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Posts posted by Velcro

  1. My friend and I played out first games today and we're confused about how ignoring LOS works. In this case it's Lady J we're talking about. We've gone through the rules manual but it still isn't clear to us, and we have no other Malifaux players in the area to ask as we're the only 2 that have picked it up.

    How does this rule work with regard to charging/attacking/casting? Let's say I have a HT 2 model behind a HT 3 climbable building and Lady J is on the other side of it. Since she ignores LOS, can she charge the model on the other side by climbing over? Does this change if the building is a vantage point and they still begin behind opposite sides?

    Similarly, let's say a HT 2 model is behind a HT 2 wall, how would it work there?

  2. The rule reads "(#) Defensive Stance: The model may discard a card. If the model does so, it gains the following Condition until the start of its next Activation a number of times equal to the AP spent on this Action: “Defensive +1: This model gains + to all Df duels.

    For instance, a model that spends 2 AP on a Defensive Stance Action may discard a card to gain the Defensive +1 Condition twice (stacking to Defensive +2)".

    Ok, so the example is a bit confusing. If a model spends 2 AP on DS, I understand that they get +1DF and + to all DF duels. However, what isn't clear is whether or not the +1DF and + stack for BOTH resolutions.

    For example, a Belle uses 2 AP for Defensive Stance. She's gets charged, which means she'll be attacked twice for this example. Now, because she has sacrificed 2 AP, does that mean:

    1) She has +2DF and 2+ against BOTH attacks


    2) She can choose stack it against a single attack or have 2 separate uses of +1DF and +?

    So confusing...

  3. Fair points, but how deterring is the Flesh Construct's reactivation? I don't have any cards yet, outside of the crew box, so I'm not really sure what models do. From reading PullMyFinger they frame the Flesh Construct as basically a walking meat shield that is hit by almost any attack, does little damage, and really only has a lot of wounds as his selling point. Doesn't really sound like a threat at all. At least, I don't see myself spending SS on him compared to something like Izamu.

    On a side note, how many Belles do I want to have for a 'typical' Seamus game? He comes with 3, but is that enough? Do I want to buy more for summoning purposes?

  4. So I picked up the Seamus crew! Unfortunately my buddy switched from The Dreamer to Lady J, so with their corpse removal this seems like it will be an uphill battle... But I can't wait to play our first game tomorrow!

    After much deliberation I think I'll have to pick up some Hanged, Yin, Bete Noir (?), and Nurses. Do I want Izamu or Toshiro with Seamus?

    My overall goal, though, is Nico and a full sideboard of summons, so either way this is a good start to building his crew.

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  5. Ahh... that makes sense. Thanks again Ludvig :)

    Actually, that leads to another question I just thought of. I was checking my LGS online and a lot of casters have variant or alternate models, which I assumed were just different poses. But I was watching an unboxing of some Nico model where he's sitting on a throne/palanquin of sorts and the host of the video said he was a completely different iteration with different skills/abilities. What's that about?

  6. Oh for sure, I didn't mean to insinuate that fluff is gospel, especially faction-wide. I was more just referring specifically to Sonnia, given that's how she's been presented. I wouldn't expect the entire Guild to curb stomp Arcanists, unless I mistook your meaning.

  7. Hey guys,

    Resident newb here. So I think I've figured out that M2E means Malifaux 2nd Edition, which I assume means an updated/changed rule set just like WH 1-8th ED and Warmachies/Hordes MK1 & MK2. Is this correct?

    I'm not quite sure what M2E means in relation to models though. I see a lot of people on Barter Town and other sites saying "M2E models only!" but what does that mean?

    Thanks for the clarification :)

  8. Hmm, interesting that the fluff is so far off from in-game. Still, this is all good info to have

    6 minutes ago, wizuriel said:

    In terms of gameplay I actually tend to like Sonnia against Ressurectionists, Perdita against Arcanists and Lady Justice against Neverborn. 

    What makes Lady J your pick vs Neverborn?

  9. Hmm, well let's say I had $100 to blow on a crew today. If I went Nico, what should I be looking to pick up as immediate and 'required' purchases outside of the crew box? I saw his resurrection card that another person had created, but it's all still very greek to me right now.

    How does Seamus stack up to Nico? I understand he only summons Belles, but his crew box looks awesome! Who doesn't like a fetid bordello posse? Lol

    I can already tell Yan Lo is way above my head at the moment, so he'll have to wait. He sounds much too complicated.

