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Posts posted by thecapopriest

  1. 13 hours ago, Forgotten said:

    Impressed you were able to get picture and details down. Thanks for sharing.

    Btw, how long does it take you to play a game?

    So far the games have ranged between 3 to 5 hours. I've gotten used to recording the Battle Report and I personally feel that the battle report portion only tacks on an additional 10 minutes or so of additional time to the game. I use a recorder to quickly say what happened in a given activation and then take a picture. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Well it seems the forums will not allow me to insert more photos. If you want to see the full battle report I have it posted up in the following Facebook Groups: A Wyrd Place, The Bayou of Malifaux, and Maliphoenix.

    If anyone knows how to get all my photos and the rest of my Battle Report on here it would be greatly appreciated. I also have the photos on my Amazon Photos but I can't upload the photos from the links like I used to be able to with Drop Box.

  3. P9130080.thumb.JPG.05ef0ec1574639f185d79678f2ee78c7.JPG

    Trixiebelle Walked and then used Lure on the Executioner and used the built in Trigger "Didn't Need to See That" to have the Executioner Move Away from her.

    Rifleman did the Concentrate action to gain Focused +1 and then used the Sniper ability to lower the Focused Condition by 1 and gain +10" range.

    At this point we were unsure whether you would still get the positive twists on the Duel and Damage flip for the attack as both require lowering the value of Focused to gain the effects. We played it as you do not get the positive twists as well. I would really appreciate clarification on this rule.

    The Rifleman then shot at Trixiebelle and hit doing Weak Damage of 2 and Trixiebelle used a Soulstone to reduce it to 0.


    Bushwhacker Walked and then shot at the Rifleman hitting with the Critical Strike Trigger and did Weak Damage of 3. The Bushwhacker then did the Bonus Action to drop a Pit Trap Marker.


    The Sergeant Walked and attempted the Bonus Action Consolidate Power but failed. She then walked behind the crates.


    Bushwhacker Walked and then shot the Sergeant hitting and getting the trigger Clever Ruse to push the Sergeant 3" toward a Pit Trap Marker in its LOS. The shot did Weak Damage of 2 and the Pit Trap did 1 point of damage more and gave Injured +1.

    I didn't think about this at the time but since models can stand on Pit Trap Markers should the Push have been completed until either you run out of 3" or you reach the center of the Pit Trap? Or did I do this correctly by ending the push in Base to Base Contact?

    The Bushwhacker then used her Bonus Action to create another Pit Trap Marker.


    Rifleman discarded a card to do the Concentrate action as a Bonus Action granted by Dashel Barkers Ability Shouting Orders (Guard). Then he Walked and used the Focused Condition for Sniper to gain +10" range and shot at Trixiebelle and missed.

    Mah Tucket dropped a Scheme Marker in the back corner and then double Walked. She then did her Bonus Action to create a Pit Trap Marker.


    Rifleman Double Walked.

    Around this time I realized I had not been using Twitchy with my Rooster Riders at all. Twitchy was from their Upgrade that allows them to make a 1" move after every other models activation as long as they are not engaged.

    Throughout the game I have varying degrees of success on remembering to utilize that Ability.


    Rooster Rider Walked and then shot at the Injured Sergeant but missed.


    Executioner gained +1 Move from the Sergeants Lead The Patrol and Charged forward but ending with no enemy models within 2" range.


    End of turn 1 no points scored.


    End of turn 1 no points scored.


    End of turn 1 no points scored.


    Beginning of Turn 2.

    Bayou gains +3 to the Initiative flip. +1 from the Pass Token gained from the Summoned Executioner and +2 from the Ill Omens Ability on Mah Tucket and Trixiebelle.

    Bayou wins Initiative and chooses to go first. Unfortunately this turn I forgot to check what suit the Initiative flip was so I did not benefit from Careful Planning.

    Bayou gains 4 Pass Tokens.

    Mah Tucket used Diving Charge to Charge through the Bushwhacker and Charge Attack the Executioner.

    Mah Tucket used a Soulstone to add a Ram to the attack to gain the Trigger Critical Strike. She hit and did Weak Damage of 4. Second attack she once again used a Soulstone for a Ram hitting with Weak Damage doing another 4 Damage and bringing the Executioner down to Hard to Kill. Third Attack missed due to Black Joker.

    Mah Tucket used her Bonus Action to create a Pit Trap Marker.

    Here was another question, could I have placed the Pit Trap Marker into base contact with the Executioner so that if the Executioner did any actions while Base to Base with the Pit Trap he would have taken 1 point of damage and died? That seemed off so I kept the Pit Trap Marker outside of Base to Base contact with the Executioner.

    Executioner activated and attacked Mah Tucket twice, both times hitting for Weak Damage of 3 which Mah Tucket reduced both attacks with a Soulstone each by 1 damage. Mah Tucket took a total of 4 damage, 8 Health left.

    The Executioner used his Bonus action Juggernaut, discarding a card and healing 2 points of Damage.


  4. P9130065.thumb.JPG.528d96d95c11610d69d1d684986fbf55.JPG

    This is a 50SS game of Malifaux 3rd Edition played with the Maliphoenix group at Games U.

    Bayou vs Guild

    Deployment: Standard

    Strategy: Plant Explosives

    Schemes: Power Ritual, Hold Up Their Forces, Take Prisoner, Search The Ruins, and Vendetta.

    Bayou List: Mah Tucket, The Little Lass, Trixiebelle, 3 Bushwhackers, and 2 Rooster Riders both with the Twelve Cups of Coffee Upgrade. Soulstone Cache of 7.

    Bayou Schemes: Power Ritual and Search The Ruins

    Guild List: Dashel Barker, Dispatcher (Guild Lawyer as the Proxy). Mounted Guard, Sergeant, 3 Rifleman, and 4 Guild Hounds. Soulstone Cache of 5.

    Guild Schemes: Take Prisoner (on the Rooster Rider with the rifle over his head) and Power Ritual.

    The Bayou are Defenders and the Guild are the Attackers.

    Just some notes on the terrain the crates that are on the 50mm bases where impassable, height 2 Blocking, and destructible.

