even cost you A card because of rig the deck

  9. Cursed idols standard deployment

    Take prisoner(zoraida on beckoner) 2

    Breathrough(both) Lynch scored 2 zoraida 0

    Assasinate(lynch) scored 0

    Deliver A message

    Detonate the changed


    Lynch 6ss

    Huggy with htk upg







    Zoraida 5ss

    First mate

    Spawn mother






    Ended 5-5

    Kitty is still very good. I think her attack that lets you push someone should be either enemies only or once per turn as mobility she gives is just too big. Was very pleased with maddox, her drawing ability backfired only once but I think she is in a good place. Liked beckoners, seem very solid for their cost. As for swampfiends: penetrating stench should be changed to aura as it stacking seemed very good. The doll needs to change. Summoning it in base contact at the start of activation where it cant even attach the voodoo upgrade was very underwhelming. My opponent used it only to cycle A card. Its funny that Nelly upgrades cant be unattached while beeing very annoying and this one has an option but is quite useless. I didnt even noticed when my Models had the cursed as my opponent had better things to do Then hitting the doll. We Both think that needs A rework. Something similar to Nelly upg that when the model activates they gain a negative condtion od choice could be useful.

  10. You dont need the totem to summon, you just need dashel for 16ss. Even if dashel is subpar summoner(in my opiniom he isnt and has a lot of good stuff to do besides that) the point was more about generally taking summoners as second masters- they usually summon their worth of models during the game.

    Everyone is hot on assist but with its short range its not easy for A low cost minion to get info A brawl and use it- and its often one time assist as those minions just die There. Its sometimes useful but its not that easy and ap efficient as everyone claims. There often is no Time to assist with bigger stuff.

    Concerning Asami i havent play with her in the beta as i dont own her if she is too strong it must be others who fix it. If she counters distract crew the same is true for other crews which get countered by other stuff. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Bluefyr said:

    I dont see this as an issue. There are so many themes out there that get focus / fast / etc as bonus actions or as triggers to other actions. On top of it Pandora is not a top tier master or theme imo. She's squishy as are most woe models. My opponent didnt have a problem giving out focus / fast to more models than i could remove it from, and the ones i did he just added them back :P so... its helpful but not OP by any means.

    It is just counters some crews that need their conditions to function, i would happily change opportunist the way I described if only Pandora got anything useful in place of her defensive triger:P

    • Agree 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Zebo said:

    Also Cerberus are undercosted at 8ss.

    Agree with Initiates. What I dislike the most is the Adaptive Evolution discarding the valuable Mutations. 

    I think Cerbers are ok as they are very fragile. If they cost 9 they start to look very bad - 9ss is where the beaty henchaman start - tealor, maddog, snowstrom etc the cats are not that good.

  13. I fully agree that chimera models apart from cerber are plainy bad. Initiates 7ss? Really? Cojo is worse then some 9ss beater. Everything just pays tax because it can get mutation but the real costs of mutation is that marcus is not doing much except for giving them up - so your models cost more then they should and your master is not doing much past turn 1.

    Still dont understand why maddog costs 9 when he easily compares to other 10ss beater(the same is true for tealor)

    • Agree 1
  14. Reckoning, standard deployment

    Assasinate (both crews picked)

    Power Rutual (guild)

    Dig their Graves (neverborn)

    Detonate the charges

    Take prisoner


    Neverborn 7ss

    Dreamer ancient pact


    Nekima inhuman reflexes





    Guild 6ss

    Lady Justince



    Lone Marshal

    Domadore leadlined coat


    Enslaved Nephilim

    We called the game after 1,5h at he end of turn 3 as Nekima flipped some moderates on - and perdita died out of nowhere

    Genrally LJ engaged nvb forces on turn 1 with Leap and damaged pandora. Dreamere summoned an alp who was unburied due to Pandora attacks(nice combo). We both used our stones fast. Panodra died fast but lj followed and some lucky flips latter perdita died. Nothing intresting

    Some post games thought

    We both agree Judge zero is too good, this game he drew 11 cards in 3 turns (4/4/3) thats a bit much for a bonus action. He only suffered 2 damage which was healed by domadore. Maybe its luck but even pulling this off once in a while should not be possible. He should maybe suffer damage on 2 suits so its not so easy to draw so many cards for free but frankly this should have much bigger cap on how many cards he can draw(like max 2). Lj should always have leadlined coat as without it she goes down quickly, Pandora on the otherhand is garbage without inhuman reflexes - all hits that could hit her hit her (5 defence vs 6/7 stats) so her trigger was useless even when i had auto M due to changeling as her new ability to get M is just as useless as her trigger. Give ger opportunist back! It was her best ability and without it she is very meh, or at least give her a decent ability in place of her new M thing and her defensive trigger as both of those are just blanks on her card. My opponent would really like Perdita to have min 3 even with it meant reducing her sh to 6 so maybe lower her damage to 2/3/4 but giver her built in crit strike? We both didnt like using 2+ Masters and agree that lists with 3 masters are good in this strategy(my opponent would add in sonnia to his crew in place of marshal models). Parfticulary summoners feel oppressive as second masters as they can summon full wds models to get around low activation number- which this game was stopped as my opponent attacked me turn 1 to eat all my ss. Maybe at least cap hired masters to 2 in the rulebook? Lucid dreams were used only 2 times as chompy was klled fast by lj and i depleted my stones real  fast so couldnt summon much, its definetly better then the last version and far worse then the first version

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