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Posts posted by Corrgon

  1. 7 hours ago, ringsnake said:

    Your Mr Tannen is so wrong. So very very wrong....

    As some constructive criticism, I don't think your well thing was a success. It's a little too busy, and there isn't enough visual contrast betwen the well, dress, skin, and tentacles. It all just blurs together and doesn't stand out. Like if it'd been given blonde hair (bright and warm) white skin (dark and cool) pink or red tentacles (mid to bright warm) and kept the greyblue of the stones of the well (dark and cool) everything might have stood out more.

    Thanks for the constructive criticism. You are not the only one who point at the lack of contrast of some of my models. Most times I just choose some colours that might look good at a model, do not have any painting theory background. I  can see that the depleted in well is one of the weaker models I painted. As for keepinkg the tentacles in flesh tone with just small purple dots, I wanted it to represent the loss of shape-shifting abilities  the Illuminaded had thanks to Brilliance (which I paint brightly coloured with a transition  from turquoise through blue, violet to magenta) leaving only malformed tentacled limbs. 


  2. Greetings Wyrdos. I would like some help with explainin the rules about rising sun upgrade. 

    When Hungering Darkness is "killed", I need to kill an enemy model that has brilliance and is within 6 inches of Jacob Lynch. Question is, can I use Rising Sun upgrade ability to unburry Huggy, if Lynch used on an enemy model without brilliance condition his Play for Blood ability using trigger to put brilliance on the target but killed it with the attack? The trigger says after succeding, I am not sure if it would be possible or not, since it says:  


    After succeding: These effects are resolved after Step 5, and only if the model with this Trigger wins duel. 

    I am sure it would possible to make if the trigger ha "after damaging" written there:

    After damaging: These effects happen after Step 5 and only if the target suffers 1 or more damage from the action. These effects are resolved before the damaged model is removed if it was killed by the damage. 

    It both cases it mentiones "after step 5", but will the trigger apply the condition before the model dies (and enable so Huggy to unburry) or is this an exception only for "after damaging" triggers?

  3. 1 hour ago, Nathan Caroland said:

    Music can be quite diverse around here to be honest - usually it's piping out of my office because .. well cause I can. :) Depending on the day and the mood, it can be anything coming through. Right now, listening to Cashman, Johnny Cash, White Stripes, Black Keys and John Lee Hooker. Yesterday it was Tool, Metallica and Cannibal Corpse. Yeah .. might have been in a bit of a mood yesterday ...

    I´d love to see some Metallica inspired models.

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  4. 1 minute ago, turtleclub13 said:

    Cool. I was lo king to get into McCabe but didn't like his sculpt. This changes everything.

    I have a similar feeling about McCabe.  Even though I like horses, the McCabe design is just not interesting enough for me. Although I really like the design of Sidir Archibal. 

    Unfortunately I think this nightmare edition is going to be very pricy.

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