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Posts posted by Munindk

  1. 1 hour ago, Wakshaani said:

    Are we *sure* that he's a "he"? Because that look could go either way. Mind you, I'd assume that there'll be a henchman of "Bonnie Clyde" as his #2 that seals the deal, but I'd be happy to be wrong.

    From the text on the preview page: "With a solid stat line, he's capable of dealing with most things that come his way." I'm sure :)

  2. I dont see summoning as an issue* SS wise as its generally balanced out by other factors and for a lot of masters its actually a trap to use every AP to summon in models. I also dont get the time issue, it can easily be solved by using chess clocks for tournaments. I dont see summoning being anymore of a negative play experience than gunlines or denial lists.

    Summoning is already a big part of the list building proces, as most summoning lists have to include support models to generate card draw/scrap markers/corpse markers/wounds to summon off and so forth, basically summoners are spending SS to get access to the required summoning resources.

    Theres a few issues that your rule suggestion doesnt seem to take into accout:

    There are henchmen (and a totem, and at least one minion) who can summon

    Theres at least sne summonable model that doesnt have a SS cost (seishin)

    Would you count Ikiryo and Lord Chompy bits as summons too?

    If you think summoning is an issue in your meta, arrange a tournament where there's no summoning allowed or play some Henchman hardcore :)


    *but then I'm a Resser player who thinks the Dreamer and Ulix look fun.

    • Like 2
  3. 17 hours ago, Dogmantra said:

    if you were really good at converting I'd say get a whiskey golem and put a brewmaster inside it like a mecha suit.

    Like a Gremlin version of Hannah?

    Add a ton of empty bottles to the base and I think it would be perfect.

    • Like 2
  4. What kind of slow grow is it? Shifting Loyalties or regular master crews but at 25 or 35SS?

    For Horror Molly I'd be hard pressed to make decent lists without Seamus' box and some Dead Doxies. Sybelle is a a very solid Henchman (especially for Shifting Loyalties) and Belles are always usefull. Dead Doxies do a lot of work with Phillip for card cycling, but they can also move Yin around (or Molly, if you dont want Sybelle) and they have a decent damage track.

    For Rasputina I'd strongly consider some Acolytes and Silent Ones (the latter can function as mini Rasputinas in Shifting Loyalties).

  5. Of the warmachine/hordes models I think the Lord of the Feast would work best (and with the spoiled mk3 rules, you can probably pick him up cheap :p), the antlers match nicely with the Blessed of December (love the antlers, hate the rest of the model). The issue with the rest the rest of the miniatures (and to a lesser extent, LofF too) is that they're more fantasy and less steampunk them the Malifaux models. They're too bulky and maybe a bit too short too.

    Lose the bird and the sword, stick him on a snow base and paint him a pale blue and you're set.

    • Like 1
  6. My thinking with the zombies is that they're mobile corpse bloat targets, activation control and that they splash Black Blood when struck, making them annoying to remove. Its all theoryfaux though, so it might look great on paper but not be worth the SS/AP on the table :)

  7. Have you considered the Carrion Emissary to give your Flesh Constructs Black Blood? You could give Molly Maniacal Laugh or just have Guild Autopsies summon in Mindless Zombies what would also get Black Blood.

    Throw in Bete Noire (again with Black Blood) and you could sort of run a paralyze focused crew giving the Flesh Constructs Devour targets.

    Its pure theoryfaux, but I'm pretty psyched about the Emissary :)


  8. While not primarily summoners, both McMourning and Seamus have summoning pools of 2 models, with a generic resser upgrade they can bump it to 4 model.

    I could see a Oni summoning master working with just Jorogumo, Obsidian Oni and Tengu, although it would be odd if her starter box didnt include a new Oni  type.

    • Like 1
  9. 16 hours ago, Da Git said:

    What is the point of the two orderlies?  Is it just healing or something I'm not seeing?  I'd probably ditch one for the Chihuahua and the 2 upgrades, then you have 4ss for cache or another model...

    The Orderlies are there to run schemes and add numbers. A watcher and the Brutal Effigy would be cheaper and perhaps better, but I like the Orderlies as they add to the "medical staff and patients" theme to the crew.

    • Like 1
  10. McMourning -- 7ss
     +On The Clock - 1ss

    Executioner - 9ss

    Executioner - 9ss

    Nurse - 5ss

    Nurse Heartsbane - 8ss

    Orderly - 5ss

    Orderly - 5ss

    Witchling Stalker - 5ss

    This leaves 3SS for extra cache or upgrades... I think I need to stop by the LFGS :)

    • Like 3
  11. I've been looking at Excecutioners for Guild McMourning.

    McMourning can move them at the cost of a little poison and a Nurse could boost their walk, at the cost of not being able to take ML actions. Luckily the Guild has Witchling Stalkers to remove the pesky conditions. Nurse Heartbane can also Electroshock the fat man 6" forward.

    The question then becomes is it worth the SS and AP investment to move the Executioner around?

    • Like 1
  12. That'd be Unnerving Aura, lovely on both Yin and Izamu :)

    To try to stay on topic, I think trikk made a very good point:

    18 hours ago, trikk said:

    I think the issue is not with the masters per-se. Its that their crews look pretty similar. DM, Papa, Franc, Effigy, Austringer, Hunter are all pretty good with Sonnia, Perdita, McMourning, Justice and even probably McCabe (he doesn`t need papa that much). I know you can mix it up a bit but its hard to find a good crew list without a big part of those models.

    I dont know if Guild falls back on these more than other factions do, in my limited experience most factions have their usual suspects. I've seen a lot of Neverborn lists with Doppleganger, Silurids, Illuminated or Johan. Ressers often feature Rotten Belles or Nurses in some quantity. Trappers are popular (not just with) Outcasts and then theres the Ratjoy combo. December Acolytes and Cassandra see a lot of play with Arcanists. Gremlins seem to like Trixiebelle for just about every list.

    Its probably meta dependent, but the above matches what I've read here on the forums, seen on AWP and locally.


  13. I havent played the combo myself, but I've seen it in action.

    Auto fire (2 AP) for 3 sh6 3/3/6 attacks is pretty good and you could discard Oathkeeper to get an additional AP. It gets really crazy when Vanessa does her Command Construct (0) to make Lazarus shoot again. He's good in melee, has armour 2 and he can heal as a 0 action. The only things I dont like about him is his wk 4 and that there's not enough Outcast constructs for him to use his Assimilate action, which sounds pretty good in Arcanists though.

    Vanessa herself is no slouch it melee and at range. Her ranged attack is especially if she's at the center line so park her and Lazarus there to hold a marker and blast away.

    Almost forgot, Tara could make him fast too...

  14. On 28. maj 2016 at 10:26 PM, daniello_s said:

    Vanessa, Malifaux Child plus Lazarus would fill it up nicely. 

    Vanessa + Lazarus can pump out a scary amount of fire power.

    Other than that Johan is everybodys favorite outcast, he's great in faction and in just about every other faction too.

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