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Posts posted by HomelessOne

  1. Just thought I'd c/p from elsewhere


    You 100% have reasons to run this title over her original, and that is mostly in part to the Noxious Nephilim.
    >generate corpse with Noxious
    >elect Molly to take Last Memory damage and discard
    >discard triggers Molly's fading ability
    >any Forgotten with line of sight can then resolve their fading ability
    You're exchanging a shitty card and 1 damage for a potential focused, heal, better card, push, a corpse marker and scheme marker removal from a single bonus action. Taking Philip makes this even better since he can act as a second Molly and cause more fading abilities to trigger.

    You can also Leading Baton someone like Archie, stone for crow and relent to get Deja Vu, triggering your fading, in turn triggering Archie to heal back the damage he took and push and for Molly to draw two cards.
    Parade Route turns any model into a potential cruise missile as well as a schemer, with push 5" allowing you to go THROUGH most terrain to beat the shit out of something.
    Positive Reinforcement saves AP on units that want to beat the shit out of something and also makes your beaters stay longer in the scrum while, again, allowing you to draw for cards with Deja Vu. Remember the Lost is even more potential card draw, and at worst a way to potentially luck out when you start running low on cards.

    New Molly is looking really promising, and her enforcer even more so. Noxious is going to see use OOK I imagine.


    That tech means you're holding the main beatstick as a bodyguard for Molly, which feels like a waste given that you're probably running her in spread'n'scheme pools.


    Push 5" and Interact while engaged to drop a marker in a guarded position is absolutely nuts to the point that it would probably still be worthwhile if the trigger also said "target model cannot activate this turn".
    That much distance with an Interact through engagement is incredibly powerful late game.


    This is a good point. Holding Archie back to bodyguard is probably okay since he's got leap to break off and do something if he needs to.

    The Noxious Neph is kinda slow without support. And I don't think you need to get the extra card draw. She's got Deja Vu triggers and Remember the Lost for card draw.

    Speaking of Remember the Lost it seems pretty great. It's basically Bayou Two Card but way better, especially post Somer Nerf. I could see using three Punk zombies and three Crooligans to get the most of it.

    Do as thou wilt.

  2. Regarding theme, it's probably little comfort to the Guild since he's dual faction but I've long adored Lucius. Both of his Keywords are neat and flavorful, though I don't like the sculpts for False Witnesses. Never actually played him and he's not repped in my meta, but the new Title feels like another targeted push from Wyrd to get me to pick him up despite the relative investment.

    Best Lucius lore moment: Kitchener contemplating yanking his mask off and parading him around HQ, to show Lucius he's not as clever as he thinks he is.

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  3. You guys almost got stuck with my charming personality; when I was getting into the game I was really interested in three tough ladies basically being the face of the Guild. Unfortunately I then saw Seamus' crew and found it entirely too funny...

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