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Posts posted by OSP

  1. 24 minutes ago, feagaur said:

    you could use Mr Graves 'show you the door' action to push the weaver out of the way.

    Or if you use wisps to summon the teddy instead you won't need to move her and you won't even need to use her activations.

    On your point about summoning dolls instead of the teddy, I'd be tempted to summon a teddy turn 2 using a Wisp (using 3 scrap markers (2 from turn 1 and 1 from turn 2) and a web marker from turn 1)...


    But .... can the widow use web markers for her summons? According to the handbag upgrade she can only use corpse and scrap markers, so you would need to summon Teddy with her (you need 4 scrap markers, that's two turns for Zoraida and a Wisp).

  2. Hi Feagaur, thanks for the reply, if you give fears given forms to the widow, have do you avoid the fears given form for the summoned teddy/wicked doll ? Two fears given form are a great way to speed the factory, but I think that two wicked dolls summoned in turn 1 are more useful than a Teddy summoned in turn two and with 3 wounds less.


    Is there any miniature that can give the widow a small push? That would be quite useful, activate the widow, summon wicked dolls and give the widow a small push to avoid the fears given form aura. I can't use Zoraida's obey because summon a Teddy is 2 AP and I need 4 scraps markers.

  3. Hi to everybody! First for all, sorry for all the misspellings that you are going to read, english is not my primary language. I've been doing a bit of theory-faux during this weekend thinking about a Zoraida crew and I was wondering if someone could help me finishing the list. I was thinking in something like this:


    - Zoraida. Hex bag, crystal ball, fears given form.

    - Spawn mother. Hexed among you.

    - Widow weaver. Handbag, pact.

    - Waldgeist x 2.

    - Will O' the Wisp x 2.


    That's 43 SS, so that leave us with another miniature of 4-6SS and a SS pool of 5-7 SS.


    The idea of the crew is the following: The waldgeists are there to slow the enemy, meanwhile the doll factory starts running leaving the Spawn mother as the last one trying to maximize her perfect camouflage. 


    An ideal secuence for the doll factory would be something like this:

    - Will O wisp activates and summons a voodoo doll. Voodoo doll hems an enemy. Will O wisp uses his last AP to attack doll (If you are lucky and get a crow Voodoo can get slow)

    - Voodoo activates near Zoraida and fails the Fears given form duel.

    - Zoraida activates. Draws a card. Summons a new voodoo doll. Voodoo doll hems an enemy. Zoraida hexes voodoo with prick. Zoraida orders widow exhale terror on vooddo. Voodoo fails the horror duel and you draw another card for inhale terror.

    - Voodoo activates near Zoraida and fails the Fears given form duel. Voodoo dies ( 2 + 1 + 3 wounds)

    - Widow activates and summons two wicked dolls.


    I like the fact that you are summoning AND debuffing your opponent. If everything runs you end your first turn with 2 wicked dolls, a gupps and you have done 4 wounds and slow on a model and 6 wounds and paralized another one.


    The bad news are that the factory is cards and SS intense; I've been running some tests and usually spend 2-3 SS and end with almost an empty hand (always save a 6+ crow for the spawn mother), the goods new are  athat while it's hard to get and ideal turn it's not SO hard to get it ( the SS spent on the drawing phase, the two cards that you draw and the SS to add masks or crow ...)

    Also, the idea is run the factory only on the first turn, on second turn I think it's better summon just one wicked doll and cast exhale terror on two different dolls.

    So ...... do you think it could work? What model would you add to the list? (Yep, I know that in Malifaux is a mistake decide your crew before the game, but I feel I don't have enough experience to play it on this way). I don´t want to invest more points on the factory and I would like a model that can run alone and without support, but at the same time I feel that it needs a bit of support to run without problems. So far I've been thinking on Iggy (Incite is a 0 action and you can hit it with the new upgrade and trigger the push), a stitched together (it can support the factory killing one doll with gamble your life and can be used to draw some cards), another waldgeist  or mysterious effigy.


    Thanks :)

  4. 11 hours ago, Nukemouse said:

    But he also has access to a guild model! Papa Loco, from Perditas box set. He is a crazy man who throws dynamite and will likely blow himself up.

    Yup, I saw him and I really like the idea for Jack.


    I was thinking something like: Jack Daw, Dr. Grimmwell, nurse, johan, papa loco and two guilty as a starting point. My plan is to use one of the orderlies as a proxy for Johan (ad a big hammer or something like that to one orderly), that should be about 38 stones, minus upgrades and SS for Jack ..... about 5-7 stones more for other miniature. 

