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Hungering Derpness

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Posts posted by Hungering Derpness

  1. So, limiting your model purchases went well....haha, it's a horrible hobby huh?

    By the time wave 6 arrives, I'll be bypassing assembly and painting and instead grinding my minis into a fine snortable powder. -.-


    Some tips here though - hopefully will get a chance to try them today. ^^

  2. So with fanfare and much ado,

    I have a swamp thing as part of my crew,

    In ten shades of green,

    He looks nasty and mean,

    But I have no idea what do.




    Should I build him to be as tanky as f***?

    Are there ways to help him hit like a truck?

    What upgrades to take,

    To avoid a mistake,

    Or is it all just a matter of luck?




    With Lilith is he a good pick?

    Can anyone suggest some good tricks?

    For what strats or schemes,

    Could he help my team

    Any advice would be welcome here, plix.

    • Like 5
  3. What about adding a couple of Waldgeists (Waldgeese?) to the mix? Have them throw down a forest and move the sorrows into it. Then if anything wants to melee a sorrow they've got the Waldgeists 4" melee range to get past and anything shooting has to deal with cover?

  4. Received Tuco and a couple of friends from SurreyLee today. Regular communication, carefully wrapped and packaged and the models were exquisitely painted. Could not ask for a better trade. Would do business with again.


    • Like 1
  5. Welcome ladies, gentlemen and huge things with teeth, to the Terrible Malifaux Jokes Thread! Here's a few to get you started - feel free to chime in with your own.


    How can you tell if a Death Marshall isn't feeling well? 

    He keeps coffin at people.


    Why are sober Gremlins more destructive?

    Because the drunken wreck-less.


    What do you call a dead Wendigo?

    A wendi-gone.


    Why should you never go golfing with Tara?

    Because she always gets a hole in one.

    • Like 9
  6. Gremlins.

    Never has a more unpleasant word existed in the English dictionary. Time and again, I find my poor innocent hellspawn on the receiving end of flying pigs, charging pigs and enough ranged damage to make the Death Star feel inferior. Even on the occasions when I move into melee, everything seems to Squeal and run away, before inviting me to inspect the end of a shotgun.

    I know there must be a way to beat them, I'm just finding it a little hard to see. I guess I'm mainly looking for general rather than specific strategies as such. My available models include:




    The models from each of those boxsets






    Bad Juju


    One noteable absence from that list is Zoraida, despite having Juju and Silurids. This is partly because her playstyle is a little too similar to Lucius but mostly because she's dual faction with *those* things.

    Halp plix

    • Like 2
  7. Hello again folks,

    Today, I'd like to share with you a photo of a warm, loving family:


    Lilith was perhaps the first model that I felt turned out fairly well. Mostly this is because I stayed very, very far away from any kind of wash but also because I had managed to pick up on a few details. Lilith's cross was picked out in silver, I'd managed to get the black central band of her outfit with good clean edges and although it isn't shown in this photo, the hand on the back of the sword also looks like a hand as opposed to a blob of flesh colour paint.

    The terror tots were something of a mixed bag. I'm very happy that the skin on the tots is smooth without the visible brush strokes that seem to have plagued some of my later models. The leftmost tot was interesting. I'd tried to pick out the eyes in black and unfortunately the eyes turned out too large. Then I had a brain wave and expanded the eye area and redid the centre in red. The net effect gave the tot this sort of black mask, like an evil demonic purple skinned racoon without a tail. >.>

    I've also completed the Cherub and Barbaros - will post them up in the next entry. In the meantime, have a small, derpy Lilith avatar:


    • Like 2
  8. ...paint happens.

    A little background - although I've messed around with miniatures in the very distant past as a teen (15 years ago o.o) , I've never really done much in the way of artistic stuff.  So when a couple of friends persuaded me to try out Malifaux (and a big hello to Astrella and Dogmantra if they're reading) I felt it would be a good opportunity to try and explore my creative side a little more. The first crew box I got was Jacob Lynch - I took one look at the Illuminated and thought "Yeah, definitely not starting out with those". There was one model in the box that looked manageable and here he is in all his pink gloriousness:


    I apologise for the crappy photo quality. Huggy wasn't too complicated to paint but after a couple of attempts to paint the teeth further in the mouth, I decided to keep it simple and go over it all in the dark purple. Although it hasn't come out too well, both of Huggy's eyes are luminous yellow. I don't know whether it was the type of paint I used (Game Color Fluo Yellow) but I had to go over and over the eyes several times into to get the colour to hold. The other issue I had was washing. Back when I was a nipper, they used to be called inks and I understood that the general gist of them was to seep into narrow gaps on the model to pick out edges, etc. I very nearly made a complete mess of Huggy by using a dark violet ink (wash/whathaveyou). Fortunately I could see that the ink wash was staining in the wrong places and essentially gave Huggy several washes with water to clear up the mess. I also learned a little something about primer and the importance of making sure a coat of it is sufficiently thick. The texture on Huggy's tendrils has become rough since I painted them and I think the problem was that the spray primer I used didn't create an even enough and thick enough layer for my base paint to adhere to.


    He's a little messy and not very detailed but as my first assembled and painted model, he has a derpy place in my heart. :3


    I've painted a few more models since then - will upload them when I get a chance along with some commentary.

    • Like 3
  9. Hi folks,


    I'm looking to get Tuco or Hooded Rider to expand my Neverborn line up. While I'd prefer a UK source, will consider overseas with good standing. Not sure how much each go for, or their rarity, so input is welcome.

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