    The 2 rectangle crates where much the same except you can climb on top of them.

    The center piece of terrain we decided to just make it height 4 blocking and impassable for its entire footprint.

    Note on the tokens:

    Green Tokens are Corpse Tokens.

    Orange Tokens are Bayou Scheme Markers.

    Red Tokens are Explosive Tokens for the Strategy.

    All 50mm acrylic tokens are Pit Traps.


    The Guild divided up their crew by having Dashel, the Dispatcher, Mounted Guard, and 3 Riflemen. The other Group had the Sergeant and 4 Guild Hounds.

    I chose to have the Dashel group deploy first.

    Guild Deployment left to right: 4 Guild Hounds, Mounted Guard, Rifleman, Sergeant, The Dispatcher (Guild Lawyer used for the proxy), Dashel Barker, and 2 Riflemen.

    Explosive Markers: 4 Guild Hounds and Mounted Guard.


    Bayou Deployment left to right: Mah Tucket, Trixiebelle, Bushwhacker (base to base with the crates), Bushwhacker (base to base with the rock formation), Rooster Rider, Bushwhacker (behind the house on the far right), Little Lass, and Rooster Rider.

    All the Bushwhackers where deployed at the start of the game with From the Shadows.

    There are 3 50mm green acrylic markers and 1 50mm orange acrylic markers, those are all Pit Trap markers created at the start of the game from the Pit Traps Ability on Mah Tucket and the 3 Bushwhackers.

    Explosive Markers Bayou: 3 Bushwhackers and 2 Rooster Riders.


    Bayou wins initiative and has the Guild go first. Bayou has 3 pass tokens. Careful Planning was a Tome on initiative allowing me to draw two cards and discard down to 6 cards.

    The Dispatcher walked then used his bonus action to drop an enemy scheme marker and take a point of damage. Then he walked behind the building.


    Bayou used a pass token.

    Guild Hound walked and then destroyed the Pit Trap Marker.


    Bayou used a Pass Token.

    Guild Hound double Walked.


    Bayou used the last pass token.

    Guild Hound double Walked.


    Little Lass double Walked.


    Guild Hound dropped a Scheme Marker and then Walked.


    Rooster Rider Double Walked


    Dashel used his Bonus Action Foul Mouth Motivation to heal the Dispatcher and give him Focus +1.

    Dashel then summoned an Executioner with the Call in Reinforcements action needing a 13 of rams. The Executioner gained the On Patrol Upgrade and became Slow.

    Dashel then Walked behind the wall.



    Bushwhacker Walked to get LOS to the Guild Hound and then attempted to shoot it but missed. The Bushwhacker then did her Bonus Action to create another Pit Trap.


    The Mounted Guard Walked and then did his Bonus Action Ride With Me targeting the Executioner, pushing the Mounted Guard 5" and then placing the Executioner into base contact.

    The Mounted Guard then destroyed the Pit Trap in between the two crates.



    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, retnab said:

    Only for Adjunct models, so an Adjunct that lists 30mm can't be taken with Fireteams that have models of any other base size (only matters for Gibbering Hordes at the moment)

    Thanks, that explains the base size mattering for the individual models.

  6. 9 hours ago, retnab said:
    1. Not really?  The only ones that come to mind are Abyssinia's Rail Gunner's Drain The Battery and Cult's Breachling's The Silence Between Dimensions (but you kind of want that one to happen).
    2. I think that's probably going to be up to house ruling (like 50mm models and 30mm doorways), but IMO usually if the gap's not big enough it wouldn't be able to go through (I'd really try not to have too many of those blocks that at least 80mm bases couldn't go through).
    3. Nope, no character attachments, just the generic ones.  It's a neat idea though!
    4. I really hope so!  Don't think we've heard anything one way or the other there, but it'd be save a lot of hassle of basing a whole new army!
    5. I don't know if they're the final version but there were images of boxes on the Kickstarter for the Allegiance boxes anyway, and they weren't clear packaging.  It might have changed, though.

    Thanks for the answers!

    Why I asked about the movement of fire teams between objects was to see if there is any real mechanic attached to the base size of the individual models. Such as a good amount of squads will have an 80mm fire team with 3 30mm bases on the fire team. Does the size of the individual bases have any game mechanic attached to it?

  7. Just some random questions that I have been wondering about and just hoping someone has the answers; seeing as I don't see a place to read any rules and I have yet to go over all of the cards with a fine tooth comb.

    1. Are there any negative abilities in TOS? Such as, with certain Gremlin models in Malifaux, being forced to declare triggers and usually one of them are strictly negative, or like how a certain pig models must declare charges under certain conditions. 

    2. Can a fire team base move through a terrain gap that is not wide enough for the actual size of the fire team base? Example would be if there where to houses close to one another to where there was a 60mm gap, could an 80mm fire team move through it or would that not be allowed?

    3. Are there any character attachments to squads and fire teams or are they going to remain generic?

    4. Will the bases for TOS be sold separately? 

    5. Lastly has the retail packaging been shown off or talked about yet? I'm just wondering if they are going to do clear packaging since the models are preassembled to show off the models to potential buyers.

    Thanks for reading and hopefully these questions are easy enough to answer.

  8. It's also beneficial to know your opponents faction so you can prepare for your personal worse case scenario. Such as, against Arcanists my worst case scenario is to face off against Ramos summoning in a mass of arachnids with Joss and Howard as the heavy hitters. So I am inclined to either take Wong or Somer with Lightning Bugs and high damage dealers. I might end up facing off against any of the other masters, but overall they don't worry me as much as I feel I can play to the Strategy and Schemes without being shut out at every turn. 

    I have worse case scenarios for every Faction and try to have my list at least a bit built for those match ups just in case. 

    • Like 2
  9. 6 hours ago, 4thstringer said:

    Good to see Greed, at 8 points, doing almost nothing.  Was her aura at least an issue for you?

    And I can't believe I just saw the Govs proxy on the table.  

    I did have to discard cards in order to avoid damage from the aura a couple of times, unfortunately I did forget to note those times down. I think my opponent was just playing more conservatively with Greed then normal due to needing her alive to help with Round Up and that she could score for Hunting Party. He also kept forgetting to Focus before doing The Greed Spreads, so in later games she might be more effective.