  5. Hi! It's been a very long time since I played Malifaux for the last time and since a couple of weeks I've been tempted to play it again. With the blackfriday so close, Christmas, my birthday and (insert randoms motives :P) I was thinking in giving myself a present and buy Jack Daw crew. I love the aesthetic of Jack's crew and most of the tormented models, but I really dislike other outcasts miniatures :( 

    Looking through Malifaux models I saw the Malifaux starter box with Dr. Grimmwell, the nurse and the orderlies and I realised that I liked that concept a lot: A bunch of tormented spirits with some madmen and their doctors, a cursed asylum .... sounds really cool!

    So, my question is, how playable would be Jack Daw with Grimmwell & friends? I also have a hanged, Jakuna, papa loco and a nurse and I wouldn't mind buying another box of tormented models (not the crossroads seven).

    Thanks :)

  6. Hi to everybody! I was wondering if anybody has included Candy in a crew lead by Zoraida. The way I see her is that she synergizes with Iggy (double mood swing, sweets and sours with mood swing), with Zoraida's obey (walk towards the enemy model that you want to paralize and walk with sours) and with the voodoo doll (she can heal it and pass it mood swing).

    I was thinking in a core crew like this:

    - Zoraida (crystall ball, hex bag)

    - Candy

    - Iggy

    - Nurse

    - Mr. Graves

    - 2x Terror tots/ Gupps

    That's 39ss and 7 miniatures (plus the voodoo) and you still have 11ss to get one or two miniatures depending on the schemes (any idea?). Graves is there to provide some protection to other miniatures (also, he can be healed with Candy and the nurse) and some hitting power. 

  7. Well, not a begginer, but for a very casual player who haven't play in a year (that's me).

    Hi to everybody, a friend of mine has convinced me to give another try to Malifaux and we're going to play a game next sunday. It's been a very long time since I played for the last time, so, I want to bring with me a multipurpose crew and (maybe) change one or two miniatures according to the schemes and strategies.

    I was thinking in something like this:

    - Zoraida. Hex bag + crystal ball or animal shape + Tarot reading or on wings of darkness (dependant on the schemes) 

    - Bad juju. Eternal fiend + Hexed among you.

    - 2x Waldgeists.

    - 2x Performers.

    - 2x Gupps.

    A very good option would be a nurse, a performer and a doppelganger instead of the two performers (and save some stones from other things) but I think it would be harder to use (and I feel more secure playing two performers, so if one dies I still have the other one).

    I think it's a very synergetic crew. Performers bring poison and paralize for the voodoo doll and negative twist to willpower which work great with obey and bewitch. Also, their lure effect is a push, so it works great with tangled. Bad juju brings hexed for the waldgeists and gupps offer juveniles wail for swampfiends and some cannon fodder for eternal fiend.


    So, what do you think? Any advice?


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  8. Hi to everybody,

    Today a friend of mine has tried to get into a small league of "new" players (all of them know how to play Malifaux but haven't play many games). The idea is interesting, one player per faction and, at least, one game against each player. He knows I am a bit disapointed with Malifaux, so he thoughts that maybe it's a good idea to bring me again to the game. I'm not saying that I'm going to play, but if I join the league I will have to play with ressers.

    And, that's where I need your help :D

    Currently I have: Seamus box, Tara's box, bette noire, one hanged, one death marshal (maybe I could get another one), two dead doxies, one guild autopsy and four canine remains. As you can see most of the miniatures are designed to play with Seamus and I don't know if I could play Tara with what I have. So, is there any miniature that could work with both masters? Do you think that I need something more to play with Tara?

    As I said I'm a bit disapointed with Malifaux, so, if I join the league I would only buy one or two miniatures (let's say a box of three miniatures is my top). Also, please, don't recommend me Hannah. I know she works great with Tara, but I don't like her miniature (and currently I'm only willing to buy miniatures that I like for their aesthetics).


    Thanks for the help :)

  9. Hi to everybody!

    I know that Malifaux is a game about factions and that it has a rich background that allows to mix different miniatures without breaking the fluff.

    But I was wondering,for you, who are the most in-theme masters? For in-theme I understand the typical crew according to the fluff / starter box. Some examples would be nephilim for Lilith, frozen Heart for Rasputina, belles and undead hookers for Seamus.

