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Posts posted by BigStick

  1. Viks where the first master I picked way back in 1st Ed and I still love the blending duo. I do thing HtK on them is worth it though it would have been nice if it was only 1ss. Taelor is pretty solid and can punish a crew who is not ready for her, just don't over extend her. Vanessa is great and works well in her ranged/support role with the Viks. I haven't really played the Student in M3E, not sure if it is worth it yet. Bishop has always been a model that I really want to rate well (cause I like his backstory) but I just always find him to be situational at best. As stated earlier he is a solid schemer with 3ap but at 9ss he should be. Big Jake is quality for 5ss, he has battle temp, don't mind me, flurry and consult the ancestors. Great scheme runner. I'm very happy to see Ronin get a boost from M2E where they were good to M3E where they are great. Desperate Mercs, well they are desperate. Alas I've never rated these guys, I feel they either need to be a bit cheaper or get a slight bump. Min 2 on their gun would do it or even a ranged spread of 2/3/4. There could be a good argument for Rusty even at 10ss cause she is just a great model. Midnight Stalker is a great flanker, he can run schemes, kill scheme runners and deal with back line models quite well, quality 8ss model. I think Hans is worth a look now. In M2E Freikorp Scout outshone Hans, but now with some much need tweaks Hans is now a quality choice.    

    • Agree 2
  2. I feel that this issue will turn on the nuance of the terms used on each card. I think MythicFox gave a very good break down but it does raise the question what happens when a card effect states that armour can not be ignored and another card states that damaged is irreducible.

    Where I think that the nuance comes in is that the terms seem to be very specific. Armour reduces damage, ‘armour piercing’ (whatever the effect is called) effects negate the armour and armour can not be ignored prevents the ‘armour piercing’ effect. The point I’m trying to make is that irreducible damage or damage may not be reduced appears to negate the ‘armour can not be ignored’ as it does not specifically reference the armour keyword. I think that this is done on purpose to allow a very specific type of damage to be inflicted with no ability to prevent it. There does appear to be precedent for this in that many abilities allow for ‘this attack ignores armour’ which is different to ‘this damage is irreducible’. I’m inclined to agree with Kolath, that irreducible damage is simply that, irreducible. No game effect can stop it. One thing is obvious that I thing we can all agree on, is that we really need an FAQ on this matter.

    Thanks for reading  

    • Agree 2
    • Respectfully Disagree 2
  3. Right so in game soul stone generation is a thing now,how very interesting. While the miner (and the likes) aren't doning everthing the ability to have an activation, generate SS (so needing a smaller starting amount) and the versatility of other actions with the model does seem strong. Looking forward to giving it a go 

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  4. Hi all, I've been out of malifaux for a while now (mid way through M2E) and keen to get back in. I've read a bit on the game testing rounds. For anyone who was involved or simply wiser than I am, if the miner is as good as you say (and he looks really good) then how did it get through the play teating? Or do the other factions have access to similar mechanics?

    • Thanks 1
  5. Thank a lot for all your replies. I've got a game lined up in a couple of day so will test out Yu. I agree that playing games is the best way to learn but just wanted to know if I was on the right track, so cheers for the wisdom and I'll see how I go.

  6. Hi all,

    I'll be having my first Shenlong game in a couple of weeks and as I'm a bit out of my depth with TT I thought I'd turn to you all for advice. As the title says, who would you take in a Shenlong crew Yu or Kang. I'll be playing a couple of games on the day so faction could vary but I know one will be Guild. 

    Thanks for your advice 

  7. Munindk I've recently painted up Lazarus but I haven't played him yet. On face value his damage output seems a little limited for 10ss. I was wondering what your experiences have been like with him and how would you play him to get the best out of him?

