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Everything posted by MrPooky

  1. Mama Z is at it again! She's modified this big beast in her garage with scraps laying around and hopes to run people down with it. Rusty is a bio-engineered nephilim that was designed to be the ultimate melee machine. He's faster than a regular nephilim with that V8 engine between his wings and can cut down enemies like trees with that mighty buzz saw.
  2. Yeah, I am going to try and keep all my entries playable, and so far so good. Yeah, I was going to have to resort to that, but luckily a gentlemen on some of the Facebook groups gave me an idea. I ended up not entirely going with his idea, but it all worked out. That means a lot to me, I really do appreciate it. Can you really see improvement? That makes me so happy to hear
  3. Thank you! The guys here at the LGS are going nuts over it. This is a model that I will enjoy for a LONG time. I can't wait to see what the next round forces me to do.
  4. This round was a tough one for me. Going into this contest I told myself that I would try my best to only use the models I already had, and not go out buy new ones. Once the theme was revealed I was freaking out because all the models I own are not undead. SO that left me with a challenge. Either buy a new model or try my best with one I already owned. I went with the latter. Using a combination of green stuff, Warhammer skeleton bits, and inspiration I created this. A Teddy with a skeleton ripping out of it's stomach. Yep. It's pretty gross. This round was extremely beneficial to me because I have never sculpted before, and I was using a model that I don't think would typically be used for an undead theme. I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I have.
  5. I guess I can see that, but that's why there are multiple images with two being focused on the model making it a positive flip to my Iron Painter Round 1 duel Also, have you seen some of the displays that have been done in past years? Some of those are overwhelming XD
  6. I started with painting Widow Weaver and then I moved onto the display. The boutique was made from a cardboard box with kitchen skewers placed on the sides, and the table and chair were put together from a penny and two dimes wrapped in foil and then glued onto a skewer. I then proceeded to paint them how I saw fit and placed Weaver in the midst.
  7. Ok thank you both so much! I will be frequenting this post to keep track of the ones I am getting. I just bought a ton of 30mm bases so this should be fun!
  8. Hey guys! I am wanting to start making some of my own custom markers for my Neverborn crew and I was wondering if you guys could give me a rundown of all the different markers I would need and their sizes? Basically, the Neverborn marker starter kit LOL. I currently play Mama Z and Dreamer and the only markers I have done are the tree markers for my Waldgeist...other than that I can only think of scheme, corpse, and scrap markers, but I know there are more that I'm missing. Please help if you can (also would it help if I posted all the models I own, or can you guys figure it out from just the masters I have listed?)
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