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Posts posted by Amberleigh

  1. Im very interested to help with playtesting.

    My favorite RPG system is Through the breach, but i also play pathfinder, D&D 5ed, and the Starfinder (pathfinder in space).

    A bit about my RPG group, we are currently playing through a TTB campaign. We enjoy a good laugh first and foremost. My players are very much, "how far can we push our luck" and have a tendancy to go so far off tangent that I now have to write as I go with our campaign. For example we have a few players who are now death marshals, at the same time we have players in the same party who want to raise the dead.

    In short my group is Chaotic but a great laugh every single session, plus they buy me drinks :D

  2. Hi everyone, just wanted to get the community to pool their collective imaginations to create a pool of Character Concepts for Pre-Generated Characters for One Shots etc that dont have them.

    Ill start with my Favorite

    Rosie Brice, The information collector

    Normally able to get the information she wants simply by sweet talking the right person, Rosie is no stranger to the use of Mind Altering Magic, foul Necromancy, is that doesnt work then a pin point application of pressure from her dueling sabre is usually enough to get them talking. This is a social based character with social skill focus, with (I cant remember the name) mind altering magic and at least a level 3 in Melee.

  3. Ill be running two sessions of Night of the Carver on Sunday the 29th of October, these being at 10.30 and 16.00. In my store Warboar and Paradice Boardgame Cafe in Bromley, The Mall. This being my first Official Henchwoman event.

    I have most likely filled all places due to multiple RPG groups who have shown interest, though I will be posting on the Warboar RPG group on facebook. I do however hope this to be the first of many monthly events for this game.

    I will be creating at least 10 Pre-Generated characters which each player will pull a name of of a hat at the start of the session. Any character concept suggestions are welcome

    ADMIN: as I'm not sure. Do my players have to have a Forum account?

    Early Session 10.30

    - Jared Copeland-Gregory

    - Chris

    - Rob

    - Filled

    - Filled

    Late Session 16.00

    - Casey

    - Jake Mahoney

    - Clay

    - Filled

    - Filled


  4. I would make your own, I intend to do the same, but on the 29th of october (Im working ton the Eve itself) Im hopping to run two sessions one in the morning and one in the afternoon as I intend to make it an official TTB event at my store. I also intend to make about 10 Pre-Gen Characters and ask my players to draw one out of the hat.

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  5. 4 hours ago, Cedar said:

    I suggest starting McM first, as he is very good master in my opinion, plus you have most of things he takes with him. I suggest buying third, and maybe even fourth Flesh Construct, as he can easily create one per turn. Rafkin is auto-include with him, and now Scorpius (from the Arcanists). Sooner or later you'll buy Emissary and he is in top three models in the faction. If you buy him, please make sure you have Mindless Zombies. Asura is good Ressers model, although she isn't available right now.

    Thanks for your suggestions. I was considering picking up Rafkin soon. And the Emissary of course. The mindless zombies were one of the first things I picked up and I own the scorpius :)

  6. 19 minutes ago, Mike Wallace said:

    No, no. I was making a random necromancer misquote (I think from Magic: The Gathering) about skeletons, and referring to the Bone Pile's mismash of bones. 

    You have destroyed my dreams of a skeleton army :'( 

    I must have BJed :P well I'm sure they are interesting undead none the less

  7. Hi Everyone

    I usually play outcasts, but due to touching into Ressers though my Leveticus crew and Tara crew. I wanted to ask people opionions on who to work on first. I own the following.

    Nicodem Crew, McMourning Crew, Saemus Crew, Kirai Crew and of course Tara

    Datsue Ba, Canine remains, Crooligans, Necropunks, Flesh Golem (not McM).


    Which Master would you suggest I start with, and how would to suggest I expand?

  8. My usual Leveticus list is as follows

    Leveticus, Desolate Soul, Survivalist

    2 Waifs

    Rusty Alice, Desolate Soul and Sometimes From the Aether

    Ashes and Dust, Scramble

    Hodgepode Effigy

    Freikorps Librarian and Abominations


    I dont always use the Pariah Upgrades as they aren't always neccessary. Though if I did, it would usually be for Flesh Golems and Necropunks, i usually have a Cashe of 5-6 stones as well to start

  9. Just a clarification really.


    Can Mad Haberdashery, one of Saemus's upgrades, be discarded to reduce damage from an attack that does not allow reduction of damage? such as Leveticus' Unmaking attack.

    I ask only as a player used his upgrade to prevent the damage that would have killed Saemus, on reading the upgrade card after the game i noticed it is a reduce effect.

  10. First Buys should be Wokou Raiders and some Dead outlaws, as they are all bandits they synergise well with Parker.
    I havent had a game with Parker just yet but im an Avid outcast player, so its only a matter of time.

    Parker seems to be a Master that messes with resources such as scheme markers, soulstones and the like. I would suggest maybe reading up his entry on Pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com

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