  8. 5 hours ago, daniello_s said:

    I wouldn't describe them as almost an auto-include for the crew where Pokey (with Mark) ignores armor and swings for min 5 damage (with Sisters in Fury in use), Ash has same damage spread, Taelor can has min 3 damage, ignore armor and is bane for enemy constructs and very likely Johan will be around with similar perks like Taelor. Ronins with their Mi5 and 1'' range are at least fillers in the crew as as long as you don't need more mobile and cheaper scheme runner (for the price of 2 Ronins you get 2x Winged Plague and Hodgepodge Effigy).

    I don't disagree with your assessment of the models, Taelor is amazing and for me my favourite model in the game. However, to leave all the heavy lifting to Taelor and Blood (while effective) can leave you in a dicey situation is one of them is killed. A couple of my regular opponents run pretty armour heavy lists ad having another model that can be a threat while your cheap scheme runners do their thing has been quite helpful. The last game I played my Ronin killed a Peacekeeper almost single handedly. Now granted she got some lucky flips and Ronin should not be expected to do this every game, the point is that they can do this and are therefore a threat that should not be ignored which can take the pressure off other models. 

    Yes daniello_s has a point of Ronin being filler models but that I feel is more about Outcasts having a lot of great models but expensive that you usually look to first. The main reason for the auto include status is that even as a filler model they always make it into my crew and have yet to disappoint 

  9. Also I know it's a little off topoc as you wanted which models to add, but the Ronin are great and when i run Viks I really leave malifaux city without at least one of them. Check them out on pullmyfinger and almost an auto include when facing Guild or expecting armour

  10. I find Vanessa to be a versatile model. With some good positioning she is an average of 4 damage (which is nothing to sneeze at especially against incaporial models) but with better positioning she is a Ca 9Tomes (yep and wow) which means her arcane staff is really difficult to defend against (that is almost double what most minions and enforecers Df is) but it also has a baked in blast on moderate and severe and a surge trigger (draw a card). Also makes her healing go off on a 4 of anything with a 2/3/4 spread. Granted its a 2 action but if you cast it on Ashes with survivalist on you'll get a + to the heal flip with an average of healing 3 to all sisters on the board. Used well is a massive increase to the Viks survivability. I've also killed a rider with the Viks and Vanessa as my opponent did not expect Vanessa to have a 2/4/6 damage spread in melee. 

    I agree with CapnBloodbeard that it is better activating the Viks late in the turn to minimize return attacks and so you can read the play a bit better. Also this allows you to set them up with Any upgrades that may assist, Blood with ++ to attack and +2 damage is death incarnate 

  11. I started with the Viks in 1st ed and they are still my favourite masters. I've found Vanessa to be a great model who is capable at range and melee (I've suprised a few opponents with her). Other than the Von Schill box that has already been mentioned, I've found Bishop to be good and is quite versatile, Convict Gunslinger can be quite good against certain crews especially with his trigger to get additional shots and his Df trigger to punish opponents who miss (with the correct suit of course). Void Wetch's make good scheme runners and Big Jake is great at recon strat. 

    My biggest tip with using the Viks is that a lot of the time restraint is key. Yes you could get Blood into your opponent in turn one but often the question is why. If you do that Blood will die and her offensive output is massive. Hold the Viks back a little and make your attack in turn 2 or 3 so the girls can support each other. I've played plenty of games where the Viks have tabled my opponent and the Viks have survived or died on turn 5. Also remember their healing, if any sister (Ash, Blood, Vanessa, Student) then they all heal that much.

    Hope this helps and welcome to malifaux 

  12. Thanks everyone for your advise. I've got 2 snipers now (just in case i feel that way inclined) and Izamu on the way. If im not taking monks (or only one of them) what would you recommend. Ten Thunders Brothers look good. And tengu are great scheme runners 

  13. Strongarm complements VS quite well. VS is a great generalist but can be a little low on damage output, the Strongarm is great for picking up on the damage output. I generally look at Strongarm like a mini VS and when they work in a team it can be devastating. VS can lower opponent's Df and Strongarm can bypass damage reduction like armour. I've destroyed 2 Teddy's in a single turn with jut these two guys. When using them as a team I usually activate Strongarm first and then VS as his finish the cure can really come in handy. Especially when you augment jump strongarm into a position where you can kill one model and still be in range of another weakened (1-2 wounds left) then have VS give finish the cure to Strongarm to kill another model.

