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Image Comments posted by MrPooky

  1. 2 hours ago, RustAndTheCity said:

    For me, this is the point of the competition. I find that the themes push me to try different things that I would otherwise. It is really cool that you have a model that you can use in your games too. 

    I had the same problem as you with models. None of my collection really worked for this round so I had to purchase a model.

    I can see lots of progress in your painting even between round 1 and round 2. I like the blending on your fur.

    Yeah, I am going to try and keep all my entries playable, and so far so good.

    Yeah, I was going to have to resort to that, but luckily a gentlemen on some of the Facebook groups gave me an idea. I ended up not entirely going with his idea, but it all worked out.

    That means a lot to me, I really do appreciate it. Can you really see improvement? That makes me so happy to hear :)

  2. 14 hours ago, waghorn41 said:

    Nicely made and fits the theme but I feel the building tends to overwhelm the mini.

    I guess I can see that, but that's why there are multiple images with two being focused on the model making it a positive flip to my Iron Painter Round 1 duel:D
    Also, have you seen some of the displays that have been done in past years? Some of those are overwhelming XD

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