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Posts posted by Ookami_Tez

  1. 2 hours ago, Solicitor 6 said:

    Whenever someone goes "that doesn't happen in my community" or "I have never treated a woman/LGBTQ/ethnic minority/religious minority like that," you are taking away from the experience of the individual who has and making it about yourself, which subtly undermines them. 

    Aren't you also undermining his experience on how he sees the community?

    It is odd to me how so many seem to think that people reacting to women differently then to men is already sexism. I find women attractive so when I meet a woman who I am attracted to I tend to change my mannerism from what I would do with a guy. This is not sexism. And true some may be a douche about it. But I still don't find that sexism. Sexism means a person has a prejudice or is discriminating because of it. Just making a off colored joke about a girl sitting in his lap is not sexism. It is probably his way of flirting. Not very well. And I can understand that you would be awkward or even a bit disgusted about it. But that doesn't make it sexism.

    But I am confused about this. Cause where I see girls gaming. Be it at a con away from my usual gaming friends or at the local shop. Women are always held sacred. This is even a stereotype based on real stuff. The girl who comes into a group where males make up the majority and they are treated way better then their male counterparts.

    Aaargh. Can't compress thoughts to good words. Will try again tomorrow need sleep now.

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  2. 7 hours ago, Dirial said:

    It's a situation of inequality.

    Inequality of outcome or opportunity. I think sex isn't the factor that makes difference in the equality of opportunity, but wealth, family status and such. And Pete actually came with much better and solid points then I did. On the whole STEM, and collage roll in rates and quotas etc.

    One thing I can't understand is how you think that ripping huge wholes between different kind of peoples is going to bring equality. How does homosexuality become just a normal if we always keep specifying how different it is to be homosexual. Same with race. How can different races ever be equal if we keep on pointing how damn different they are.


    6 hours ago, cegorach said:

    Are you seriously telling me you are envious of the way women are treated? Gay people? People of colour?

    No I am not saying that everything else in my example was meaningless difference between us but one. She was born richer then I was. This is why we have inequality of opportunity. Though here in Finland social security makes it little less but still. What I am "envious" is RICH people. And specifically those who are born rich.

    And in no way am I saying that I as a white male am oppressed in the first world. I am saying neither is the homosexual black woman. If someone smacks her ass at a party without consent it isn't evil all powerful patriarchy that made him do it. It was the person himself. If someone calls her a nasty name because she kissed a girl it wasn't xenophobes fearing that she will infect the gay. It was an individual douche. And most likely everyone who heard him thinks he is a douche. If she is questioned by a cop it isn't the great design of KKK that is doing it. It is a racist cop and she should ask him for his name and report it to the precinct so he can be punished. These are individuals doing this and as much as it is horrible. And I am sure all of us are in for ridding this place from such things we should also be realists. These things happen. This is why we lock the doors to our houses when we are away from home. This is why bars have bouncers. Because people tend to to shitty things. And fear mongering isn't gonna help. Reporting offenders to people of authority be it those who hold gaming clubs or stores, or if that doesn't work head to the police.

    But yeah this is getting somewhat derailed and I actually have to be leaving for a wargaming hangout so I will leave it at that. I am sure there are others that more or less share my thoughts on this. Interesting discussion anyway. Gonna read up to date later.

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  3. I do disagree with that.

    Men lose the custody of their kids more in divorces, men are more likely to die from violent crimes etc. There are ways that even the white men can get shit on them. The fact is that all people born into the first world are privileged to a great decree. And the fact is a Homosexual Black Female who was born into a rich family will be much more privileged then me as a Straight White Male born into a well-off family.

    The most important point that I try to make in this is that we are all individuals. And people who keep bashing on white men or cis-gender or heterosexuals or what ever that is the norm (And yes even though some don't like it there is such a thing as a norm) just try to gather a huge demographic into one easily dismiss able group. So they can just say "You are just a Cis-Hetero White Male so I don't need to listen to you." Because of this attitude men and women like me get strong reaction to this "power" word play. Because this is not the first time this has crawled up.

