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Die Cervum Studio

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Posts posted by Die Cervum Studio

  1. Ooops, sorry for the delay in reply guys; I've been busy with real world stuff these past few weeks. Thanks for all the advice though!

    @CapnBloodbeard -  The other colours on the Nothing Beast/Void Wretches was simple; I just used some blister pack foam to stipple orange/purple/red in random spots all over the model. Nothing difficult! You could probably get a similar/better effect from airbrushing. Von Schill was just the sepia wash going on a bit heavy and discolouring the base, definitely not intentional! That's one of the reasons I've stopped using it on my more recent minis as I found it discolours the base colour too much thus making it a pain to highlight.

    I've thankfully found some thinner steel sheets that will fit out without modification. I am going to use those for the case; hopefully getting that sorted next month on pay day. Where I'm on shifts now I have one in four Fridays off so might be able to head down to Sluggaz at last, at least once the Crossfit Open is done with.

    I managed to finish off the last of wave two today. They were nearly done last weekend but needed to sort the fire, powders and varnish. Now I'm just waiting on 'Fistful of Scrip' and the Undead Outlaws to drop so I can finish off. In the mean time I might be starting a terrain log soon (if I actually get paid/reimbursed properly this month), which should keep me out of trouble and allow me to play at home those weeks I can't get down. 

    Scion of the Void



    Death Marshals



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  2. These guys came out a little glossy, but that might just be the Testors settling. I have no excuse for the pictures being so dark though... Apart from that I'm happy enough and I feel they look better in person than in these pictures. It's a shame, but I've not been feeling the hobby/painting side this time round. I think it's because I'm forcing myself to paint worse than I can that I am consistently unsatisfied with the work I'm producing. That being said they are close enough to the last lot to tie in and be usable. I've just built the two Death Marshals for some Pine Box shenanigans 





    I've just built the two Death Marshals for some Pine Box shenanigans so will hopefully have them and the Scion of the Void done within a fortnight. After that I need to get a carry case built; I have the box and the design, but does anyone have any recommendations on how to cut down stainless steel (1.2mm thick) or alternatively any experience with the self adhesive magnetic sheet? Once I have transport sorted it will be a lot easier for me to get anywhere to play.

    However, I am currently waiting on my work to reimburse some travel expenses so that I can get a table built for some home gaming (with the CrossFit Open coming up I won't be able to attend Sluggaz for a while, not that I have played yet...) which should open up some more possibilities to play. Despite my constant bitching about my models I'm really keen to start playing again.

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  3. @Zelaminator Thanks dude, I appreciate it. I'm surprisingly happy with how it turned out given I was making it up as I went along! To be fair, as far as creations of a less than destructive deity go, they are pretty adorable. I appreciate the love for Anna. Instagram seemed to agree as she was the first mini of mine that's reached 100+ likes. I should probably give her a second chance.

    Christmas and New Year got in the way a bit, but I've been making some progress. Sue and Karina are now done. I'm not happy with the former, which is a bit of a bummer as he's an integral part of a few lists. A model wearing all black and wielding a flaming guitar was always going to be a bit of a pain to paint though. The scale seems a little off too, with legs the in proportion to the older miniatures and then torso/etc. being far smaller in line with the newer stuff. Karina came out better, which is ironic because she doesn't feature in my Tara list.



    I've put some more colours down on the remaining four guys. I've just moved job so I'm not sure how much time I will have over the next few weeks, but I'm intending to get another pair done next weekend. After that it will be cleaning up the two spare (in scale) Death Marshals and painting them along with the Scion of the Void (again). I saw a nice dual Marshal list in the Outcast section I'd like to try and I think I have enough bases...


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  4. I'm once again a little bit behind with this project. I've made progress blocking in colours on a couple of the guys, but a few have gone wrong. A combination of a problem with the sepia wash and me messing up the skin on the Scion of the Void meant it had to be stripped again, and the skin on the Death Marshall went wrong. I've decided that the scale on the Death Marshall sculpt is far too off to be used, so I've decided to go with one of the alternate models. As I'm having to prime the Scion again it's not too much bother.