    The Governor's Proxy worked well in this Strategy and Scheme set seeing as it healed a good amount of times, making his tanky crew even more difficult to crack.

  10. P4040405_zpslki90jkd.jpg

    This is a 50 point game played in the MaliPhoenix group at Games U.

    Gremlins vs. Guild

    Deployment: Standard

    Strategy: Extraction

    Schemes: Claim Jump, Frame For Murder, Hunting Party, Dig Their Graves, and Recover Evidence.

    Gremlin List: Ulix with Huntin' Bow and Hide in The Mud, Penelope, Old Major, Gracie, War Pig with One Pig Against The World, The Sow, Stuffed Piglet, and Gremlin Taxidermist. Soulstone Cache of 4.

    With this list I was hoping that with the enhanced maneuverability from Penelope giving +1 walk, with a 0 action to push a Pig model, Old Major's ability to push pigs, the Taxidermist being able to grant flight, and Ulix able to use the Huntin' Bow to send pigs off charging, I was hoping I would be able to wrap up my opponents crew outside of the Extraction radius. Then I would hopefully be able to start moving the Extraction marker away from his crew to deny points.

    Before we revealed crews I already had it in mind that I would choose Frame For Murder on The Sow, seeing as she is pretty fragile and I knew I wanted to get her stuck in combat on the first turn.

    Unfortunately with how this crew works it also made Recover Evidence and Dig Their Graves no good as I would be stuck in melee and unable to do any interact actions. 

    Also Claim Jump was out of the Scheme pool for me with this crew.

    Basically choosing this particular crew did push myself into having to choose Frame For Murder and Hunting Party, which is a mistake I will endeavor to not make again. 

    Guild List: Lady Justice with Vendetta, Governor's Proxy, Francisco Ortega with Wade In and Hair Trigger, 2 Guardian's, Greed, and Ryle. Soul Stone Cache 7.

    Gremlins Schemes: Hunting Party and Frame For Murder on The Sow.

    Guild Schemes: Faction Scheme Round Up and Hunting Party.

    Gremlins win Deployment Flip and choose to make Guild deploy first and choose sides.

    Just to note this is a four foot by four foot board, so six inches all around the board is out of play.

    The Green Pond is Severe and Hazardous.


    Guild Deployment Left to Right: Francisco, Ryle, behind Ryle is the Governor's Proxy, Guardian, Lady Justice, Guardian, and Greed.


    Gremlin Deployment Left to Right: War Pig, The Sow, Gracie, behind Gracie is Ulix, behind Gracie and Old Major is the Taxidermist, Old Major, Stuffed Piglet, and Penelope From The Shadows deployment near the building.


    From the original photo Guild choose the right side of the board for deployment.


    Gremlin Taxidermist did his 1 action Never Happen, cheating in a 6 of masks, to give flight to all of the Pigs in a 4" pulse. He then did his 0 action Purdy Fireworks on the Stuffed Piglet to push it 3" and then have it walk 5" more. He did nothing with his 2nd AP.


    Guardian double walked forward and attempted his 0 action Protect on himself, but failed due to the Black Joker.


    Gracie did her 0 action Riled Up to gain Reactivate, but take 2 damage which may not be reduced. She then double walked 10" due to the +1 walk from Penelope's Kept at a Distance. Each walk Ulix was pushed into base contact from Hitch a Ride, stopping at the fence on the second walk.


    Guardian did his 0 action Protect on Lady Justice and then double walked forward.


    Old Major walked forward and then did his 0 action The Old Pig Knows The Way to push the Taxidermist into base contact. He then did Nudge 'em On on the War Pig discarding a 3 of Crows to do so and giving the War Pig Crows on all final duel totals.


    Francisco walked and shot the Stuffed Piglet, being able to cheat the damage flip, he cheated it to severe to kill it outright.


    Penelope used her 0 action, Herd 'em, on the War Pig to push him his walk of 5, then she double walked.


    Ryle did his 0 action, Socially Repressed, to push 4" away from the Governor's Proxy. He then walked and shot at Gracie, being able to cheat the damage flip, he cheated to severe of 4 damage which was reduced to 2 due to Armor 2 on Gracie.


    The Sow double walked forward.


    Governor's Proxy double walked forward.


    The War Pig discarded One Pig Against The World to gain a positive twist on all flips for the rest of the activation. He walked 6" due to +1 walk from Penelope. He then did a 1 AP Pig Charge against Ryle, due to Flight from the Taxidermist he was able to situate himself behind the Guardian. The first attack Ryle used a soulstone to gain a positive twist to defense and give a negative twist to any resulting damage flip. The War Pig hit and did weak damage of 2, which was reduced down to 1 from Armor. The War Pig declared the Eat Anything trigger. The second attack Ryle used another soulstone and The War Pig hit getting the Stampede trigger, however I hit the Black Joker on the damage flip so no trigger due to no damage being dealt.


    Lady Justice walked into Melee with the War Pig in order to gain positive twist to the damage flips due to not charging. The first attack missed due to cheating in the Red Joker on defense. The second attack hit and declared the Onslaught trigger granted to her by the Vendetta upgrade. The attack did moderate damage of 4 but the additional attack from Onslaught missed.

    Gracie walked forward with her Reactivate and nothing else.


    Greed did The Greed Spreads on the War Pig, hitting and doing 2 damage after I discarded 1 soulstone to reduce the damage by 2.


    Ulix did Shot in the Rear on Gracie to charge Ryle. The first attack she did Take a Bite doing 1 point of damage and healing 3 due to cheating a severe card. Second attack she did Tusks doing weak damage of 2 which was reduced to 1 due to Armor 1.


    Ulix did Sooey! to push Gracie and Old Major their Charge towards him. Gracie stopped along the building as she ended up hitting the building during the push.

    Ulix then did Shot in the Rear on The Sow having her charge the Guardian. Unfortunately I forget the Positive Twists from Old Major's Rile 'em up. First attack missed, second attack hit, but the Guardian got the Grind to a Halt trigger, dealing weak damage of 3 which was reduced down to 1 due to Armor +3.

