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Posts posted by Munindk

  1. Plus I'm interested in building 35SS Henchmen crews, there's nothing in the McMourning box you can field in Guild in a Henchmen game. I do have the McMourning box though, as I'm planning on playing ressers. When all the nightmares are out in plastic I want to play Dreamer too, hence the NB models. The Guild models are solely for demo games, might sell them to a friend, if one of them ends up playing Guild.
    I was thinking of adding a couple of Riflemen and an Austringer, to give the Guild crew some shooting, but as I've more or less settled on Coppelius and Mr. Graves for the Neverborn crew, I'm worried that the Guild crew will be lacking a heavy hitter.
    Maybe an Executioner, a Death Marshal to move him forward and the Brutal Effigy? The Death marshal could come in handy if I pick up Tara for my ressers.
  2. I plan on running a few demo games using the two player starter set with my friends, to get a Malifaux group up and running. I'd like to be able to run a few 35SS games with crews based on the starter models. Which models would you recommend for expanding the Guild crew into a 35SS henchman led crew?

    Preferably just 1 box set and 1-2 boxes of minions.

    For reference I've got the Dreamer and Pandora boxes, plus Mr. Graves and Mr. Tannen to expand the Neverborn crew.


  3. Identifying and eliminating key models in your opponents summoning machine can be important too. Killing Mortimer will hurt Nicodem, killing Phillip and the Nanny could leave Kirai or Molly starved for cards.

    Another way to go is to exhaust or deny the summoning engine fuel. If you field lots of easy to kill constructs against Ramos or low wound living models against Nicodem, you're making it easier for your opponent. Often trying to eliminate key pieces can drain cards or soul stones, which most summoning engines need.

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  4. On 20. februar 2016 at 5:57 PM, Old Man Gloom said:

    I didn't start gaming until around 03' and 04' so, Coat'd'Arms would have been before my time. So, they basically their pot style now is the same or similar to P3. I started out with the hard plastic, bolter shell shaped pots which were trash.

    Coat'd'Arms are still in business, Hasslefree miniatures carry the whole line http://www.hfminis.co.uk/shop?category=accessories~paints-%252d-coat-d%27arms

  5. 1. Hodgepodge - I think its a bit odd as an emissary, but it oozes character and has so many great detail. I think I spotted some squashed roses somewhere.

    2. Brutal - the sword is a bit meh but easily fixed (so it doesnt detract too much), the cage is very characterfull. Love the skull.

    3. Carrion – I’m not sure about the teeth on the beak, they looked better in the artwork. It’s a big crow!

    4. Mysterious – it fits in well with the Swamp fiend theme of the faction, not so much with the nightmare and woe themes. Its a clear reference to the little shop of horrors, which I like. No mask though.

    5. Lucky – its a bit silly, even for gremlins and the emissary himself doesnt look that angry, which he should according to the fluff. The pig is there, but where’s the moonshine?

    6. Shadow – one of the best eastern dragons I’ve see, so thumps up for the craftsmanship, but I dont like eastern dragons. No weird flower/flame/thing.

    7. Arcane – I dont like the bull look, for me it doesnt tie into the rest of the faction. Where’s the book?

    I like when there are either clear ties to the faction logo or the logo is incorporated into the model. The Carrion and Brutal emissaries do this best.

  6. I think the Conflux of Horror upgrade looks amazing.

    With Maniacal Laugh Molly gets use out of corpse markers, it makes positioning in the black blood bubble a little easier and it opens up Molly hiring pool a little. The real benefit however is with Take Back tbe Night, with every undead being a horror, there's huge potential for card draw.

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  7. From what I've read (and based my starter purchases on) its a good start to running Horror Molly, though the conventional advice is to pick up Seamus' box too, as both Madame Sybelle and Belles work well with Molly.

    Killjoy and Yin are popular with Molly, and they're fairly cheap (cash wise, not soul stone wise). Yin has the added advantage of being really good with Seamus, if you decide to pick up his box.

    Then there's The Drowned and Nurses which I think are nice to have, rather than need to have for Molly. I think you can get by without Punk Zombies by using the students from Transmortis.

    You could use the Bloodwretches with Molly since they're immune to Black Blood, but I think there are better in faction options for 6 stones.

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  8. I'd "cast" copies sheathed katanas from either Vik of Blood or the Ronins, using instant mold and brown stuff (cures harder than green stuff) or green stuff.

    Hasslefree miniatures have katanas in their collections, as optional weapons for zombie hunters mostly, but I'm not sure if they're available separately.

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