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Everything posted by TheVeganPolice

  1. Since the forums went down yesterday and deleted several threads, I'm going to repost this. I recently got back into Malifaux, and so I was trying to catch myself up on some of the old lore. Having gone through the old books, I started digging into the stories in Wyrd Chronicles, and stumbled upon the letters from the Austringer in Issue 10. After puzzling myself for a long time about what the hidden code in the letters could be, I scoured the forums and found that if one clicked upon the moons in the PDF, it would link to the Wyrd website and apparently show hidden words within. However, as the Wyrd website recently updated, these notes no longer exist and the links are dead. This brings me to two questions: - Are these hidden letters available anywhere else? I was kind of curious what was really going on within the story but they are nowhere to be found. - Are there other secrets hidden in the Chronicles, and if so, are their links dead too? Is there anywhere that I can find all of this stuff so I can hang onto it? Thanks for your help everyone!
  2. Thanks for the replies everyone. I realized that in my example I did not account for base sizing, so thanks for pointing that out. I am getting ready to run a league in October, and I wanted to make sure I am confident with the rules when this comes up. For now, I suppose we will be going with the horizontal + vertical approach like you descibed.
  3. Hello. I am a newer player that is looking to get some rules clarifications regarding flight. A scenario: a model with flight is standing 2 inches away from a building that is 4 inches tall. Does the model: - Move two inches to the top of the building, taking the top down view, and ignoring height. - Move two inches to the edge of the building, and then four inches up the side, for a total of 6 inches. - Move diagonally from it's current spot to the top of the building. However the model gets to the top of the building, lets assume there is another building that is separated by three inches of road in between them. The model wishes to move from the top of this building to the one across the street on its next activation. How does this factor in? What if the other building is higher? I have poked around a little on the forums, and it appears that these questions might not apply to simply moving over terrain, but only to landing on top of it. Is this true? Is there something official I could look at regarding this? Just asking so I am better able to teach the game to new players. Thanks for your help everyone.
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