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Everything posted by Deluge

  1. well it is most likely to be around the week commencing the 15th before I can arrange a game due to work, by then Lilith should have arrived, if not I'll take up the offer of Lynch
  2. Hi mate, just checked with the store my order has not been dispatched yet! Although some more terrain has turned up at work today so I should be able to bring plenty with me when my models finally turn up, unless of course I can borrow a crew again for a couple more rounds of intro games?
  3. I've had a look into Mr Graves, he seems like an interesting model to use and something that brings something else aesthetically to the crew, I have also started looking into the Dark Debts box due to his interaction with Lynch....I can see what my friend told me is true, that I am most likely to end up collecting an entire faction quiet easily. However I will be attempting to hold off on this for a while (or at least until my willpower collapses)
  4. Really nice battle reports, it has given me some real insights into how my chosen master performs on the table
  5. Thanks for the welcome, I have put those onto my Shopping list for when they come out in plastic as well as the Black Blood Shaman and Mr Graves. I have also been looking in Zoraida and Pandora boxes for potential models to use with Lilith and expand outward into a second (or third) master *edit spelling and stuff
  6. Thanks for the welcome, at the moment I will be focussing on the assembly, basing and painting aspect as although I have been wargaming for nearly 15 years I have yet to field a fully painted army so that for me is going to be priority number one. I also want to collect everything possible in plastic so will be playing almost entirely with the above models until the other Nephilim are released in plastic
  7. Greetings All My name is Matthew and I currently live in Leeds, UK. A friend of mine on here introduced me to the world of Malifaux a few months ago, my hobby life due to other systems has stagnated over the past few months and as a result I have been looking into getting back in wargaming. I have decided on Lilith and the Nephalim and as a result I have ordered the Lilith Starter Set, Nekima and a pack of Nephilim. Looking forward to my miniatures and interacting with you all Cheers Matt *edit for spelling
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