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Posts posted by edopersichetti

  1. 26 minutes ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    The cape is a bit much but other than that it's very solid. Good job!


    Oh, and go Gremlins! Gremlins for president next week! Vote for the Green party! We have booze and the prettiest girls and scrappiest boys. Also the cutest pigs and the most bacon.

    Lol sadly it's not gonna happen - we're gonna be the absolute last!!

  2. 12 hours ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    Not a fan at all. It looks weird but in a boring way. Maybe the back will save her if there's indeed something interesting going on there but by far my least favourite of the previewed Masters so far. Oh well, can't please everyone all the time.

    +1. Not a fan of Ten Thunders to begin with, but this seems really boring. As a comparison, I'm also not a big fan of Ressers but I like the concept of Reva a lot more. 
    Titania was awesome...I feel they might have shot their best bullet first ;)

  3. Hey Gremlin mates! I have a small curiosity: has anybody ever used three boars all together with good results? I usually field one, max 2, otherwise they become a bit too difficult to control...

    If you have, could you give me some details? 


  4. 12 hours ago, Adran said:

    Its actually Maniaical laughter. 

    And Lucas McCabe is on a 50 mm base. At least to start with, so not every master is on a 30 mm base at the moment. 


    Thanks! I don't play ressers so I wasn't sure.

  5. 45 minutes ago, Tawg said:

    I hope at least one of the things in her box is Leonardo DeCaprio :P

    Uhhh what?  Don't all Ressers already have an Upgrade to summon Mindless Zombies?

    Yeah, if I'm not wrong is called Corpse Bloat, and it's the one with the Mwahahaha action...but it looks like she can for sure summon a corpse per turn automatically with just 1 card. Perhaps these are her totem - peons that count as corpse markers for her purpose?

    • Like 1
  6. 23 minutes ago, katadder said:

    Can attack safely from 18" away, think thats a pretty good defensive tech. and can heal from people dying within 8"

    Yep, kind of like a Rasputina of the dead...without Raspy's several defensive trick, but considering she also has unimpeded, she should be hard to pin down!

  7. Cool Ressers master, even tho Ressers are not my favorite faction by far. But pleased to see that my idea was correct, the lady on the horse had definitely a Ressers vibe! :crow

    Curious to know what Corpse Candles are, maybe her new totem? Or maybe something like a corpse marker that she can draw LoS from? The Strength of the Fallen ability is incredible, can't wait to know what Ca attacks she actually has!

    Sad to see the new Gremlin is not getting any love (it's last in the poll) but to be honest from what I've seen it doesn't excite me very much either...

  8. 18 minutes ago, admiralvorkraft said:

    I have the opposite issue with the Child. It seems like half the time I see a totem on the table it's the Child...

    I honestly struggle to believe this! I have a Child and I really never have the desire to field him (I do have 12 masters, not 1 or 2...)

    • Like 1
  9. 11 hours ago, D_Arquebus said:

    Thoughts :)


    2nd image - I will echo what someone said above re the matador like pose with the cape flying out behind. Hoping this is arcanist and not another Samael style cowboy for guild.

    3rd - Crazy hair lady looks like she is also wearing a Straight Jacket (the hooks are the ends of the sleeves). Lean towards Outcasts mostly because the Horse rider feels more Resser.

    4th image: looks like an investigative reporter with camera in her right hand, a left quill in hand and a satchel on the hip. So Guild to go with the spoiled Reporter types from few weeks back?

    5th image- Sadly not enthused by the Gremlin (main faction) :( . The 50s style Retro Raygun Jetpack hero type with technical gadgets feels already covered for by Merris and Sparks. Hoping the background is cracking and not just a rehash of the others.

    6th The image below and in front of the Gremlin looks like he is wearing a Sidhir style turban and maybe carrying a "genies lamp" in the left hand? 10 Thunders dervish style vs Kung Fu?

    7th Looks like a noble lady riding side saddle as mentioned above. Ratty dress and the reins gives it the resser vibe. Would be cool to see something like Red Riding Hood and maybe some Werewolf style undead to go with, though that may be trespassing into Neverborn territory too much?


    I am inclined to agree with you, I think you have the right combination. We've seen hints already about torero-style arcanists (so 2nd model) reporters for Guild (so 4th figure), we've seen a pic of the flying Gremlin (as I said above, being a Gremlin player I'm quite disappointed), and I also feel that the lady on the horse has quite the ressers vibe. This leaves the crouching figure which is almost certainly TT, and outcasts for crazy hair! Can't wait to know more. At least Titania looks amazing and has the potential to become my new favorite master (from a visual point of view).

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