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Posts posted by Vilicate

  1. I really like him with Lucius.  If you do the 0 action for the minion heal, and are running Lucius's conflux, you can burn your own minions to pull all the stone stones you want for the turn, and then your minions will just heal right back up against once they activate.  It's a nice way to make sure you're getting the suits you need for Lucius - who can be quite card hungry.

    He's expensive, and it takes away from some of the other minions you can field, but I feel like he's a great asset and beater for the crew (plus adds awesome utility), with a side bonus of making Lucius hit reasonably hard in melee.

  2. My 50pt-er is pretty similar, and I don't have many issues out-shooting people:

    Lucius w/ Legalese and Secret Assets

    The Scribe

    Captain Dashel

    3 x Guild Hound

    3 x Guild Riflemen

    2 x Guild Lawyer


    The crazy amount of double or triple positive flips attack flips means that I don't often have to worry about cover with the shooting; plus if I really want to I can shoot like 9 times in one turn with the riflemen, all often with at least one positive flip to hit (focus for 0).

    If you're using good cover it's hard to nail the Hounds and Lucius.  Yeah, pretty much they're going to die, but they're absolutely going to do damage before they're gone.  Shooting can clean up what's left.  I'm also basing my analysis on our local group, with our particular meta.  So your mileage may vary.

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  3. I play Guild Lucius quite a bit.  I'd even go as far to say he's my favorite Guild Master; and probably my second favorite master overall (after Collodi, who he plays a lot like).

    I've been running him with 3 Guild Hounds in a Hunting Pack, roving the board, laying down scheme markers; all while tying up big, bad melee models with Lucius, and charging them with the dogs (who are surprisingly good melee models with the +flip from Lucius).  Since I often run him with Legalese, I can really hammer my opponent's scheme running at the end of the game (so not so great for Gaining Grounds, but good for the rulebook missions).

    Meanwhile, I've got a back line of Riflemen and Dashel, blasting away at whatever threats are (currently) rearing their ugly heads.  The two lawyers I usually take are playing midfield, one behind the Lucius hunting pack and one hanging out around the riflemen, in case Lucius wants to command them to do something.

    I've seen a lot of tactics and whatnot pan Lucius for being hard to use or people feel like he's not good...I think he's really, really solid.  Once you realize that it's not about him, and about using him to get your other models to kill stuff, he's great.

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