    End of turn 1 no points scored.

    Gremlins have 2 soulstones and Guild has 1 soulstone left. Unfortunately I forgot to note every time we spent our soulstones.


    Top of turn 2.

    Gremlins soulstone to reflip initiative, but Guild still wins.

    Lady Justice attacked the War Pig and got a Ram to hit. With the Ram built in and the Ram from the flip dealt moderate damage of 6, killing the War Pig. Lady Justice then charged and hit and killed The Sow with the first attack due to critical strike and the Red Joker on damage. I scored 3 points for Frame For Murder on The Sow.

    Farrowing then went off and summoned 2 Piglets within 1" of The Sow with 1 health each.


    Ulix did Huntin' Bow twice at the Guardian, first attack hit and did weak damage of 2 reduced to 1, the second attack also did weak damage but got the crow trigger Blood Trail to do +1 damage from all pig models. He then did Shot in the Rear on Gracie having her charge the Guardian and killed him on the second attack. She then healed all damage with her ability Eat Your Fill.

    I scored 1 point for Hunting Party.


    Guardian charged Gracie. First attack hit but was at a double negative due to Gracie flipping the Red Joker on defense. Dealing weak damage of 2 reduced to 1. Second attack missed. He then did his 0 action Protect on himself to gain Defensive +2.


    Slow Piglet walked into Melee with the Guardian.


    Ryle did his 0 action, Field Repairs, healing himself weak damage of 1. He then charged Gracie, first attack hitting doing moderate damage of 5, reduced to 3 due to Armor +2, the second attack missed.


    Governor's Proxy Companion activated, walked forward and healed Ryle up to full health.


    Slow Piglet charged the Guardian, but missed both attacks.


    Greed did The Greed Spreads against Gracie, but it missed due to cheating. She then walked forward to be behind the Guardian.


    Penelope walked, then did her 0 action to push Gracie 4". She then walked.


    Francisco walked forward and shot into engagement, randomizing between the 2 Piglets, Gracie, Penelope, The Guardian, and Greed. He hit the original Piglet he targeted and killed it.

    Guild scores 1 point for Hunting Party.


    Old Major walked forward and used his 0 to push the Taxidermist into base contact. He then did Nudge 'em On on the Piglet to push him 4".

    Old Major then used Reactivate due to Ceaseless Advance to reposition.

    Gracie charged the Guardian, but missed both attacks. She also failed to do her 0 action to gain Reactivate.

    Taxidermist double walked and summoned a Stuffed Piglet with his 0 action.

    The Slow Stuffed Piglet walked ending within 3" of Greed taking 2 damage.

    End of turn 2.

    We both score 1 point on Extraction and we both have the same number of models so no movement on the marker.

    Gremlins 5 vs. Guild 2


    Top of turn 3 Gremlins win initiative.

    Stuffed Piglet walked into Greed and Ryle. He then did Bacon Bomb flipping a Crow for 4 damage to Greed and 3 damage to Ryle.


    Governor's Proxy walked forward and healed Greed 3 damage. 

    Francisco then did Companion activate and Rapid Fired into my Taxidermist. The first attack did 1 damage of Weak after Armor reduction, but the second shot got Red Joker damage killing the Taxidermist.

    Piglet walked and then charged Greed but Greed got her Defensive trigger and killed the Piglet. This scored 1 point for Hunting Party.


    Lady Justice walked and then charged Old Major. First attack got the Onslaught trigger and did weak damage of 3. The Onslaught attack missed. The second attack got the Onslaught trigger and did weak damage of 3 for a total of 6 damage on Old Major. The Onslaught attack missed.

    Gracie attacked the Guardian, first attack getting the Tear 'em Apart trigger, but the Guardian got the Grind to a Halt trigger, getting weak damage of 1. The second attack hit, but the Guardian got the trigger again, but I was at a straight flip and cheated in severe to do 3 damage.


    Greed attempted to go The Greed Spreads against Penelope but failed. She did nothing with her second AP.


    Penelope charged Ryle, missing the first attack and doing weak damage of 1 on the second attack.

    Ryle attacked Penelope twice, missing both times.


    Old Major walked and did Nudge 'em On on Gracie to give her Rams.

    Guardian attacked Gracie twice, first attack missed, the second attack hit for moderate of 3 but reduced to 1. His 0 action failed.

    Ulix did his 0 action Proper Care to heal 2 points on Gracie and Old Major. He then walked and Prodded Gracie twice, but both attacks missed.

    Old Major Reactivated and attacked Lady Justice twice, missing both attacks.

    End of turn 3.

    We both score 1 point for Extraction and Guild gets to move the marker 3".

    Gremlins 6 vs. Guild 4


    Top of turn 4 Guild won initiative.

    Guardian put up Protect on himself getting the Mend trigger to heal 2 points. He then attacked Gracie twice getting the Exploit Design Flaw trigger and dropping her to Hard to Kill.

    Governor's Proxy then Companion activated, walked, and then healed 2 points off of the Guardian.

    Ulix did his 0 action Proper Care and then Prodded Gracie 3 times, twice hitting for 1 damage each and once missing.

    Lady Justice attacked Old Major 3 times missing twice and hitting once by cheating in the Red Joker. Doing 3 damage and getting the Onslaught trigger. On the Onslaught attack I flipped the Black Joker and Lady Justice did severe damage of 6.

    Gracie attacked the Guardian twice, first attack missing, second attack hitting, but the Guardian got his trigger. I got the Red Joker on damage for 8 damage, 5 after armor 3 reduction, leaving him at 1 health.



    Francisco did El Mayor on Ryle. Francisco charged Penelope but missed both attacks. 

    Penelope attacked Ryle twice hitting each for 2 damage total.

    Ryle healed the Guardian 1 point and attacked Penelope twice, missing both attacks.


    Old Major walked and went Defensive +1.


    Greed walked and then attempted to do The Greed Spreads on Gracie but failed. She then did her 0 action to heal the Guardian 1 point.

    End of turn 4 we both score 1 on Extraction.

