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Everything posted by Deluge

  1. I'm envious of your events, the last tournament I went to was me, The Mrs and the TO. I took 3rd place *grumble pandora grumble*
  2. So the office has decided that it was far more likely that the Dinosaurs were the Alien overlords and Extra Terrestrials are the pets that managed to escape their owners and are now roaming space as galactic strays, the dinosaurs then each died of loneliness (except that purple bastard Barney - My Boss forced me to specify this)
  3. That has sparked quite a discussion in the office
  4. The thing with Marcus is that I want to do "themed lists" Speed of the Serpent list with Dawn Serpent and RZR, Precision of the Eagle with all Flying creatures, Fury of the Tiger with nothing but Sabretooths and Hoarcats etc.
  5. Same here, looking forward to putting some paint on her. Glad I took the time on the RZR, that model was a real pain for me to assemble
  6. It's useless give in like I did, embrace the beast (you should be good at that )
  7. Ha, good old British engineering. A few years ago on a building site they found the remains of a Messerschmitt while digging up the road, it does make me wonder how in the hell the people laying the foundation missed that
  8. Maybe have a look at some different sized Balsa Dowel Rods? Might work?
  9. Teddy, Coppellius and Weaver Widow are great in a dreamer crew for forcing horror duels and inflicting a drain on WP. Have the Dreamer heal up these models and when the time is right you on a Chompy rampage
  10. Well myself and my credit card are off to be dragged around a shopping centre. see you later
  11. Drinking straws would be good for pipe but you would need to strengthen them somehow
  12. I doubt you'd have it. Last one I saw went for £85.00 on ebay. Plasma cannon one for £110.00. I'm not that desperate
  13. I'm desperately searching for this one http://www.collecting-citadel-miniatures.com/wiki/index.php/File:Escher_with_plasma_pistol_%26_club.jpg
  14. Mostly true, I still raid ebay on a regular basis for Chaos Dwarfs and Sisters of Battle and ONE MISSING House Escher Sculpt
  15. I started in June with Lilith, I now own Lilith, Pandora, Marcus, Mei Feng, Jakob Lynch, Sonnia Criid, Seamus, McMourning, Kirai (Mrs), and Yan Lo (Mrs)
  16. Yes constantly, as an example earlier in this thread I said "Screw i i'm going to order Marcus" need I say more?
  17. Much the same, I need to pick up Widow Weaver and Wicked Dolls (and the missing two Teddies in my collection) as well as the Brutal, Mysterious and Arcane Effigy and Zoraida so might as well pick up the Puppet Master while I'm at it since I'll have most of his Crew. Plus I think that Vasilia will fit in nicely with the Dreamer and Stitched Together giving the stitched fast
  18. *sigh* another model on the purchase list....how long before I pick up Collodi do you think?
  19. I need to finish up assembling my Dreamer crew, I took one look at that leg on the mini chompy and just decided no, not doing that yet especially after the alps and daydreams
  20. 1. The way I play Pandora she is constantly hobbled. 2. I can make Nom Nom noises with LCB on the table
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