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  1. @zFiend Never heard of ChaosOrc, but they actually had some stuff in stock, so thanks. @Adran Have to agree, those small single model blisters couldn't have a very big profit margin, and with the low demand, it makes complete sense they don't do a lot with them. Including them in the boxes was a good idea IMO. (And I never said I played Coilette WELL, just that I played her ). And your argument for buying another Lil box is sounding like a good idea. @TimH Yea, I'll likely pick up a second Lil box for Tot spam. Those little rugrats are just so cute. And I might end up buying a Viktoria's box for the student of conflict and the new (and better looking) Taelor... Can convert the others into more zombie ladies for Seamus (might do the same with a Coilette box) @ everyone that posted here. Thanks all! Not always the answers I was hoping to hear, but I'm walking away far more informed. Glad to see the community is still filled with plenty of good folks! Follow up question, since it seems like I might be doing some conversions now, all their models are plastic now, correct? Don't think I saw anything but at the GenCon booth this year.
  2. TL:DR version (because I ramble, and no one should have to put up with that): returning to game, own most of the stuff in some of the crew boxes except for totems. Can you no longer buy the master restricted totems on their own? Used to play this game a long time ago, but fell out of doing tabletop due to the icky time constraints of life. I was never (and do not plan to become) a competitive player. Just owned some of the crew boxes plus a few solos to mix it up with friends (one of each faction at the time so we could swap around and keep things interesting). This year at GenCon, I saw all the new Wyrd stuffs, and decided to get back into it. Bought the three 2E books, and what stat card boxes I could find. My hope was that I could dust off my models and jump right back in since they offer the wave one and wave two card sets. (Absolutely fantastic idea for getting old players back into the game and not have to buy everything over again, btw!) So I flip through the books and decide I'm going to buy some new minis anyways, some stuff looks fun to paint, and I have a few holes in the crews I already own that needed filled. (and because you just gotta support the folks making your hobby possible!) I hit up the online store and then disaster struck. Wyrd doesn't offer some of the individual key components anymore for sale? Specifically totems. I'm hoping I'm just blind here, but I can't find the Master restricted totems anywhere on the store. Is that correct? The totems were not found in the crew boxes back in the day (they are now and that's another great change!), but now they don't sell them individually. So I'm unable to actually buy a key component (that drives the completionist in me up the wall) of the game. Unless I... 1) find a shady third party that can provide the old single totem blisters. (Something I don't like to do for security reasons of waving my credit card around online more than I need). Or 2) buy the starter boxes all over (I really don't want to spend forty-fifty bucks just for a single small model that likely only should cost $10). Or 3) Use a proxy, which I reeeeealy don't like doing as I'd rather give my money to the folks that make the game. For a bit more detail, I never added the copycat killer, mechano doves, scales of justice, malafaux cherub, or student of conflict to my collection. Yet I own everything else that comes in the crew boxes with them. Wyrd has fantastic customer service from my past experiences, but I don't think a "OMG reimburse me models because the old boxes didn't have them" loony customer complaint would go over well. Also I've worked customer service, and I hate the 'entitled customer' trope. I'd rather buy these models fairly. So, question to all those who have experienced the game over the last two years while I've been away... Is there no way to get the master specific totems without buying the crew sets a second time? (Already have purchased the crew boxes or everything in them for Lady J, Colette, Viktoria's, Seamus, & Lil) or are they in the store and I'm completely blind? Possibly eventually getting released? Any help would be appreciated. Technically I don't have one of the models out of Lil's starter box, so I could buy that box for the cherub and one of the nef characters... And just do something creative with the Lil and baby nef models, but I really don't want to spend $200 on five starter boxes just to get my hands on five totems for the masters I already have. Any help pointing me in the right direction is appreciated. (Someone tell me I'm being dumb and just overlooking them on the webstore and I will be forever thankful.)
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