    Gremlins 7 vs. Guild 5


    Top of turn 5 Guild won initiative.

    Guardian did Protect and healed 2 off of the trigger. He attacked Gracie twice, first attack dropping her to Hard to Kill, second attack killing her.



    Governor's Proxy then Companion activated and attempted to heal the Guardian twice but failed to hit the target number.

    Ulix healed Old Major 2 points. He then Prodded Old Major 3 timesfirst 2 attacks hitting and doing moderate damage for a total of 8, third attack got Black Joker on the attack and Red Joker on the defense and Lady Justice did weak damage of 3 with Riposte.


    Lady Justice attacked Old Major and Killed him and did her 0 action healing 4 damage. She then attacked Ulix twice missing both times.

    Penelope went Defensive +2 and took 2 damage from Greed's aura.

    Greed Focused and did The Greed Spreads on Penelope and killed her, scoring 1 point on Hunting Party.

    Ryle Focused and shot at Ulix in Engagement but randomized into Lady Justice but missed.


    Francisco walked and then shot into the engagement hitting Ulix for weak damage of 2.

    End of turn 5 and end of the game.

    Guild score 1 more from Extraction and 3 for Round Up.

    Gremlins 7 vs. Guild 10

    Gremlins scored 3 on Extraction, 3 on Frame For Murder, and 1 on Hunting Party.

    Guild scored 4 on Extraction, 3 on Round Up, and 3 on Hunting Party.

    Some thoughts I have on my crew.

    Ulix: Overall I think I will keep him as primarily a summoner, the Hunting Bow is great but it feels like it quickly becomes useless when the crew gets engaged and so I will maintain him as mainly a back lines summoner and if I really want the Hunting Bow bring Sammy to take it.

    Penelope: Really I like her a lot, I like her so much I wish she was a Generic Totem so I could actually play Pig heavy Crews well with other masters. Honestly if she where generic I would love to try out this list with Mah Tucket as the Master. That 0 action push is gold and the +1 walk is just great.

    Gremlin Taxidermist: I love his ability to hand out Flight and his summons. I will need to keep using him to get a better feel for how to position him so he can keep giving out flight.

    Hope you enjoyed the battle report and like always feedback is always appreciated.


    • Like 2
  11. 4 minutes ago, daniello_s said:

    I'm aware that you had another models in your crew that were trying to distract the opponent but I'm telling you from my perspective as an ex-Outcast player who used to run Levi/Jack Daw/Viks - if I see big target like that who is pushing along the table edge and do scheme running I'll dedicate some model who can deal with this big juicy target as I know it will hurt you badly (Levi himself, Pokey, tormented Johana pushed by Jack Daw or Nurse to paralyze your big guy, etc). I can't speak for your opponents though. 

    Yeah I actually have played against a really great Outcast player here and I don't try to include any scheme runners, against him everything needs to be ready to contribute to the blood and gore, no chance to run schemes. The other Outcasts players in my meta mainly play Misaki which I have found easy to neutralize, though the rest of the crew can be difficult, I have found it more easy to manage using the Whiskey Golem. So yeah I would probably say that against a good Outcast player you should probably shelve Fingers and Whiskey Golem, probably Merris as well. 

    • Like 1
  12. 10 minutes ago, EpicWaffle said:

    Can't really see how you feel the whiskey golem to be more tanky and better at engaging then fingers actually. Automatic Df 6/wp 6 vs a 5/5 that become with an app a 7/5. Trigger wise, fingers trigger makes him so slippery to a point where half of the people I play against simply let him go do his things instead of chasing him and also his melee 7 makes him quite hard to disengage (whiskey golem has 6 so on that they are close to be even), without forgetting that he heals for free and IS AN HENCHMAN, which makes him way more durable. I also disagree on the fact that Fingers is wasted as a solo scheme runner for backfield objectives: being so tanky and so hard to tie up makes him perfect to invade the enemy half, while you can focus on taking control of the center or of flanks.

    I think the only thing that whiskey golem has that Fingers doesn't are damages, which he doesn't need at all since he's that amazing at running schemes/strategies. 

    Not to shit-talk the Golem, just saying that when I compared them, was just cost wise, since the two models are two complete different things. Imo the whiskey golem suffers from being a mixture of a lot of "concepts" where you he's supposed to be a tank (but he's not the best at it), can be considered a beater (but get outclassed by models that are even cheaper) and has scheming potentials, but again get outclassed. Just my opinion tho :) 


    In general I agree he is the best scheme runner we have however, as long as you are fine with devoting a big portion of your soulstones to him, which then does make him more durable, which I am not a fan of doing if I am running Wong or Mah. Both of those masters I devote the SS to mainly their triggers an Mah to stay alive. In those two masters case I never take Fingers, but I have taken the Whiskey Golem. 

    Overall though while Fingers is excellent, I think with specific masters and specific schemes Whiskey Golem is the more solid choice.

    Also I would add I would really like to see an Errataon the Whiskey Golem to make him worth taking as a beat stick and something that can tie down opposing models, 2' or 3" reach would be a great start.

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  13. 19 minutes ago, daniello_s said:

    I would be glad seeing Whiskey Golem trying to go deep in my half of the table to run schemes. There is nothing more beautiful than killing 10SS scheme runner denying VP points to my opponent. There is a tonne of models who ignore Armour and some of them can target Wp so his Fine Craftsmanship won't protect him.

    IMO he should have 2/3'' MI range and Fine Craftsmaship as 0 action (at  the cost of card or some medium range simple duel). Also his Angry Drunk upgrade shouldn't cost 2SS but rather 1.

    Yeah it's interesting so far no one has killed him. I think in general I do play very aggressively with the rest of my force making it a spread of choices that the opposing player has to make, so the Whiskey Golem on the flank has yet to be the prime target. I have played him this way twice with Mah Tucket and both times Mah was the primary concern, not the Golem. Two other times was elite Wong crew that drove up the center of the board for turf war, once again the Golem was ignored. Once it was with my Somer crew that has 3 Lightning Bugs and Trixie who he gives Crows to for the Slow trigger on all of their actions, so in that case I was really able to exert strong board control while The Whiskey Golem ran schemes.