    On the plus side Tara has been completed and I'm pretty happy with how she's turned out. This was my first attempt at OSL, and without an airbrush it is a pain. Satisfied with how it's come out though.


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  5. Finished off Anna Lovelace this morning. She turned out fine, but nothing particularly of note. This is probably the worst sculpt I've worked with out of Wyrd; the model isn't particularly interesting, she's tiny (far smaller in stature to any of the other female models) and there seems to be a distinct lack of detail away from the dress. The arm blade had also broken off before I even started work on her, hence she is a lot less intimidating than intended.

    The paint job is satisfactory and she ties in with the rest of the Freikorps. She worked well to help me get an eye back in for the scale/style. It is odd trying to paint how I used to, however it has helped me see how I have improved over the past year. 


    *I have a new phone, so I am still trying to get used to the camera on it, so sorry if the pic is a little off.

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  6. So I unintentionally ended up finished the Nothing Beast (aka Ian the Intergalactic Space Shrimp) and the Void Wretches yesterday. I would like to say that there was some artistic or genius reasoning behind the scheme, but in all honesty I was messing around on my palette and my girlfriend said that the space scheme looked cool. Overall I'm satisfied with them and glad I'm done as it now means I can move on to more interesting models. Speaking of; I've also started to put colour down on Anna Lovelace who is tiny!






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  7. Spent yesterday putting the silver metals down on the crew, brown on the coffin and blacking up the Nothing critters. Making good progress, if still in the unexciting stages at the moment. Anna especially should be super easy to finish thanks to her dress.


    21 hours ago, Zelaminator said:

    That is a very neat tabletop standard! Looks awesome!

    About the void wretches. I see, what you mean, but I am not sure, that black with gloss and green eyes is enough? The idea is very cool, but I think it might be a bit too dull in the end? Could you maybe make a few crackling green lights on the models here and there? Thinking of the manga image you linked to. 

    Or maybe some extreme edge highlights on the black here and there? Still glossed.

    Thanks dude! 

    I agree with you when it comes to the Void Wretches/Nothing Beast. After painting the eyes in I realised quite how small they are and that, in practice, it's not going to look good. I played about with making a galactic/space look on my palette yesterday and that just might work. I've just put the black wash down so that will probably be my afternoon. Given these are very much different to everything else I'm painting I'm going to try and get them done as soon as possible so I can move on to more conventional models! 

  8. I've got two weeks off and am attempting to get as much of this project done in that time as I can, what with the obligatory seasonal socialising and festivities.

    Yesterday I made some good headway into the project and got all the bases finished off. They're as close to the original ones as I could hope and once varnished should be near indistinguishable. I also began to lay down the base layer on the flesh, which I am hoping to finish today along with the silver metallics.  


  9. ...and here was me thinking that I was done!


    So with the preview of Parker et al. I couldn't resist returning through the Breach. I've also been harbouring an urge to do Tara for a while, so this seemed like the perfect excuse to pick her up. Not only that, as Wyrd released a few of the other chaps I was looking forward to earlier in the year I've ended up with them too. I've basically got the same volume of minis to work through as I did first time! I was a little bummed to see Fistful of Scrip/Undead Outlaws not be on the 'Upcoming Releases', especially as I couldn't justify picking them up on Black Friday due to the exchange rate, so I guess will just wait here in anticipation...

    I'm working again now, which is great but means I've got a lot less hobby time (1-2 days a week). I picked the above up back at the start of November and had hoped to have everyone done by the end of the year, but due to real world obligations and the first attempt at priming being a disaster* I'm about a month behind. I've got two weeks off over Christmas so I'm hoping to make some good headway. Currently this is where I am at, with the metal areas being blacked out and hopefully the bases at least basecoated by this afternoon.


