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Posts posted by edopersichetti

  1. 5 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

    Wrong guess, the gremlin is the little flying one. See below.

    Figured it would be an arcanist clone. Looks like a Kaeris imitator that will be leading those Sparks, the Survivors, and Mechanical Porkchop. Any bets on the Crew box for our new master?

    Biggest reason is that Masters introduce far more complexity than other models because of not just their individual power levels but also the combination of Upgrades that are available to them (generics included) and the increasing pool of models that are hire-able by them. This makes balancing them more and more difficult as more are released.

    I would argue that it is already impossible to balance things in the game, especially when coupled with the extremely short development and play testing cycles. Power bloat is a very real thing and is already rearing its ugly head. Just a few examples include the average stat values from book 1 being significantly lower than those of the newer books (especially in regards to the difference between Defense values and Attack Values, why Guild Guard are looking progressively worse each book) and the SS cost of newer models compared to older ones (many of the newer ones are values at their SS cost given their higher stats and versatility as compared to the older models which tend toward flatter stat lines and more specialized roles).

    It is a natural progression of games (especially those that continually seek to release a lot of new models in a short period of time) and the reason for periodic re-balancing. It is untenable to think that adding a large amount of models each year (this value is inversely proportional to the amount of models already published, i.e. more models published, less models can be developed) can be continued for ever without catastrophically affecting game balance. Do we really want Malifaux to end up like Warmahordes where only a handful of models are honestly playable, while the vast majority of other models lay un-utilized even in "friendly" games?

    Lol it is sad, but very true. "The bloat" is a realistic possibility at this point, I am all too familiar with it, last time I was playing Warhammer 8th edition there were some models that were simply no-brainers and some purely for the shelves...I really don't wanna see this happening with Malifaux, which at the moment I find incredibly balanced and interesting!
    That being said, ONE new master per faction is welcome, especially if crazy cool as Titania. Not enthusiastic about the little flying Gremlin (my other faction) but hope he will be at least cool to play.

    • Like 3
  2. 6 hours ago, Gnomezilla said:

    I think you could cut four masters and have every faction lose one. Tara disappears into time. Lucius missteps and someone betrays him. But who would the others be? Brewmaster and a pure Arcanist? Mei Feng and a pure Gremlin?

    As for the preview, her art creeps me out (creepyness category I: Neverborn creepyness) and I'm glad she's not in one of my factions. I am very curious about the slender weapon of the middle of the silhouettes.

    As a Gremlin player: Mah Tucket, she seems like a failed experiment to me. But I love Brewie, he can't be phased out!!

  3. 6 minutes ago, daniello_s said:


    Joss is a heavy tank. Between armor and an access to the soulstone prevention he can hold certain piece of are quite long. The only problem might be with something ignoring armor but then those threats should be dealt with Levi first ;)

    I need to try Joss and Rusty together with From the Aether and try synergies with Scrap Markers left after Joss' victims. So far I'm pretty happy with Joss.


    Teddy is another experiment. He is squishy a bit but his MI7 and Gobble You Up is very scary. It might be funny to shoot with Levi into combat when something is engaged with Teddy as if you hit Teddy then he makes a free swing anyway and if you hit opponent then Teddy can use his Smell Fear once in the turn. 

    I use Teddy as nice alternative for Howard.


    Generally I love to experiment with Levi as due to the crazy amount of stuff he can hire the competition in beat-stick area is so fierce that it is almost obscene ;)

    I recently picked up the Levi crew and it might have been the biggest mistake in my life, giving how wide the hiring pool is :D
    But I love to experiment and I am glad to read that Joss works well (I had few doubts). I can see Joss + Johana + Rusty working very well together...plenty of scrap markers around and very solid anchors.

  4. Hi all!

    As the title says I have some limited edition models I am willing to part with:

    - LE Francisco Ortega (sprue)
    - LE Firestarter (on sprue)
    - LE Witchling Handler (on sprue)
    - LE Miss Anne Thrope (fully painted)
    - LE Pink Dayglow Malifaux Child (assembled)
    - LE Aionus (like new)
    - LE Translucent Red Witchling Stalker (on sprue)
    - LE Translucent Red Coryphee (on sprue)

    I am looking for some specific models to trade:

    - Miss Ery
    - Dark Carnival Mannequin

    I live in the States so $$ is also an option (for both W and H). I would also consider trading for a full Dark Carnival box, if you don't want to part with just the Mannequins.

    Feel free to PM me!

  5. Just now, Rat King said:

    I don't want to speculate on how many guilders each of these may cost, or how the redemption will work, but unless it's extremely generous, it may take someone who doesn't place Top 2 every event a VERY long time to get these.

    Ebay may be a terrible place, but I'm willing to go to a terrible place to get Hamlin sooner.  :D

    Haha as I said above (I edited my post: I didn't wanna sound like a d**k) I hear ya...I have only 4 guilders so far, so I don't know how long it'll take me...curious to know the amound needed and how redemption works! Luckily tourneys in my area are of smallish size, and I usually win :P

    At the end of the day, eBay IS a terrible place, but if you really love the models and have no other choice...I've been to terrible places already for Malifaux :D

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