    So I guess I should clarify, if all you do is run the Whiskey Golem up with no way to distract your opponent with other concerns, he will go down in a blaze of glory.  

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  14. Whiskey Golem is better at running certain very specific schemes better than Fingers or Merris, primarily Breakthrough or any scheme that requires markers on the opponents half of the board.

    If Merris tries to go and run Breakthrough usually the players I play against will either send someone chasing after her or shoot her down with a sniper. She only has 6 wounds and no good defensive abilities or triggers. I have had her killed pretty reliably on turn 3 or 4, which usually is not enough time to get the scheme she is running completed. 

    In general you will not want Fingers going deep into enemy territory to run schemes because that is a waste of his abilities chatty and don't mind me, he really wants to be mixing it up with the primary enemy force to run schemes like Distract, Plant Explosives, or Exhaust Their Forces. Using him to run something like Breakthrough effectively you would need to use Reckless pretty much every turn; with only 9 wounds the opponent can make sure that either he stops feeling comfortable doing Reckless or kill him by doing 6 points of damage to him by turn 3, which is not to difficult. Another way to neutralize him would be to just tie him down in melee, but don't actually attack him since he has Loudest Squeel.

    Where the Whiskey Golem does better is he can triple walk for 18" in the first turn with no cost. Usually if I send him up a flank my opponent would rather not engage him, seeing as he is more dangerous then someone like Fingers who can only throw poison around or Merris who can do nothing to a model engaging her. If your opponent does decide to engage the Whiskey Golem you have two different ways to handle it. First is you hope you can kill the opposing model and then Nimble walk further into enemy territory and with a 3/5/6 damage spread you most likely could if it is a minion model with 6 health or less. The second option, if you have a high card in hand, is to first do "Fine" Craftsmanship to gain +2 defense, going to a 7, and then walk away and walk again so you have just moved 12" away from your original position. At that point you should absolutely be primed and ready to run the scheme fully, seeing as you walked 18" the first turn and then either killed the model engaging you and walked 6" more, or got +2 defense and walked 12" more. 

    So far I have done this playstyle for the Whiskey Golem 5 times, each time he scored me the full 3 points I needed for the scheme. Before that I tried to use Merris in that role and my opponents never allowed her to get the full 3, usually I would only score 1 point from Merris herself. Of course though I will admit that 5 games isn't definitive proof that the Whiskey Golem is king at running Breakthrough, but so far it has worked out for me.

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  15. I bought the Lucky Effigy purely for Brewmaster crews, seeing as an enemy model with Swill on it can actually be reliably hit by Melee 3. The Lucky Effigy did live up to it's name in 2 separate games. Once walking up to Rusty Alice and getting Red Joker damage on a double negative twist, killing her with 10 damage, and another time finishing off an Ice Golem with a Red Joker on damage. 

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  16. 1 hour ago, Ludvig said:

    @thecapopriest did you ask to see the action? Players are obligated to show the card describing the action they are using. It shouldn't be considered rude to ask for that if you are new to opposing models or something sounds off.

    No, I was getting in a second quick game and I just wasn't really down for rules checking as I normally would be. At the time I just figured it must be like Zoraida's summons for the Voodoo Doll.

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  17. 19 minutes ago, Durza said:

    No, your opponent played it wrong, you need one of the limited upgrades, he needs 12:mask, then he deals 2 damage to a nearby gamin or is sacrificed and then you attach one of the 3 gamin upgrades to him. He also sacrifices all other friendly totems in play after being summoned.

    Thanks for the quick answer! I will give him a heads up the next time I see him.

  18. Is there anyway for Sandeep to summon in Banasuva other than his limited upgrades "To Behold Another World" or "To Command Another Plane"? My opponent summoned Banasuva as a 1 action that he didn't need to flip a card, just an automatic summons, and he didn't attach one of the three upgrades to him. Is this possible and I just didn't read the correct summons?

  19. 43 minutes ago, Parker Barrows said:

    I received my second misprinted cards yesterday. I'm confused now.

    Should I leave well enough alone and wait for them to send me the cards? Or should I contact them and let them know that my replacements were wrong?

    They just replied to my message that I sent them with the email they just sent out in mass:

    "Dear Customers, 
    Steve and Jeff from Wargame Vault here. We're writing to you because we messed up your order, again.

    You recently ordered some 2017 errata cards for Malifaux, and we likely messed up your first order, so we recently shipped you replacement cards. Unfortunately, those replacement cards are also incorrect. Some customers have already received their replacement order, and for others the order is still in transit to you.

    Our abject apologies that we got this wrong twice. This is entirely our fault not Wyrd's.

    We won't bore you with the details of file processing and revisions that led to this. Suffice to say that we misdiagnosed why this happened the first time and that led to the problem persisting and happening a second time.

    We will be correcting things and will process a third shipment to you that will have your correct cards. We have also placed a $10 credit in your Wargame Vault customer account to cover your next order of some Malifaux singles (or towards anything else on Wargame Vault or any of our marketplaces).

    It will be about a week for us to correct issues here and then we will be putting your re-replacement order into production. You will get emails from us and our servers as your order goes into production and ships out to you.

    There is no need for you to contact us, but if you would like to then feel free to email either or both of us.

    Again our apologies and appreciation for your patience."

    Thank you for your business and please contact us with any further questions or concerns.

    Jodie Thomas 
    Customer Service


    So it seems no one should need to contact them.

    • Like 1
  20. 10 hours ago, Nikodemus said:

    Lots of pretty pictures. I like!

    As for feedback, I prefer to know what schemes were chosen at the same times as you write crew lists. Makes things easier to follow in the actual turn to turn report.

    Thanks for the feed back. I have been going back and forth on showing what the schemes are from the beginning or waiting to reveal them in the way that they where revealed during the game. I think from here on out I will just list the schemes at the beginning for clarity. 

  21. P1100161_zpsslq1jdb0.jpg

    This is a 50 point game played in the MaliPhoenix group at Games U.