    *I was too far away which resulted in a sandpaper like finish, thankfully Detol and Mentholated Spirits work wonders at stripping plastic (Acetone for metal). I've been experimenting a lot recently with different techniques and materials which has resulted in a lot of mistakes. I don't think I've actually completed a miniature in a few months... if you want to see what else I have been working on then feel free to check out my Instagram.

    I hope that you folks enjoy chapter 2. I think I've got better at painting since I did the original batch, but in the interest in consistency I am aiming to paint these to tie in as best I can. I found having this thread a great motivator to get this done so I will try to keep it updated as frequently I can. 

    I do have two questions though:

    1) How should I paint the Nothing Beast/Void Wretches? I am struggling with the concept of a non-existent void in space actually being a physical model and how to represent that without the clear kit. Currently the forerunner is to paint them pitch black, slightly glossy, with glowing green eyes (to tie them in with the factions colours) and bloody maws/claws. I can't decide if that will look good or not. Anyone got any opinions or alternative ideas? In my head it should look a little like demon form Alucard from the Hellsing animes/manga.


    2) Should I pick up the Hodgepodge Emissary? I don't like the model, but he seems a worthy tactical addition to Von Schill. For £30 I don't know if he's really worth it just for that of if he/it can be run alongside Viks/Tara/Parker with similar potency.


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  10. Cheers for the compliments guys! I appreciate it! I'm currently on the lookout for a release of Big Jake, so when he finally drops I'll likely pop back and get him, Hodgepodge Effigy, Sue, some Desperate Mercenaries, and maybe Anna Lovelace. I know that the Hodgepodge Emissary is meant to be awesome, but I'm not sold on the model unfortunately.

    @Argentbadger - Thanks dude. The weird 'bulb' on the Strongarm's mouth is part of his gas mask. It freaks my girlfriend out!

  11. Thanks for the kind words fellas, I appreciate it! I definitely had fun and am looking forward to getting some games in. The whole thing came together a lot quicker than I anticipated. Overall I'm happy with them, but I agree with Munindk that the skins lets them down/needs some work. I've seen a similar methodology used by fromthewarp.blogspot.com where he highlights after the initial washes, so I might try that. I don't think these will be my last Malifaux miniatures either, but will probably work on some other projects until I decide what. 

    Transportation wise I'm definitely going to be using magnets and rubber steel; the models are too delicate and too dynamic for conventional storage. I'm debating doing something stupidly elaborate; probably a stained wooden chest, or just a more robust for container. It will probably come down to cost more than common sense.

    Anyway, a terribly overexposed group shot as promised:


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  12. FINISHED!!!

    Spent today polishing off the Viks. They all went together pretty quickly as, although there's a lot of colours, the areas are all pretty small. They didn't turn out as nicely as the Freikorps but better than I expected given the base coats. Overall I'm happy to field all of these guys on the table and no one is resigned to the box of shame. 

    Victoria of Ashes


    Victoria of Blood


    Vanessa, Treasure Hunter









    I'm going to try and get a group shot tomorrow once I'm 100% all the glue has dried and they're not going to mess up my mat. Speaking of I intend to build up a table at some point this year so I can play in the flat; I've already got a 3' Frontline Wild West mat and a folding table my friend made so I just need to invest in some scenery. 

    I hope everyone enjoyed and was vaguely interested in this project. I'm pretty surprised that this only took me 1.5 months, but to be fair that is one of the small mercies of unemployment. This is the first project I've done since getting back into wargaming, and the first one I've actually invested myself in. Overall I'm satisfied with how they all look and definitely proud of the Freikorps. I'm looking forward to actually playing with them as soon as I can spare the money every week for Sluggaz. I need to work out transportation for them now, as currently they live in a tupperware container.


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  13. After near enough a solid six hours of work I've got the Freikorp finished and, believe it or not, I'm actually rather happy with how they've turned out! I know, surprising right? The reduced amounts of exposed flesh was definitely a welcome change and made the project a lot more 'familiar'. Anyway, pictures:

    *I've had to play with the white balance on some of the pics so if they look a little weird that'd be why!