  14. The Strongarm is amazing and for me is an auto include, never had a bad game with him even when I've made mistakes. Has v Trapper, I always end up choosing the trapper. He gets the job done and for 2ss less, and I feel the Trapper has more versatile. I would also advise caution when deploying the trapper. I know it's tempting to push his right up but I've found that he just becomes a massive target (and rightly so). I hold him back a bit which has resulted in him surviving much longer and dealing out more damage with his focused shots. 

    RegardiRegarding VS upgrades I've found survivalist and shirt comes off being a great combo and in most of mafter lists, after that it is flavour/set up/opponent that can determine other upgrades. Hard and relentless is great in the right games. Also fire at will + Rusty Alyce can result in summoning an abomination every turn. Can be a bit card hunger but a pain for your opponent to deal with.

  15. We are up to week two in our campaign and my strongarm has kicked butt and is rightly feared. I would recommend a starting arsonal no less than 4 models and try and fit in one or two high cost models as it's much easier to add cheaper models later than it is to try and purchase expensive ones as there will be a lot of demand on your script. My starting list was;

    Taelor  (scramble)


    Big Jake

    Convict Gunslinger 

    And then I added  Strongarm in as my first new hire. 

  16. It relation to your second question it would depend on how the model is moved. If it is a push then likely no as it must be in a straight line. If it is a place then it is possible but again would depend on the place. For instance measuring range from the top of a building down to the target is still measured from the base of the building to the target (not the Pythagoras method). Movement however works a little differently, it is quite linier. I would say that the 3" move/place would be accumulative (eg 1" across + 2" up =3"). Movement works in the same manner so I would say that with a 3" place you wouldn't be able to go 3" into a building and then up 5" to the top floor.

    I don't have the rule book with me at the moment so take all this with a grain of salt

  17. Hi all, I've just started collecting TT with Shenlong after playing Outcasts for a while. Shenlong looks quite interesting and fun but with the now large selection of monks to choose from I'm a little unsure as to where to go from the box crew. So which monks are you running or are you not running them at all? Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated. Cheers

  18. Are you using masters in a 35ss game or a henchman as your leader? Hannah is a great model and can achieve a lot for you but she does benefit a lot to having orher models around her. If you need a model to hold a position then Hannah is great for this, she is on a large base, has a good melee range and is quite resilient. If however you need a lot of movement and spreading out then I would have to recommend other models such as Bishop or Ama No Zako as they can easily function on their own and many other models want to engage them.

  19. I would have to agree with Im Josh AMA when it comes to upgrades. Having recently played against badge of office it was really frustrating when i finally got a straight flip on my damage flip and thought that I'd finally killed LJ by cheating in the red joker, but then the badge is discarded and my massive killing blow is reduced to 1wd. Additionally facing 3 attacks from LJ is brutal and if she doesn't charge then that could easily be up to 18wds. For me that is a much bigger threat than riposte that receives a negative and armour can drop that damage to 1 or 2. Riposte is good and great to have as another line of defence but it is a situational ability that i feel has a greater psychological effect on your opponent then its' effect in game.

    I really like these discussions as they allow people to present their point of view and sometimes that position is one that we haven't considered yet. Good work peoples

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  20. It works best with a model or two that can lure. It will consume a large chunk of your crew so an summoning will have to work overtime to make up for this. Adtionally anything that moves your models can ruin your plans. I faced something similar to this and Taelor got lured in put them she hit one and knocked it back and then did the same to the other. Next turn i then charged in an killed one. So it is more of a situational trick that can be effective but shouldn't relied upon

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