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Posts posted by Sianour

  1. 21 hours ago, Adran said:

    My view is that the Syndicate doesn't really have "Syndicate" interactions, so you really just want to use the best models for what you are trying to do. The keyword is largely filled with generally useful models, that if you try you can make combos amongst themselves, but they are also often capable of doing a decent job away from the bubble.

    So Surveyors are great if you are planning on pushing the Hazardous play style.  Yannick can make a silly amount of card draw (especially if you build for it). Winston does reasonable healing and movement, and Arcane reservoir is always a good thing, but you need to pair him up with someone and have a plan for them if you want to use those movement tricks on your own side( if you just want to drop opponents into hazardous then other than being near the hazardous he doesn't need the friend). Corvus is a toolbox. He has an answer to just about every question, but sometimes the answer is more effort than you need.  Operatives can do some crazy things for their costs, but can also do very little if you don't have a good plan for them. 



    20 hours ago, muraki said:

    Andran is right, the benefit of Anya is that she has a versatile crew that can be built for a few different things.  If you want to bubble you can with a few hazardous methods and using yannic/sovereign to pump out heals, if you need to spread across the board then anya / sovereign are great for that, but rook's slippery and pulled here and there / winston's dirigible ride / surveyor's chain gang / unimpeded or operatives ambush can get you a surprising amount of distance up the board without too much effort.  If you need to drop schemes/interact anya gets a scheme on her bonus, slippery / dont mind me let you do it in combat and a few draw out secrets triggers make things like detonate charges effortless.

    My usual crew goes something like anya/sovereign/winston/operative (mainly cause i usually have 5ish stones left), and then changes based on the pool, do I need to grab symbols? then welles or damned show up to help, do i need a bit more killing power, yannic/the brawler are good, am I clumping up a bit, then I may bring the emissary for heals / shielded.  I wouldn't consider Mr Ngaatoro a must have (I assume you include him as the 'key' because he's versatile rather than actually sharing the keyword), but if you're going the obey route you may enjoy him as he'll be more expensive than most of Anya's crew, so bully will be pretty effective for getting some more actions off.  If you do decide to take him, I may drop Rook for him (as using Ngaatoro's obey offensively could do similar things to pressure, but beyond that they have different enough roles you may still want both).

    That said, I do usually send anya / sovereign to the sides, tho I usually have Anya killing/scheming like a fiend while she's doing it, and sovereign cause if i run him elsewhere my opponent murders him turn 1 ;)

    If anything I think Anya's biggest weakness is lack of anti-df tech measures in the crew.  Like there aren't a lot of + damage triggers to get through stuff like armor, so going into a Hoff or Mei list with full syndicate list may be painful.  The conditions that the crew can pump out help there, but it takes more finesse than hitting with armor ignore/easy 3+ damage.

    Depending on how new you are to faux....  while there are benefits to playing Anya in a more clumpy game (the hazardous auras / etc), outside of probably corrupted ley lines (as her union buster is great for denying points if the marker holder doesn't have anti-move or end of round movement), I would probably grab titled Anya in clumpier / slower pools over original Anya, as she becomes more of a lucius style friendly obey master who wants a lot of models within her attack range (playing more of Anya2 is probably why I would rank Mr Ngaatoro lower on my list than I had him when I started playing Syndicate, as if I really want to obey my own guys, I'll just take Anya2) and drudge summons are amazing for getting schemes done / gumming up opponents to protect more high priority targets.  I also like Anya2 as she makes the crew feel more synergistic, which s really cool as the first few games of Anya1 / syndicate can feel very 'these guys are all good on their own, but beyond a shared ability they kind of feel like they belong in different keywords'

    Thanks both! It's been very helpful, really.

    Maybe on my first game with her I'll try a bit of everything, just to see what can they do on the board...

    And lets teorifaux a little bit... what would be the perfect turn one? I thought to use Anya first, Union buster on herself to push all other members 2", then Bleeding edge just to use the trigger and get placed wherever I need, maybe Hostile takeoverto move the scheme marker if needed amb put another marker? So at last I have moved all crew 2" and have two schemes markers pretty advanced in midfield...

    I've been playing since the beginning of M2e, but with the change of the edition and covid, it's been ages since the last game i took 😅

  2. On 11/24/2019 at 10:15 PM, psychogeek said:


    wedge deployment

    outflank - dig their Graves - vendetta - Harness leylines - breakthrough









    chose vendetta (scout -+ ss miner) and dig their graves

    opponent was Arcanists 

    mei feng 


    metal gamin

    iron golem



    mech rider

    ss miner with Diesel engine upgrade

    picked breakthrough and leylines 

    game went 7-2 in my favor. Only lost Hanna and Engineer and both were late game losses 

    Scout over Hans for vendetta?

  3. Size: 50 - Pool: 5
      Von Schill
      Steam Trunk
      Arik Schöttemer
      Hannah Lovelace
      Freikorps Engineer
        Servant of Dark Powers
      Freikorps Engineer 2
        Servant of Dark Powers


    Reckoning, dig their graves and claim jump.

    It give you a massive card control with two engineers (tools for the job & strengthen armor) and hannah (arcane reservoir).

    Giving shielded condition to everyone and healing a lot it was just imposible to die.

    I highly recomend it for mid control.

  4. Been reading posts from Tara for a while and still have lots of questions... For example, in a heavy scheme markers game what do you think using Aionus + Hodgepodge + Big Jake? 

    Tara + 5 Pool
     - Knowledge of Eternity (2)
    Aionus (12)
    Hodgepodge Emissary (10)
     - Conflux of Nothingness (0)
    Big Jake (5)
    Death Marshal (6)
    Death Marshal (6)
    Void Wretch (4)
    Void Wretch (4)


    What do you think? Any tips?

    The S&S are:

    Deployment: Standard Deployment 
    Strategy: Squatter's Rights 
      * A Line in the Sand 
      * Assassinate 
      * Protect Territory 
      * Plant Evidence 
      * Power Ritual 

  5. On 26/3/2015 at 2:52 PM, Fetid Strumpet said:

    I personally wouldn't bring Nekima to a Henchman Hardcore, as you don't have stones to keep her alive, and since it is known assassinate is the only scheme, opponents are going to plan to be able to deal with that level of threat. I think Candy with Fears Given Form and Useless Duplications would be a much stronger choice for leader, if you are playing to win. 

    Isn't better to put Useless Duplications on Mr.Tannen and Candy with Drepression and Fear Given Form?

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