    Von Schill



    Hopefully less racist, homophobic, incestuous and with fewer sex tapes than he who inspired him; the boss man is a lanky git! Even the skin turned out pretty well! He did serve to as a test and subsequent solution to highlighting washed, light colours; add a little brown ink to correct the hue. 

    Strongarm Suit



    Apart from the pipes being a nightmare to attach (two broke) they didn't actually impede the painting too much. He came together quite nicely. I read that quite a few people don't like his size, but personally this is a selling point for me. Not only are there documented giants in Malifaux (Johan, I'm looking at you...) but I imagine that the boiler/modification is somewhat like Bane in the Batman comics where they pump him full of drugs to make him more powerful.



    This will probably be the only picture of her attached to a base because, you know, she's balancing on her little toe supported by a 0.5mm brass rod and more superglue than I should have used. Rather delicate but she's okay, probably my least favourite Freikorp model although probably the most useful. I've tried to incorporate the yellow of the badge on her tassel, with the prominence of black being inspired by Germanic witchcraft/black magic. I possibly overthought this....



    The powders didn't turn out as expected but he's solid enough. As with everyone else the eyes have been glossed as has the pressure gauge; this is intended to mimic glass.




    Not the best photos but another chap who I'm particularly proud of, mainly because of all the cool cogs on the rifle. Second photo is there to show that I'm mad and painted the scope lens and drilled the barrel. I don't overly like the design of the cape but I didn't have an alternative .






    The standing Freikorpsman is probably my favourite Malifaux model to date; both in design and in paintjob. Lots of details on him to add interest and make him pop. The crouching guy came out solid too, but design oversights (the iron nappy only covers his groin, unlike the standing guy's, and his body armour just... stops) annoy me slightly. 

    Only the Viks left to do and I'll have two playable crews! Roll on Sluggaz once I have some disposable income again!

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  14. On 2/13/2016 at 4:09 PM, Im Josh AMA said:

    Great job on the work rate! Also i was really unhappy with my viks aswell might be common? They seemed hard to paint especially their hair/face for me. Your painting's very clean you should be proud, the blood effect on the butchers cleaver is really good!

    Cheers! If anything I have time on my side at the moment, so I might as well make the most of it! The Viks, along with Nessi, Hannah and the Student are the first female models I've ever painted. It sounds a bit strange but I think that might have something to do with it. I found adding lipstick (bright red in this case) and eyebrows definitely helped define the faces. I'm debating trying some blusher, but I'm worried that they might end up looking a bit like Penguins if I mess it up...

    Speaking of work rate; I've managed to finish off some more guys:

    Student of Conflict



    This is a very 'warts and all' pic but I'm actually rather happy with how she turned out; she looks rather good from about 2' away. I really enjoyed painting her; probably the most conventional model in the range I've experienced so far and she has me confident that the Freikorp will turn out well. I think a lot has to do with a reduced amount of exposed flesh, same as with Hannah.

    Malifaux Child


    Again, another fun model to paint. I was initially concerned about the size but if anything that made him easier to work with; a lot more forgiving. I did have a slight issue with the gloss varnish pooling in his left eye but it wasn't disastrous; the eyes are meant to look like emeralds/gems hence the sheen. Completely unintended but both him and the Student of Conflict are blonde and alarmingly aryan... I'm sure there's a joke there at the Freikorp's expense...



    Not a great photo and the colours are a little off, but it does give some good detail of Dante Bishop. I ended up repainting his hair black as I may or may not have messed up the grey. More blood on his hook/cleaver/axe/thing as, like Killjoy, he's angry. He was really easy to paint too; it only took an two hours to get him and the Student post-wash to finish (inc. varnish, powders, effects and mounting).



    The big guy is back. The size and sculpt made him pretty straight forward to paint. The washes didn't go 100% to plan but he's turned out okay; quite rough around the edges which probably suits his character. I did forget to highlight his hammer pole mind... oops. You can't tell in the pic but he has lips/eyebrows too.

