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The Warlock

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Posts posted by The Warlock

  1. If you die in a round, you'll get to draw 4 cards, and when you place your enforcer in the next turn, he/she's got the upgrade to use again. For as long as the game goes, you'll be able to draw 4 cards if you haven't discarded imbued energies and your enforcer dies. That being said, it's usually a take-and-discard for fast on Howard, as it puts him on the gratuitously superfluous side of overkill with 3 general AP and nimble.

  2. Angel eyes as stated isn't a sniper, she's more of a support henchwoman in that her shooting into engagements helps soften things up, not to mention she has a nice 0 shooting action which means she can potentially lay down 3 ranged attacks on anything attempting to approach her.

  3. Ok, so it happens off-screen. Still I'd like to know how the GG clued on to Lucius, as aren't mimic generally careful about their disguises and take great lengths to no be found out. Still, it'll be interesting to see how much influence our masked mimic has over the new GG.


    Thanks for the replies guys :)

  4. Last night I was reading through Shifting Loyalties and (spoilers) there's a part where the previous/current at the time Governor General thinks to himself about forcefully removing Lucius's mask and exposing him for what he really is. My question is how and when did the GG figure out his secretary wasn't entirely human?


  5. Hot damn he looks cool :huh:Truly and outcast master I'd want to get :)

    Here's hoping his minions are based off The Three Amigos, to cram in more western movie madness but then again there's so many western movies, including back to the future 3 I suppose. 

    His card discard for scheme markers seems very risk vs reward in that he'll be out of cards and hopefully nearby models which can use/remove scheme markers are tied up. Definitely want to get Titania, Parker and whoever the Guild one is if they're revealed next week.

  6. While I enjoy the concept of a Gamin master, I might pass up on Sandeep....for now *ominous maniacal laughter* as there's plans to acquire Titania, the outcast and guild masters once W4 hits. Still, the -1 to Ca seems good, though it'll be interesting to see how well that synergises with other models

    He really does look like Jafar though ( it's his colour palette)

  7. 23 minutes ago, Rathnard said:

    I'll admit, my first impression of her wasn't great. I was hoping for something a little more monstrous or sadistic-looking for an Oni Master so the actual art didn't really match my expectations. 

    That said, I'm now liking it more and more. If nothing else the sculpt tells a story. She's an ordinary - looking Japanese girl, not especially pretty (she's not a former "companion", like Kirai) and possibly from an unremarkable background.   The kimono has design elements similar to a straight jacket so at some point she lost the plot and was incarcerated. We know she's an Oni Master so she presumably made a "deal with the devil" to escape, but from the pained expression on her face she's clearly not the one in control. Basically Asami comes across as a pawn of the Oni - a vessel to use/abuse for their own purposes. If Asami entered into this situation willingly, I'm pretty sure she's regretting it now. :)  

    That makes a lot of sense, given her name and no apparent connections to the Katanaka clan besides now being a TT master. As for the pawn/vessel, her Wrath of the Oni ability certainly hints at her not being in control.

    It'll be nice to see the interactions between her and the other TT masters. The sculpt looks spot on, Wyrd keeps on giving :)

  8. Strength of the fallen sounds like her cast will be 1-2" :melee as it alludes to the recently deceased taking one last action / vigor mortis. She certainly looks interesting and can't wait to see her crew (and the other masters of course!) :D

    Corpse candles sound interesting, definitely intrigued by what RoF is bringing to the table

  9. From left to right I'd say (not counting Tania):

    -Outcasts?: He looks kinda pirate-y to me with his boots and what seems to be a flowing cape or whatever. Plus we haven't had traditional outcasts yet- no stagecoach robbers etc. we've got desperate mercs an convict gunslingers but that's about it. Maybe Arcanist as there's no gunmage master.

    -TT/resser: If the new master is indeed Oni themed, I'd put money on it being someone possessed or creepy. Kirai does the whole spirit thing for Ressers. Plus oni are demons, so creepy demon summoner makes sense. I guess. Maybe Ressers, but I don't see what variety another creepy master is going to bring- given that spirit summoning is Kirai's thing

    -Guild: Guild reporter minions shown, plus a quill and camera, etc support the whole reporter thing- How would these work on the field? Scheme interruption via asking questions/being nosy reporters?

    -Gremlin, as seen in the previous pic. He'll probably have some BS movement shenanigans with that jetpack. 50's raygun is cool though.

    -Arcanist, maybe resser? Not sure on the Sikh guy, but he's holding a staff and is posed to have finished some kind of magic combo? Time based dude? It's pretty much his pose that screams "I use magic" which makes me think Arcanist. Perhaps he's the Resser master, summoning undead things. Not sure what themes of undead are left to summon but hey, there's dogs, spirits, dead guards, zombie varieties etc.

    -Resser/Outcast: Frayed cloth on the horse, and well, everyone else is kinda aligned. Might be outcasts, though not sure what they'd cover. Maybe a mounted outcast who's a stagecoach robber/highwayman- the soulstone or your life. Given there's 2 Tyrants, 2 sets of mercs, Levi, Daw and Obligatory TT infiltraitor there's a lot of room in the outcast faction that can be explored.

    From the previews, shifting loyalties and the speculation of others, there's going to be someone who syngerises with Oni and someone who synergises with Academics. Maybe a gamin master with a fifth earth gamin? We've have Fire, Ice (water), Metal and Wind- finishing off the 5 elements would be earth. Perhaps the new gremlin has foundry? Given that two models seem a bit limited for Mei Feng to get use out of and that SL has 3? construct based gremlin models.

    Just put me down for a crew box of each new master barring gremlins and ressers.

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  10. Not wanting to hijack the sort of recent thread on Pandora,

    I played my first game with Pandora a few nights back and while the end result was a 5-6 loss, the list I used was fragile and...not that great. 3 sorrows, 3 madnesses, Iggy and Widow Weaver was not the best list ever, despite getting the sorrows to slingshot into B2B with the opposing master (Lynch) for public demonstration. Having consulted in AWP on the book of Faces to find out how misery works (a point of confusion for both my opponent and myself- I don't know if I got more than 1 point of damage off from it), Pandora's base crew makes much more sense with all the manipulative and lure abilities. By end game, I had nothing on field as everything had too few wounds and cast actions are a bane to incorporeal.

    Outside of adding a Teddy and/or lilitu, what upgrades would suit Pandora given that I want to use her full crew box and go from there?

  11. It's been a while, as I had issues with semi-gloss primer ( a huge mistake >.>) on my translucent green Pandora crew and decided to be cheap about it and use metho to clean it off. Well, a white residue occurred, leaving me to suck it up and by some thinner from Tamiya (which actually solved everything). Lhamian medium by GW was used as the primer stage- then solid coats through to light almost washes helped these guys come to life. The bases are tiles done in the type of grey that boring people feel is too exciting.


    Gloss coat was used on the clear parts afterwards to bring back some shine post-seal. Can't wait to get these on the field and create some madness!

    Thinking of:

    Pandora (not sure on upgrades)
    3 Sorrows
    3 Madnesses
    Widow Weaver + handbag

    which gives a few points left for upgrades and plays around with Wp duels a fair bit.

    In other news, I also finished off my Mysterious Effigy




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