  10. 5 hours ago, Myyrä said:

    Sonnia isn't really a melee beatstick at all. Both her Ml skill and damage are pretty bad (for a Master). The only good thing about her melee attack is a trigger that allows her to heal and draw cards.

    She also doesn't really excel at beating Arcanists, even though they are her thematic enemy. The prevalence of armor and low Wp values make it somewhat difficult for her to deal lots of damage. Which isn't to say that she can't be used against Arcanists with great success, she just isn't significantly better against them than most other factions.

    Her crew box facilitates the play style that revolves around Burning relatively well. However, that style isn't the one she excels most at, at least in my opinion.



    4 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    Sonnia is a lot more about board control than anything else. She makes the enemy not very keen on being near you and can place flame walls so they can't go where they had intended to.

    I'd say arcanist are actually a bad matchup for her since they frequently have high armour values which removes a lot of the damage she does through blasts.


    Now I'm really confused. The PullMyFinger entry for Sonnia quite literally reads: " The Anti-Arcanist. Capable of fighting in melee and at range, but specializes in magic (both casting and countering it). Her powerful pyrokinetic abilities punish all she faces with ash and immolation", which is the exact opposite of what I'm being told, but being a new player I've been directed to that wiki more than once for information. This seems very counterproductive in this case, especially as a newb to the game. Still, I very much appreciate the info and a more detailed rundown of what to expect from her and what to look out for in terms of how she plays and what to bring.

    Thanks for the replies :)

  11. My understanding is that she's a caster, a melee beatstick, and anti-magic all in one. I think I understand her Burning mechanic... I think... but I'm having difficulty really grasping what she is excels at outside of potentially destroying Arcanists. Does her crew box actually facilitate her play style well? What should I be focusing on when building for her?

  12. The very first box to catch my attention was Misaki's crew. I love the way TT looks, but my understanding is that she runs in, kills something, then just dies. I'd prefer something a little more resilient. Now, the one single model that looks the best in the entire Malfiaux list, to me, is Izamu. This guy is a serious bad ***. He reminds me so much of a lot of the anime I watch, so I'll probably just buy him to have his model.

    With Malifaux I think I'd prefer more of a walking meatshield crew than a nimble paper armor crew. Visually I haven't seen a crew box that gives off this perception. If I could run Izamu, Samurai, Toshiro, and Oiran as a crew on their own I'd be so happy. Basically, an army of Ninja Gaiden bosses lol. Oiran are there just because they're sexy, like Kill Bill babes.

    I love love LOVE the rules and general playstyle of Malifaux, but this is the hardest time I've had with a tabletop game with regards to selecting an army. There are so many models across every faction I like, but I'm really struggling to find one single army that scratches my cumulative itches.

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  13. Coming from Warmachine/Hordes it's typically accepted that the Battleboxes (crew boxes) are generally poorly done and often include models that will likely not see play beyond the demo games. Having never played Malifaux before, is this the same situation?

    My friend and I are heading out to our LGS tomorrow to pick up our first crews, so I'm wondering if it makes more sense to buy individual models/packs and a single Master or are the crew boxes actually worth it? Now, I understand that most crew boxes offer models you will likely use at some point, but at the same time probably not in the amount included (box includes 3 of a model but maybe 2 will be used at any given time).

    Should I look into crew boxes or make my own army composition?

  14. Hey everyone! New to Malifaux but I've played Warmachines/Hordes for over 10 years. I'm kinda tired out and wanted to try Malifaux for awhile now, but I'm one of those faction A.D.D. guys and always second guessing my initial investment in games. That said...

    My buddy is going Neverborn with Hide and Seek as his first box. I'm really torn here on what to get myself. Aesthetically I like Open Graves, Shadows of Redchapel, and Masters of the Path. But I've found that I need to invest a ton of cash into Nico for his huge list of summons or I won't get the most out of him, which is really disappointing. I really still don't understand what Seamus does because he kinda sounds like a summoner (nowhere near what Nico does) but at the same time his summons sound very limited in variety (mostly Belles?).

    Another issue is that I enjoy pretty much any play style. I like summoning huge armies, I like gun lines, I like melee beatstick face smashing, I like magic slinging, I like quick assassins...

    I'm so lost.

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