    Gremlins vs. Resurrectionists

    Deployment: Standard

    Strategy: Head Hunter

    Schemes: Claim Jump, A Quick Murder, Tail 'Em, Dig Their Graves, and Leave Your Mark.

    Gremlin List: Ulix with Husbandry, Old Cranky, Old Major, Sammy Lacroix with Ulix's upgrade Huntin' Bow, Slop Hauler, Hog Whisperer, The Sow, and Gremlin Taxidermist. Soulstone Cache of 4.

    This list I really wanted to play the Ulix summoning list but with as many support models as I could fit. Normally most of my points would have been spent on the large pigs, Old Major, The Sow, and Gracie, to summon Piglets off of. I dropped Gracie so I could more easily put in the Hog Whisperer and the Taxidermist.

    This would also be my first time playing with Sammy with Ulix. Hunting Bow seemed like a solid choice to give her a good action of Shot in the Rear. 

    Resurrectionists List: Yan Lo with Fortify The Spirit and Wronged Spirits, Soul Porter, Bete Noir, 3 Flesh Constructs, 2 Onryo, and Toshiro The Daimyo with Command The Graves. Soulstone Cache of 4.

    Gremlins win Deployment Flip and choose to make Resurrectionists deploy first and choose sides.

    Just to note this is a four foot by four foot board, so six inches all around the board is out of play.

    The piece of terrain that looks like big emeralds we played as if your model was completely on the base you get a positive twist to Cast action duels.


    Resurrectionists Deployment left to right: 3 Flesh Constructs in front of Toshiro the Daimyo, 2 Onryo, Yan Lo, Soul Porter, and Bete Noire.


    Resurrectionists Deployment left to right: 3 Flesh Constructs in front of Toshiro the Daimyo, 2 Onryo, Yan Lo, Soul Porter, and Bete Noire.


    Gremlin Deployment left to right: Hog Whisperer, Slop Hauler, Old Major, Old Cranky, Ulix, Sammy Lacroix, The Sow, and Gremlin Taxidermist.


    Resurrectionists won initiative and had Gremlins go first.

    Gremlin Taxidermist went Reckless. He dropped a scheme marker and then walked forward and dropped another scheme.


    Flesh Construct double walks.


    Old Cranky did his 0 action "Let Me Tell You a Tale, Sonny..." to discard a card to draw a card, which activated Sammy Lacroix's ability Winds of Fate, which allows her to discard a card to draw a card if another model has drawn a card within 6" aura of her. He then walked forward only 2.5" due to severe terrain and dropped a scheme marker.


    Flesh Construct double walks.


    Ulix summoned a War Pig, using the 3 scheme markers within 4" of him, and soulstoned the damage down by 3, only taking 1 point of damage. He then summoned a Piglet off of Old Major and The Sow and did his 0 action Proper Care to heal all the pigs by 2, but taking 2 damage on Ulix. Ulix has 3 damage and 7 health left, the War Pig has 2 damage and 10 health left.


    Flesh Construct double walks.


    Slow Piglet walked.


    Toshiro The Daimyo double walked.


    Slop Hauler went Reckless and walked into the severe terrain. He then healed himself and the War Pig to full, and healed 2 points on Ulix leaving him with 1 damage left.


    Bete Noire double walked.


    Old Major walked forward and used his 0 action, The Old Pig Knows the Way, to push the Hog Whisperer, Slop Hauler, Old Cranky, and Ulix their walk towards him. He then did Nudge 'em On on the War Pig, discarding a Ram to give the War Pig Rams to all of its duels and push it 4" in any direction.


    The Soul Porter walked and then did Empower Ancestor to push Yan Lo his walk in any direction.


    Hog Whisperer walked and then attempted to do "Stick'm!" on the War Pig to give it Reactivate, but failed to get the suit needed.


    Onryo double walked.


    Sammy Lacroix double walked.


    Onryo double walked.


    The Sow double walked.


    Yan Lo discarded a card to gain Chi +1 then double walked into the terrain that gives a positive twist to Cast actions. He then shot at Sammy Lacroix doing weak damage of 2.

    Slow Piglet walked.


    Slow War Pig walked.

    End of turn 1 no points scored.


    Resurrectionists win initiative and go first.

    Yan Lo discarded a card to gain another Chi and shot at Sammy Lacroix 3 times, first one missing due to Black Joker, second hitting and doing weak damage which was reduced to 1 damage from a soulstone, and the last doing weak damage of 2, leaving Sammy Lacroix with 1 health left.


    The War Pig charged the center Flesh Construct but missed all 3 attacks.



    Onryo shot at Sammy Lacroix twice, first time missing, second time hitting, but the damage was soulstoned away.

    Sammy Lacroix walked.


    Onryo walked forward and shot and killed Sammy Lacroix, dropping a head marker which is orange, and a corpse marker which is green.


    Old Cranky walked forward and shot the Onryo hitting and getting moderate damage of 3, doing 2 points to the Onryo due to incorporeal. He then did his 0 action to discard a card and draw a card.

    Flesh Construct attacked the War Pig twice getting weak damage of 2 on both attacks.

    Ulix summoned 1 Piglet.

    Toshiro The Daimyo failed to give Fast with his 0 action War Fan. He then charged the War Pig missing the first attack but hitting the second for weak damage of 2 and the trigger Next Target, to push 4" in any direction.

    Summoned slow Piglet charged the Onryo, hitting with the first attack doing weak damage of 1 and getting the Stampede trigger to charge into Yan Lo. One attack hit getting the eat anything trigger to heal up and doing 1 point of damage to Yan Lo.


    Flesh Construct attacked and killed the War Pig with severe damage due to the trigger Rend. He then walked forward.


    Piglet walked forward and charged the Flesh Construct on the left. Hit it for 1 damage from weak and got the Stampede trigger. The Piglet charged the Flesh Construct he was not engaged with hitting once for weak damage and getting the tome trigger to end the Piglet's activation and give the Flesh Construct Slow.


    Flesh Construct walked forward and picked up the head marker.