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  4. 11 hours ago, cegorach said:

    those in power (in this case generally straight white males

    Just wanted to use this as a starting point. If we straight white males have so much power why don't I have any? This is generalization at it's worst. True that many of the most powerful and influential people are white and male doesn't mean white males are somehow more privileged. There is actually a good explanation to why it is (at least on the male part White is mostly because of history and abuse of other races). Males are more likely (not all but in the average) to take risks. This means males occupy the most successful roles in the society  and the worst. I will make this an example. A man starts his own business because he is willing to take the risk. He succeeds and makes it into a new Microsoft and dies as a multi-billionaire. On the other hand if he fails he risks of losing everything. Maybe he needed to put his house as a insurance for the big loan he needed and now he is homeless and broke with no way to get back on his feet again and dies young with a needle in his arm. This is why men have a higher number in many places of power. But this is actually quite beside the point. Just ticked me the wrong way to generalize that all White Men have power as many of us don't. Rich have power, poor don't is the normal way of things not male have power and the women don't.

    About the note of 0,5% example you gave of harassment statistics or whatever it was. This would be a huge thing. Of course bad for the people who still are inflicted but if someplace has in average much lower amount of any crime, not just harassment, it means that crime isn't as prevalent at that place. And that means in average that place is better then the surrounding area. I will again use an example. Here is District 1, in average say stealing happens to 10% of the population of the district in average, but in the campus that is located at said district stealing only happens to 2% of the campus population. This means that the campus people are better protected from stealing then other people are at District 1. So in said imaginary district it would be really odd if there were people marching on the street to stop Campus wide EPIDEMIC of stealing because some one lost their iPhone. This is what I meant on my first post about needing the evidence to prove that wargaming has a worse situation on harassment then the population outside of our group.

    And Thanks for Aaron for keeping the discussion civil. I have actually wanted to talk to this kind of people before but it is hard when the discussion is derailed by trolls and such. At least I haven't seen any real bias on your part. I am interested to see where this discussion will head.

  5. I find it a bit funny thinking there is so much call for LGBT (how ever you write it. Not english speaking so can't remember it all) Just checked Wikipedia (yes not very good source, but hey it's something and I should be asleep) in the US 3,8% of the people identify as LGBT. That is a huge minority. And not saying that minorities shouldn't bee represented but. If we take how many there are named characters in Malifaux and screen that through that 3,8% margin. There shouldn't be that many. There should be some, but not too many. Then comes the topic of how hard it is to make minorities in games now days. It is really laborious work I am sure, as if you do it even a little wrong you are gonna get lot of hate. Gay man who is stylish and very open sexually, could very well fall to a stereotype and people don't want to see that. So it may be just better to not touch the subject at all.

    What comes out of the harassment and such, it is unfortunate. And I am sure that if something like that is brought to the attention of any company employing such people or customers they would most likely be fired or told to behave or leave. But as someone here already pointed is there a real statistic, not just hear say and somewhat anonymous accusations, that harassment is more common in gaming spaces then in the rest of the world. I need statistics. I need facts. There is also a huge screaming about these kind of thing in collage campuses but what the data shows is that people on campuses are less likely to encounter rape or harassment.

    But above else one thing that is forgotten too many times now days. "Innocent until proven guilty." That is the mantra of western democratic justice system. This is why every accusation needs to be heard with a high dose of skepticism.

    Well I am off to sleep. Should have went an hour ago. Haha.

  6. Hey guys. I am just starting this Friday my first TTB campaign and I just got thinking that there is no real note on religion in anything Wyrd has published. At least to my knowledge. As religion is a big part of our cultures I think it is good to think how the breach and Malifaux have shaken the believers in the past 100 years. Especially in Malifaux as it is really a cultural furnace melding different cultures together.

    So any thoughts? Not that it needs to be huge theme in a campaign or anything but just showing interest in the world. 

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  7. Hello from Finland.

    Have gotten to know this game somewhat now and wanted to join the community here as well to get to know people and maybe look into becoming a henchman later on. I have played Lilith and Pandora until now but I just bought Collodi's Box so when I get rest of my miniatures painted I will probably get them painted also. We now have a small community here but we are indoctrinating more from the rest of miniature gamers in the area. Even held a demo for it just the past weekend and showed it to 5 new people. If there are any Finnish Henchman around you are free to contact me about Malifaux stuff around Finland. I am at least now the only one from Pori who is in here. At least to my knowledge but we got a few players and many are joining this awesome game.

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