    Convict Gunslingers



    I'll be honest; I completely messed up the highlights on their prison garb. The brown/sepia wash really darkens down any colour you use and the base colour highlights were just too bright in this instance, a fact not helped by a heavy hand yesterday morning. They subsequently rewashed and smashed with a fair few powders and now look acceptable. Overall I'm not overly happy with them but they're good enough to be used.

    Along with job hunting, a few more driving lessons and the usual training I'm looking to at least get the Freikorp contingent done next week. Now I need to go be all romantic...

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  15. Pushing on with the Outcasts; I've managed to get the first four models done! Let's get all grim dark up in here...

    Steam Trunk


    Probably the most unexciting model in the collection; it's a box. The wood is distinctly average however I've tried to make it interesting; it's hard to tell but there's some carbon build up around the stacks but not so hard to tell that there's a lot of dirt. The sleeve on the far side is painted in the same green/black as the Freikorps uniforms.



    "Cry, baby, cry. Make your mother sigh..."

    Definitely the worst painted model across the crews; I'm not entirely sold on the wash methodology over large surface areas but it does give a piggish/inhuman skin tone to him. There were some pooling issues but he's definitely usable; plus side is that I found the perfect lip colour (facial features are really important!). He's also got eyebrows; this was a spur of the moment decision as I still wasn't happy after the mouth had been painted. My justification is that I imagine his origins being human, so although he is now an it some of his humanity still remains and that's part of what drove him crazy...er. Lots of effects to distract from the quality and his base got swapped.




    Mr Uninteresting himself. I kept on adding green/brass to break up the monotony of the steel, yet didn't want to go overboard. The idea is that he was created as, and arguably still is, a prototype weapon. I can't imagine the Guild investing a huge amount of time into making him look pretty. Once he joined up with the Freikorp he received a spruce/uniform because, personally, I'd do whatever I could to keep the angry murder machine happy, so why not try and make him feel included? My favourite part is the carbon build up around the grenade launcher barrels. The lens and soulstone have received a post Dullcote gloss varnish so they're nice and shiny. I was going to try OSL but then I remembered I suck at it so didn't.




    Easily the biggest model I've ever painted and probably my favourite out of these four. The suit was great fun and really easy; I've included another angle below because I'm proud of how the transfers look. As with Lazarus, I was originally intended to try some OSL around the coal/black rocks to make it look like a furnace but decided against it. I ended up having to mount Hannah herself to a spare base to get her washed/painted but she's come out alright. Her trousers are less shiny in person and they retain the yellow stripe down the side. I found that adding facial features; in this case red lipstick and eyebrow, really helps bring the model to life.


    Hope these make the wait worthwhile! I'm going to go and crack on with some of their friends now in the hope of having the lot done by next weekend. Now just to resist buying a Tara crew... 

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  16. IMG_20160211_142421_edit_edit_zpsfbdtu94

    After the washes this is how the Freikorp and friends are looking. To be honest they're not to the standard I was hoping, and the Viks are so far a disaster. I'm not doing anything differently versus how I've painted everything last year, but they just don't look as I expected them to. This highlights my major short coming with miniature painting; that of consistency. I can produce miniatures that I'm proud of one week and then the next completely mess up a whole load before doing something good again. Technique wise my approach to flesh tones seems to work well on smaller areas but not so well on larger surfaces.

    The Freikorp look like they can be saved, and I'll do what I can with the girls. Next step is to start building the colours back. I'll probably focus my efforts on getting the boys in green done for next week. 

    EDIT - Please note: Vishnu Von Schill! :P

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  17. My phone still doesn't like group shots but at least I've made some progress on these guys. To be honest though this bit was a proper chore. I did not enjoy the Ronin; I much prefer the original aesthetics over the samurai hookers look. I've tried to make them look a bit more practical than usual  as a result.


    Over the next few days I can start with the washes and move on to the more interesting stages. Once the washes are down I'm planning on working 2-3 models at a time through to completion which should mean I'll be done by the end of the month.

