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Everything posted by Engrimm

  1. I've been looking everywhere but I can't seem to find the names of the models that are in the 2 player starter set. I know Dr.Grimwell and Nurse Heartsbane but that's all I found. Anybody has the names of the remaining 6 please?
  2. Ok that's what I wanted to know, which flip it affects when saying just action thanks
  3. Any Ca action. Either tactical or Attack. Attack flip or damage flip or both? person above said it doesn't affect flips, but if it doesn't affect flips what does it do?
  4. Yes but to what is it applied? which flip? if it's an attack CA action for example?
  5. Ok I'm a bit confused. Here's a card example : Disrupt Magic: Enemy models within 4" of this model suffer to Ca actions. So where exactly is the applied?
  6. When a card says you get a + to your attack flip it means to add a card to the "hitting" part of the attack, same with + damage. But what about a rule saying you get a + for CA/MI/SH action, does that mean you get it for both the attack flip and damage flip?
  7. But I want them to look suitably impressive , creating something myself isn't going to be anything close to the old avatars or whatever Wyrd have planned with the scenic bases. I'll have to just use a 50mm base for the 19 masters that didn't have an avatar model for now at least.
  8. Thanks a lot for the info, didn't realise there were so many. Hmmm now I'm not sure if I should wait for these scenic bases you mentioned or start searching for the old avatars!
  9. Is there a list somewhere of all the old released avatar models? I only play campaigns and would like to get all the models sometime (slowly) and having the full list would help me a lot in achieving that. Also,anybody know if there are any plans to release plastic Avatar models since there's rules for them in Shifting Loyalties? (I know they're only usable in campaigns)
  10. Thanks a lot, didn't realise they aren't even included in the arsenal, but makes sense.
  11. I know summoned models don't usually take a finished off flip. But what about models like Lord Chompy Bits and Ikiryo? Is it still no finished off flips? Also while we're on topic, are these 2 models in particular able to get skills and campaign upgrades?
  12. As Myyra said, Firestorm are great for this type of thing, I normally get the items (if in stock) within 3 days, and that's with free shipping not the expedited one. (I live in Malta btw) They have Wong on pre-orders too.
  13. Hi all, got 2 questions as I'm still new. 1st: Do you keep your hand of cards a secret from your opponent or not? 2nd: In campaigns henchmen leading a crew that normally cost 0 soulstones cost 13 SS minus their cache. What if they're NOT leading a crew? 13 without reducing the cache? or something else? Thanks in advance
  14. Very interesting, love that there's 2 huge monsters/robotic thing was the only thing I was going to miss in Malifaux.
  15. I sold all my warmahordes stuff (all 12 armies) along with the cards and sleeves, but after everybody picked up their armies I found 4 packets of sleeves still unopened, good news for malifaux cards
  16. That's great to hear, will track down some info on it then, unless you have a link on hand (it's 2am about time I slept)
  17. Thanks Vlad, will make sure to check it once I receive Crossroads (everything's still in the mail).
  18. 3 Crew team game sounds good, that way I could have a deck for each crew. Not doing this anytime soon but I like to plan ahead.
  19. Great thanks, good job I didn't sell them along with the rest of my warmahordes stuff.
  20. Been searching through the forum but can't seem to find anything. I have a bunch of crews on the way and thought I'd buy the sleeves for the cards before they got here but obviously don't know the size since I'm just starting. Anybody able to tell me what they use for sleeves? I usually use FFG ones but I'm open for anything that fit the Malifaux cards perfectly. I still have a lot of sleeves from Warmachine, are they the same size? Thanks
  21. Thanks for the replies all, looks like I'm getting into Malifaux finally! I'm used to keeping track of large games, use a 14ft long table for the other ones I play so I'll manage somehow:D
  22. Hii all, new to the game and still reading the rulebook but I have to ask a question before I commit myself to the game. I love increasing the size of battles gradually, now I saw that Malifaux seems to work best at around 50 ss, but can you say play a game of 150 SS and use 3 masters on each side each with a 50 ss worth crew?
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