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Everything posted by LevROLL

  1. I appreciate all the additional input and I will make sure I relate it to my friends interested in Malifaux as well. I hope none of it turns them off too much from Malifaux but, hey, a few them weren't even interested until I began to slowly sink my claws into them. I'm also somewhat glad that terrain is such a large part of this game. I play Warmachine as well and the thing I think I lament the most is the lack of terrain or at least useful terrain. A wall or two, a small forest or two, a hill or two, etc. It's uninspired and it can get annoyingly repetitive. And, more often than not, most of it can be ignored or otherwise most things are encouraged to gain abilities TO flat-out ignore terrain. I'd be glad to play a game that tends to get along better with terrain.
  2. Thanks for the tips and I think I get the gist of those strategies. Having never played the game, however, I have no doubt that some of the finer details of they work, why they could be advantageous and other such things may have likely gone over my head. So I probably get less of it than I think. Thank you for the description of Ophelia and other advice. I'm definitely seeing patterns in what is suggested for Som'er and it's nice to know that I likely won't need many repeat purchases. I've played games before where that is simply not the case and it can range from annoying to infuriating thinking that I need to spend money on the same thing over and over again to get anywhere whether competitively or casually. Another question, if anyone would feel so kind as to answer. Along with myself, a few friends have gained interest in starting Malifaux. So far, one really likes the Ortegas and two others seem to both be tending toward Lady Justice while another likes the Arcanists; or at least he likes what he sees with Toni Ironsides and Mei Feng. We've all got prior experiences with miniature games before but not a smaller-scale skirmish game like Malifaux. I guess what I'm trying to ask is if all these things at least CAN end up balanced or if the choices a few of us make can ruin the game for the others. Any input would be appreciated.
  3. Thanks again for the feedback everyone. To go along with theses purchases, before I make them, does anyone have any more advice particulars on how to play the models? I've seen a lot of mention of Som'er but not really anything about Ophelia. Are Ophelia and her Kin simply really straightforward or are they perhaps not that popular? I've seen a lot of people advocate Francois but little mention of Pere, Rami, Raphael and even Ophelia herself. Perhaps I wasn't looking the right places, though. Of course, further advice about Som'er would be appreciated as well. Or perhaps where I could further expand towards later. And, again, I want to thank all of you for comments so far. I think I'll really enjoy Gremlins.
  4. Thank you all for the advice so far. It's nice to know that the little lurking I've done so far has at least lead me to passable first choices. I'll probably be trying to pick up the two boxes, Slop Hauler and extra Gremlins sometime in the next couple of months to try get a feel for the faction and then see if I can figure out the way to go from there. Or just come back here and ask all you nice people for some opinions again. And, actually, I felt a little bad about the "comic relief faction" part. Whether true or not I'm grateful I was able to look past that and find a host of models I was actually interested in. What originally led me to the Gremlins was actually the pullmyfinger article on Ulix. Reading it felt a little ridiculous; it made me laugh but, at the same time, it really made me interested in looking up what the rest of the Gremlins had to offer. Som'er had me skeptical at first but I figured he and Ophelia might be a nice place to start. Plus, Zoraida, Wong, Mah and The Brewmaster all also seem very interesting so I figured that no matter how I expand I'm not likely to be disappointed by Gremlins. edit: Piglets, too. I'll probably be picking up Piglets, too. I mean, how can I say no to that?
  5. Very recently I've grown an interest in picking up Malifaux. Initially I had considered Ten Thunders as a starting faction but after searching through several places some concerns were raised and I decided to give a second look to what every faction had to offer. I had originally only given Gremlins a cursory glance and had kind of written them off as a comic relief faction and maybe that's still true. However, Gremlins was also the only faction I found where I had a genuine interest in every Master. So here I am. Now for the actual advice part. I have something of a tight budget and I'd like to try to get the most bang for my buck out of the fewest and, preferably, cheapest purchases. I was considering starting with something like: the Ophelia box, the Som'er Teeth Jones box, a Slop Hauler and either or both of an additional box of Bayou Gremlins and Francois. And so I'd like some advice from all of you here on whether all of these would be a prudent purchase or if there's something integral that I may be missing or even perhaps where I should expand from there.
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