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  18. Another update, albeit with a terrible picture this time as my phone decided that it didn't want to play ball.

    I've managed to block out the colour on another four guys around job hunting this week. As I couldn't decide on how to paint Bishop I kinda improvised and ended up with him looking like Dante from the Devil May Cry video games. He's still using the same palette so should still fit with the rest of the crews despite this. The Malifaux Child's eyes are actually a dark green. Post wash these are going to be painted up to look like emeralds. Johan/Earth Tone Jim was a lovely miniature to paint, despite not being that interesting a sculpt. Killjoy was less so, I really should have just undercoated him white. I've never used my preferred flesh-via-washes technique on anything quite so large before, so I'm a little nervous as to how well he's going to turn out. Fingers crossed. 


    If I keep this level of productivity up I might even get the Vikitoria's et al done over the weekend!

    On 2/1/2016 at 8:04 PM, Im Josh AMA said:

    Looking good love the theme. Hannah's suit is huge!


    Cheers dude, I appreciate the compliment. Hannah's suit is stupidly big, but quite a fun build. I much prefer the aesthetics of the TTB version, but I gave up trying to get that after seeing one go for £60 on eBay. The model as a whole is pretty strange to be honest, her head is pretty small but her hands make Lana Kane's look small!

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  19. I unfortunately didn't pass my driving test first time, which was a bit of a kick in the teeth, however I've been busy painting in order to make myself feel better!

    I've blocked in all the colour on the Freikorp contingent of my Outcasts, along with the Convict Gungslingers. A couple of other fellas got some paint but aren't done yet. There was a surprising amout of detail on these guys but they were pretty easy to paint. I'm now debating whether to work through to completion with them before moving to the Viktorias or just get the boring part done on everyone first. Either way the washes will darken them down considerably and help capture the 'horror' vibe of Mali.


    Hannah's suit's shoulder pads are a bit glossy as the MicroSol is working it's magic on the decals. They're shamelessly stolen from the generic Space Marine sheet; the yellow lightning bolt ties in perfectly with the cuff-symbols on the generic Freikorpsmen. The standing Freikorpsman is probably my favourite out of the batch, but I'm also rather the fan of the Specialist, if anything for his flamethrower.


    Also the last part of a Christmas present turned up in the form of a load of Art of War Malifaux tokens. I had some specifics that I wanted done which combined with their popularity lead to a bit of a wait. Absolutely no complaints on the service front though, and I'm very happy with the product. I have enough for pretty much all the Schemes/Strategies along with general use. They're mainly in yellow to tie in with the Outcasts, however I got some generic grey ones for non-faction objectives and to help out a friend who wants to play but can't afford/decide on whom to do.

    The Ultimate Guard card case is an ace bit of kit too. Holds a full Fate Deck, a full Scheme & Strategy deck plus all the cards supplied with the models. There's still a bit of room too!


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  20. So I ended up being alarmingly productive this week! I think having reduced free time as a result of this driving course really motivated me to try and keep up the amount of painting I've been doing recently.

    So as of last update I've managed to do all the metallics and block in the green areas I'm using to designate my faction. The later wasn't anticipated but as my original VMA Copper decided that it was going to separate and solidify I was forced to find something else to paint! In hindsight it was for the better and I've made a lot more progress than I thought I would. I've limited myself to a set palette across the range to unite them. There will be distinguishing aspects mind; the Viktoria's will have more red for example, and some won't have all colours used; the convict gunslingers uniforms limit that. The idea behind this was from 'Gangs of New York' where the different gangs are either united in outfit or colour.

    I'll try and get some better before-and-after pictures once the other colours are blocked in, pre-wash. Hopefully I should soon be moving out of the relatively boring bit and will have some more interesting updates next month!


