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  1. I have the model molly in my crew and as she is a leader I see she has 3ap, I have an attack that costs 1ap to use and I was wandering if that means I can use this 3 times in one turn? This seems too good to be true so just wandering how that would work
  2. thank you all for your replies, I kind of do understand this concept now, I will give it a go when I play, my rulebook is the newest version
  3. i am soon going to be preparing for my first game of malifaux and I am reading the rulebook start to finish, a part that I get slightly confused by is the soul stones and triggers, with soulstones cost/cash I kind of understand that they are a currency? I am not sure though on how many of them you get in a game and when you can spend them? How do you keep track of how many you have used and got left to spend in the game and also soulstone pools? Please if anyone could help anwer these questions that would be really appreciated and if any more info I should know please share, also I am not quite sure of triggers?
  4. Lots of helpful answers, thank you all:) I am looking forward to playing very soon but I am sure there will be many questions to follow!
  5. I understand:) thank you very much for your answers, they are really helpful, just to add about the turn ending, is that when you can trade your cheat cards if you would like? And then you begin the next turn from the current positions
  6. Hello, I have just picked up some models this weekend and almost ready for battling, I kind of understand some of the basics but here is a few things that I want to know: is the round ended after all models have been activated as in walking of is it only after combat that the round ends? if charging does that use ap or is it the attack which follows that does? how does will power work? these are a few of the questions I am wandering but i am sure there is many more but there are what I can think of right now, the set I brought is 'take back the night' any additional information/tips would be greatly appreciated, Thanks, Ray
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