    Another example:Izamu. Izamu can work for any resser master and you can use the background to justify it,but the typical and most in-theme máster for Izamu is Yan-Lo.

  10. Hi to everyone :)

    As you may know I've been asking some questions about Zoraida and some problems that I face with her (synergies and how to deal with Chiaki, etc). First of all: Thanks to everyone for your advice.

    Now, as I was reading you trying to mix everything, the idea of a crew inspired in the classical witch theme has been taking form into my mind. You know the basics: Hag, puppets, one lost boy, enchanted toys, haunting woods, etc.

    I don't want to have a super-competitive crew, just something that is playable and has a chance to win. And I know that in Malifaux crew selection must be decided with schemes in mind BUT ... could something like this work?

    I was thinking in something like this:

    - Zoraida (Crystal ball, hex bag, hexed among you)

    - Iggy

    - Mysterious effigy

    - Teddy (On dreaming wings) (Or another heavy hitter)

    - Waldgeist x2

    - Stitched together x2

    I like the brother's Grimm theme: I was thinking in the Malifaux child plus some fire inserts and chain him to a stake (captured lost child), the waldgeists for the haunting woods and all the toys reinforce the old witch theme.

    So .... what do you think? This is just a rough idea, but, could it work?

  11. Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me. How many silent ones do you use in your typical Rasputina crew? I've found the "old" metal model in one local store and I'm tempted to buy it (save a few euros and get it now) but I don't know if one of them will be enough for mosts crews.


    I have the same problem with the acolyte of december, I have the metal one and now I'm tempted to get a plastic box.


    So, how many silent ones do you use?

  12. Hi to everybody. I've been reading the forums and it seems Zoraida doesn't have special synergies with any model, am I wrong? I mean, the old hag seems good with everybody but not very good.


    So, the swampfiend theme, for example, she doesn't have any special synergie with any model.


    Is there a neverborn miniature that really shines with Zoraida? (In comparison to other neverborn masters).



  13. I'm a TT Misaki player and just played my first game with Levi as my master last night.  I've never played Misaki vs. Levi, but I have used this list in the past and can be very effective.  Its what I would try against him.


    Misaki - Stalking Bisento, Recalled Training

    Sensie Yu - Blot the Sky, Wandering River Style



    Yu can copy the (0) action of his master.  So between Misaki and Yu they can have two opponents stalked simultaneously.  This gives Misaki two target and two opportunities to take an extra walk each round.


    Yu can use Air Burst and Mighty Gust on the same target each round.  This can push Misaki up to 10 inches as give her fast.  As long as she can last one activation exposed you can get her very close to her victim.  This is a great time to burn stones to keep her healthy and get closer to Assaniate (see below).


    Next activate Misaki.  She should be in charge range.  Pop recalled training.  Against a stalked target Misaki gets 5 attacks with  :+fate  :+fate on attack and damage.  That should usually be enough to take the target.  Often I can kill a target with 3 or 4 AP.  With her 4" push from Next Target and 1 to 2 AP I can often get her back to safety and within range of Yu for another attack run next turn against the other stalked target or Yu might be able to stalk a new target for her.  I usually run Misaki with just a couple of stones to take advantage of Risky Ventures.  If you have only 1 stone you can discard it to add a  :crow to your fist attack, Risky Ventures then kicks in giving  :crow so you auto-get the Assassinate trigger.  If you have only 2 stones left you can also spend one to get a  :+fate to the attack.  So your first attack is  :+fate  :+fate  :+fate attack,  :+fate  :+fate damage with auto-Assassinate.  And a crow on your next four attacks give Assassinate.  When you flip sever damage (6) and assassinate on that first attack, it can be a very tough choice for your opponent.  They know that model is going to die, is it worth the stones/cards to use up more of Misaki's actions?  You can't stalk A&D since it's immune to conditions, but you will still probably kill it with 5 attacks with :+fate to attack and damage.  With Yu's pushes and fast you should be able to get to a some of those Waifs hiding places.  Waifs can be very hard to hit with Df 6 if they taken defensive stance.  But a lot of the baby-sitters people like to use are hard to kill, but easy to hit.  If the Waif is within :blast range use Misaki's Thunder attack against the baby-sitter and kill the Waif with splash damage.


    Also remember Recalled Training works for EVERY dual for the entire turn.  That includes Df/Wp duals if you leave her exposed.  I've got her killed several times by forgetting that when I decide to go all out attack instead of returning to Yu.


