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Posts posted by JoeJones

  1. When I run Marcus, I normally take two of the following: a Sabertooth Cerberus, a Rogue Necromancy, or Blessed of December (Luther).

    i then add Myranda, a Canine Remains, a Hoarcat Pride, and (of course) a Jackalope. Depending on the schemes & strategy, I might switch in a shooting model (most likely December Acolyte or Silent One) or possibly a Razorspine Rattler.

  2. I would second the Ramos box, since every model in the box (barring the master and totem) is useful with Ironsides and, to a lesser extent, Colette.

    For Marcus, I would pick up a Rogue Necromancy. It is amazing with him, and useful in Rezzers. (Arcanists are my main faction; Rezzers, my second.)

  3. I generally run Ramos with Hank, Joss, and one other beater/support model (Johan, Envy, Emissary), backed up by Brass Arachnid and a Mobile Toolkit. My strategy involves heavy summoning (both arachnids and electrical creation) plus reactivating Hank turn one for a quick kill. I use Arcane Reservoir, Electric Summmoning, and Under Pressure for Ramos's upgrades, and put Imbued Energies on every other model which can attach upgrades. I've never gotten much use out of Combat Mechanic. 

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  4. 50 SS Arcanists Crew
    Rasputina + 6 Pool
     - Shattered Heart (3)
     - Cold Nights (1)
     - Child of December (1)
    Wendigo (3)
    Snow Storm (11)
    Blessed of December (9)
    December Acolyte (7)
    Ice Dancer (6)
    Silent One (6)
     (exported from CrewFaux)

    This crew is set up to blast/kill/paralyze anything which attempts to hold the stash and act as distractions while the Blessed and Ice Dancer work on schemes. Taking Set Up and teasing Claim Jump (or vice versa) while placing a number of scheme markers near the stash could add a bit more control over where my opponent moves, also. 

  5. December Acolytes are hands down some of the best shooters in faction. Their harpoon gun makes whatever it hits Slow, and has a built-in trigger to make your opponent discard a card. They provide a decent damage track, activation control, card control, and Frozen Heart all in a surprisingly resilient package.  I highly recommend them for use with either Raspy or Colette. 

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  6. I tend to run Soulstone Miners with Kaeris. Their ability to unbury as needed places them where I need them for scheme running, anti-scheming, or targeted removal of inconvenient models. The ability to add soulstones to your pool doesn't hurt, either. 

  7. For Arcanists, it's tough to beat December Acolytes as FFM targets. From the Shadows so they're in an accessible location, resilient enough to need a heavy hitter to take down, and annoying as heck if they're allowed to shoot things. 

    Other prime targets would be Howard Langston/Miss Step, Sabertooth Cerberus, and the Firestarter. 

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  8. I wouldn't use the Acolytes for demoing because they are almost too powerful. Solid damage plus slow plus discard can be overwhelming to an experienced player. Taking such devastating models against someone in their first game could drive them away from the game.

  9. Of the decks I own, I'd rank them Classic first, then Bad Ink and Arcane (Black), in order of aesthetic preference.

    For ease of shuffling, Bad Ink, Classic, then Arcane. The Arcane deck was extremely slippery at first, but did get better as it was broken in. Also, I had to retire my first Arcane deck because several cards had been scuffed or damaged enough that I felt they were effectively marked, the worst being my Red Joker with an obviously bent corner. As I have ten thumbs when it comes to shuffling, my Classic deck has become curved over time, so I'm using it less these days. My Bad Ink deck is still holding up fairly well, though.

  10. In my opinion, it is very unlikely that you would use 3 of any of those models at a given time. In the year and a half I've been playing, with Raspy and the December Acolytes my first models purchased, painted, and played, I've used 3 December Acolytes in a crew maybe 3 times, ever, and the last time was for a purposefully degenerate spam list. 

    In my opinion, one should almost never need more than 2 of any given unit, barring specific circumstances (Steam Arachnids with Ramos, Oxfordian Mages, etc.).

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