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Posts posted by Munindk

  1. Barbaros, a Mature Nephilim, 2 Young Nephilim and 2 upgrades comes to 25 Soulstones. It looks cohesive and will only cost you a Nephilim box and it doesnt overlap with any master boxes. Its 5 stones over the Henchmen Hardcore format and I dont know if its competitive, but that shouldnt be an issue for demo games.


    A 20 stones crew could be Barbaros, Mr. Graves and 2 Terror Tots, and 1 upgrade. Its cheaper than the Nephilim box, sticks to the format but it makes buying the Lilith box later an even worse deal than it already is.

  2. How about orderlies? They are Wk6 and have unimpeded.

    I'm sure they could work quite alright if you also think you might need to scrap it out with another cheap scheme runner but watchers are 4ss and Wk 6 with flight which is better if you think you can scheme unopposed. As previously stated, other factions have models who can move a lot farther and place a marker who are only 4ss.

    Having scheme runners that can kill stuff sounds very Guildish to me :)

    But I agree that they arent a direct counterpart to Gupps, Terror Tots and the like.

  3. I wouldn't call it "better balance" necessarily though.  Since again, if all players have the same crew building privileges, no one is at any kind of disadvantage.  That said, I would say that players with more experience, as well as access to the more "powerful" models, would be at a more distinct advantage in this case.  I wouldn't want to participate in this type of HH unless I had a well versed understanding of the game. 

    To keep things interesting though, I would encourage players to make more thematic crews, since HH tend to be a less serious platform (though that is dependent entirely on the crowd you game with), and see what people come up with.  I think a "Freikorps" themed HH crew would be fun to play and watch.  Something about Hannah, a Strongarm Suit, and a Librarian rushing into combat just makes me a little excited. :P

    Picking less than 4 models does mess with the balance.

    It allows you to spend more on each model, thus allowing you to pick better models which is basically a form of force concentration. 3 models that can each one-round most models is potentionally more dangerous than 4 models that can almost one-round most models. In regular games this would be balanced out by your opponent out-activating you, but the format doesnt allow this.

    I dont know Malifaux well enough to know how much this impacts the game, but it Hardcore doesnt sound very balanced from the start and this potentially decreases the already limited balance even more.

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