    Using this yo-yo effect in one game Misaki shot out and killed Barbados, moved all the way back to Yu (getting out of Nekima's range) in one turn.  The next turn Yu gave Misaki fast and pushed her though dense terrain close enough to charge Nekima.  Killed her and Next Targeted into Lucius and killed him. 




    Please, could someone tell me how do you stop the Misaki/Yu combo?

    A friend of mine has been playing lately with those miniatures (Misaki and Yu) and it seems unstoppable. We have find that Misaki now has an effective charge range of 20" (5"+5"+8"+2") and 4 AP thanks to fast. With that and two stalks she's able to kill two miniatures each turn. And we're not talking about two terror tots, gupps or canine remains. She is going to kill a henchman or a key miniature each turn plus another one that is near.


    It's not easy to hide from her (remember stalked, so if I move to avoid her she moves), you can't engage her thanks to diving charge and with that loooooooooooooooong charge range she is the one who chooses the fights.


    So, how do you stop the combo?

  14. Incite Chiaki, make her activate early in the turn, then you can do all the condition stuff you want once she has activated. Its also handy to make her lose Manipulative so most big beaters can drastically reduce her wounds, even if they are only doing half damage. (And most little beaters can also drastically reduce her wounds as well).


    Very good an well played. I really like it.

  15. Madaxeman makes some good suggestions above.


    Kaeris is something of a skirmisher so I find I need something to hold the centre with her.  Joss does this really well, as backed up by the Eternal Flame he's a total tank. Large Arachnids also get a lot of good value with her.


    Could the rail golem do the same job? I don't like Joss miniature, but a crew of metal gamin, rail golem and Kaeris sounds good for me.


    I think I'll begin buying the mechanical rider and the metal gamin :)

  16. a. She cannot remove all the conditions.


    b. You could just shoot her. With Beckoners for example.


    c. Challenge (Barbaros) makes targeting the right model a chore (my Witchlings hate him to bits).


    Yep, b it's the obvious answer, but what miniatures have CA actions that could do that work?


    Maybe I'm unlucky but I have a bunch of neverborn models and I think no one of them have that kind of actions. So far I "only" have: Terror tots, young nephilims, mature nephilim, barbaros, lelu, lilitu, coppelius, bad juju, spawn mother, silurids, gupps, waldgeists, black blood shaman and a nurse and mctavish. And I'm thinking  buying a doppleganger and Iggy.


    I'd rather prefer not buying additional models if I could avoid it.

  17. Hi, I wonder if someboy could help me with this problem: How do you deal with Chiaki when you are playing Zoraida?


    I haven't played against her yet, but on paper it seems very hard to counter. For me Zoraida is mostly about conditions (bewitch and hex) and Chiaki is perfect to counter that. Also, most of my crew is about conditions (nurse and Iggy for the voodoo doll) melee (nephilims and swampfiends) or both (waldgeists).


    So, I was wondering, in a "typical" Zoraida crew, how do you deal with her?

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  18. Hi! I was wondering if you could help me, could you tell me which models work well with Kaeris & Rasputina?


    Almost all of my miniatures are designed to play with Rasputina (ice golem, ice gamin, blessed of december, myranda, snowstorm, blessed and two acolytes) and my Kaeris crew is quite small (firestarter, eternal flame, one gunsmith, three fire gamin, one raptor).


    My next purchase will be the mechanical rider, any adittional suggestions will be welcomed.


    Thanks :)



  19. Hahahahaha. That Gator snack trail.. :D

    "Ooh a piece of candy. Ooh a piece of candy."


    Hahahahahah Love it!


    Nice advice here, I guess my main mistake was in his deployment. I was thinking in deploying him far away, but I've realized that it's best for him to be not so far away :)


    Thanks to everybody :)

  20. Hi everybody! :)


    I'm a new neverborn player and I was wondering if somebody could help me. I really like the swampfiend theme and I plan to run a Zoraida's crew with the usual suspects: Bad juju, waldgeists, silurids, gupps, spawn mother and ..... nurse :P


    I have the old McTavish miniature and I would like to use it, but I can't figure how to use him properly. In one hand he's a good shooter, but , on the other hand, what makes him special (penetrating stench, hunting screen and gator snack) requires to be closer to the enemy.


    So, how do you use him in your lists with Zoraida?, where do you deploy him?, any tactics?


    Thanks :)

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