    Gremlin Taxidermist summoned a Stuffed Piglet with his 0 action off of the corpse marker Sammy Lacroix left behind, using my last card in my hand giving Reactivate to the Flesh Constructs. He then did his 1 action to give flight to the Sow and the Piglet.
    Tag PhotoAdd LocationEdit


    Bete Noire charged the Piglet and hit with both attacks, killing the Piglet.

    Hog Whisperer walked and attempted to give Reactivate to the Sow but failed.


    Slow Stuffed Piglet walked.


    Flesh Construct attacked the Piglet twice, hitting once for weak damage of 2.


    Soul Porter walked forward and pushed Yan Lo his walk.


    Piglet with flight charged Yan Lo and missed both attack. The last attack hit due to Red Joker but Yan Lo reduced the weak damage to 0.


    Slow Flesh Construct in the middle Reactivated and attacked the Piglet, killing it.

    The Sow charged Yan Lo, first attack missed, but second attack hit doing moderate damage of 5, which he soulstoned down to 2.


    Flesh Construct Reactivated and double walked.

    Old Major walked and attacked the Flesh Construct getting severe damage of 5.


    Slop Hauler went Reckless and double walked forward, then picked up a head marker.

    End of turn 2, we both score 1 off of Head Hunter.


    Top of turn 3. 

    Resurrectionists win initiative and go first.

    Yan Lo attacked the Piglet twice and killed it. He then attacked The Sow but missed due to the Black Joker.

    Gremlin Taxidermist went Reckless and charged Yan Lo. After damage reduction due to Incorporeal and 2 soulstones, the Taxidermist did 2 points of damage. He then summoned a Stuffed Piglet with his 0.


    Ulix Prodded Old Major 3 times, hitting twice for weak and moderate, leaving the Flesh Construct with 1 health left.

    Flesh Construct attacked Old Major twice hitting once for 2 points of damage.


    Hog Whisperer went Reckless. Walked and then charged Yan Lo, hitting once for weak damage of 1.

    Soul Porter charged the Stuffed Piglet hitting once for weak damage of 1.


    Onryo charged the Stuffed Piglet and killed it, making it blow up with a Ram doing 3 damage to everyone in a 2" pulse, killing the other Onryo.

    Old Cranky shot at the Flesh Construct twice, first shot got the Red Joker on damage, doing 6 damage and blasting 3 damage on the other Flesh Construct. The second shot got the crow trigger to do an additional damage flip, both getting weak of 2.



    Fast Bete Noire attacked and killed the Hog Whisperer. She then picked up a head marker and walked away.

    Slop Hauler went Reckless, walked, picked up a head marker, and then revealed Tail 'Em and gave Yan Lo the Spotted condition.


    Toshiro The Daimyo walked forward and gave the Fesh Construct on the right fast. He then attempted to summon in an Ashigaru but failed.

    Old Major attacked the Flesh Construct twice and killed it.


    Fast Flesh Construct charged Old Major and hit with all 3 attacks dropping him to 2 health left, but he used his last card to hit so Old Major gained Reactivate.

    Old Major Reactivated and walked forward and attacked the Flesh Construct killing him.

    Flesh Construct charged Old Major and got the Black Joker on damage for the first attack, but Red Joker on damage on the second attack killing him off.

    The Sow attacked Yan Lo twice missing both times.

    End of turn 3.

    Gremlins score 1 off of Tail 'Em and 1 off of Head Hunter. Resurrectionists score 1 off of Head Hunter.

    Gremlins 3 vs. Resurrectionists 2.


    Top of turn 4.

    Resurrectionists win initiative.

    Yan Lo used his 0 action to attach the Bone Ascendant upgrade. He then did his 2 action Hunpo Assault, allowing him to place within 8" and attack all enemy models with one claw attack. He hit Old Cranky but drew the Black Joker on damage. He hit Ulix and did 3 damage. His last action he went Defensive +1.


    The Sow charged Yan Lo, hitting once and doing 2 points of damage.


    Onryo charged Old Cranky and killed him on the first attack.


    Stuffed Piglet walked forward and blew up hitting Bete Noire and the Soul Porter for 2 damage due to tomes.

    Soul Porter charged the Slop Hauler and killed him.


    Gremlin Taxidermist went Reckless, walked, attacked the Soul Porter and killed him, and attacked Bete Noire but missed. He then summoned in a Stuffed Piglet.


    Toshiro The Daimyo gave the Flesh Construct fast. He then walked forward and dropped a scheme marker.


    Ulix Prodded the Sow 3 times, but each attack missed Yan Lo.

    Fast Flesh Construct charged the Taxidermist, but only hit once for weak damage of 2, reduced to 1 due to Armor +1.


    Slow Stuffed Piglet walked.

    Bete Noire attacked the Stuffed Piglet twice killing it on the second attack. It got masks for the explosion doing 1 point to everyone but Ulix and Toshiro the Daimyo.

    End of turn 4.

    No points scored and Gremlin Taxidermist dies from Poison.


    Top of turn 5.

    Gremlins win initiative.

    Ulix prodded the Sow twice, getting Red Joker on damage against Yan Lo and killing him. He then attacked the Onryo and killed it with 1 damage.


    Toshiro The Daimyo gave fast to the Flesh Construct and then walked forward and picked up a head hunter marker.

    The Sow put Spotted on Toshiro The Daimyo and then walked.


    The Flesh Construct walked and then attacked The Sow twice, hitting once for 3 damage.


    Bete Noire dropped a scheme marker and then walked.

    End of turn 5 and the end of the game.

    Gremlins score 1 more point for Tail 'Em, making the score 4 points, 2 from Head Hunter and 2 from Tail 'Em. Scored no points from A quick Murder on Toshiro The Daimyo.

    Resurrectionists score 1 from Claim Jump, making their score 4, 3 from Head Hunter and 1 from Claim Jump. They scored no points on Leave Your Mark.

    Over all I am very pleased with this Ulix list. I gave it another try after this game and it worked out much better remembering all the different positive twists I hand out.

    For now though I will be shelving my Gremlins as I have decided to start playing Resurrectionists. I will start to do battle reports with them once I have a decent amount painted up and ready to play.

    Like always I hope you enjoyed the battle report and look forward to any thoughts, criticisms or advice you may have.


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