    EDIT - This picture really demonstrates how futile my gap filling attempts were on Hannah's suit! Of all the models I did it on I at least thought I'd done that one alright! :(

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  21. Time for a non-pictorial update:

    All the silver parts have been drybrushed and highlighted. Armour was done with VMA Metallics Gunmetal followed by VMA Metallics Steel, blades were painted VMA Metallics Steel with a highlight along the blade in VMA Metallics Silver. I've begun to work through the 'mechanical' parts in brass. I was intending to get the 'technological' bits done in copper first, however my paint has separated and the solidified meaning I've got to wait on a new one turning up. 


    On 1/16/2016 at 2:32 PM, lusciousmccabe said:

    Looking good. 

    Do you think the middle step with grey made much of a difference (aside from the spitting)? I've done this kind of thing recently with just black all around and then white from an angle and it gave pretty good definition, though the tops tended to end up basically all white because of the shallow details you mentioned.


    As for priming; I've tried both and in part it depends on what I'm painting, but I beginning to favour the grey as it results in a somewhat lighter miniature. The black is used more to shade the grey, than the grey is to lighten the black. When I was younger I'd always paint from black as it was 'the way it was done' so I find it easier/more natural, but I think the effect from lighter colours is worth it.  

    On 1/16/2016 at 6:49 PM, Mister Feral said:

    Bases are looking great. :)

    Sluggaz is also the gaming club I attend, fancy that! There's a good Malifaux crowd there.

    That's awesome. I'd heard that Sluggaz played quite a variety of games of which Mali was one of the bigger ones. This definitely helped sell me on starting up! If I stay on schedule I should hopefully have everyone playable by March time, so I'll pop down and you lot can school me!

  22. Wrath averted thanks to an abundance of dust sheets! So glad I had a respirator to hand as the filters turned black due to spraying in the confines of our main bathroom (it's being used as a store room at the moment, I'm not suicidal!).


    I've attempted some zenithal lighting on these guys; black from below followed by grey straight on and white from directly overhead. It's not as smooth as if I were to do it by airbrush but I think I've managed to achieve the desired result using rattlecans. I did have an issue with the grey 'spitting' a number of times whilst spraying however, which hasn't created the most ideal painting surface. I'm hoping that it hasn't compromised the details, and from blacking out the metal areas it seems to be alright. It hasn't completely written off the models. One thing I am debating doing is giving them all a very faint black wash to bring out the details as they're rather fine/flat.

    I'll start with the metallics later today/tomorrow before moving onto the rest of the mini over the coming weeks. I've got an intensive driving course over the next fortnight so will likely be a bit quieter, but after which I will hopefully 1) be able to get a job and 2) be able to get down to the Southampton Sluggaz once everything's painted for a game. 

  23. Progress! So glad I'm almost out of the assembly stage; it's easily my least favourite part of the hobby.

    I picked up Johan. He's a big fella...


    I was debating between him and the Hodgepodge Effigy, but after looking at the feedback to my own thread thread in the Outcasts sub-forum, and reading Khyodee's in which Johan appears in near every list, I thought it best to pick him up. That being said, I do find it somewhat curious that Johan's almost as tall as Killjoy yet on a base half the size.

    Now I've tried my best at the gap filling. It's not perfect but I'm hoping it will hide the worst of it and look passable on the table. I'm not proficient in the use of greenstuff and it turns out that GW's liquid variety is almost entirely useless. In theory it works great and generally I can get it on looking as I want before drying, however it then shrinks so much that it typically just turns the gap green rather than filling it. Even when the gap is tiny, for example the seem around Killjoy, it just wipes off when you clean it up.

    Anyways, everyone is now cleaned and pinned to their corks ready for priming:


    Speaking of pinning, that was a terrifying experience in unto itself. I managed to use my preferred 0.8mm bit (pictured below) for everyone except the Freikorps Librarian. Due to her pose I had to resort to the 0.5mm, which is less than ideal. Across all 25 models I managed to not break any of them though, which I'm putting down to a small miracle over skill!


    Now to risk the wrath of my girlfriend and get these primed indoors... Rule Britannia.

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