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Posts posted by Freman

  1. Von Schill's box and the Strongarm suit. That gives you the trapper for sniping, the librarian for healing (although with the doc around you don't need this as much as other crews do) and casting damage (something Parker doesn't have innately) and Strongarm Suit for melee (melee not being Parker's strong suit) and a WP attacking ranged attack.

    Von Schill himself is quite a good master with his new upgrades.

    The Hodgepodge Emissary is okay, but he's pretty expensive, about the same price as a crew box, so he wouldn't be my first purchase.

    Dead Outlaws and Woukou Raiders are both Bandits, so have some synergy with Parker, but don't add much if you have the Freikorps already. I would leave them for later too.

    The Banditos will do for scheme running for now, but the Winged Plague or Void Wretches are a bit better. Again, something to consider later.

    Play many many games with Parker. His upgrade rotation means he does have the tools for most tasks, but you often need to plan a turn in advance for what you want him to do.

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  2. Hans is not a good addition to any crew, unfortunately. As with all Outcasts, there's little he does that isn't done better by a Freikorps Trapper. Von Schill's box is basically a must-have.
    Bishop is... situational. He hits like a truck with his ability to choose his triggers, but he doesn't have much in the way of defense and will be ground down quickly if your opponent gets a chance. I prefer Strongarm suit for the lovely Armour +2.

    Make sure you have the latest upgrades for Outcasts and their Masters. Parker gets one that allows him to ignore armour on his built-in :mask trigger, which makes him a bit harder hitting when dealing with certain models.

  3. Fiddling with the kneeling one at the moment.

    Yes, too many parts for not much reward. It's almost competing with the Steam Trunk in terms of parts per stone, and at least the Steam Trunk was a simple box with tracks.


    EDIT: Got the three spirits more or less in place. I'll attach the hands and things when the glue sets. I really think Wyrd need to have people try actually assembling their kits before they put them into production.

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  4. I'd go with Hamelin and try to top deck the second Stolen, only using the 8:crow if I failed. I would use it however, since I'll already have burned a stone to get the second suit, and if I don't succeed I'll have wasted that stone.

    The Obedient Wretch can, if absolutely necessary, be sacrificed for two rats, but generally I wouldn't bother. If she doesn't top deck a :crowwhen throwing rats I'd just shrug and hope for better cards in the following turn. Because she's just a four stone model there's no great pressure to make maximum use out of her.

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  5. McMourning and Rafkin are both DPS models, with Rafkin adding a bit of debuffing too with My Own Concoction. Neither is particularly durable though, so while they kill what they're aimed at, they die shortly afterwards. I'm going to have to become more tricksy. Maybe keep a Belle around to pull McMourning and friends out of harm's way.

    I don't suppose there are any tanks that fit with McMourning. High damage but a bit fragile seems to be his thing.

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  6. Lucius's crew box?

    Well, obviously to get Lucius, the Scribe, and the two Lawyers you're going to need his box. If you want Candy she's in Pandora's box, although you can probably still find the metal blister around.Graves, Tannen, Beckoners, Doppleganger, Changlings, Terracotta Warrior and Vogel all come in their own boxes.

    However the strength of Changlings and Doppleganger are their ability to duplicate attacks from more powerful models, so you'll want a couple of those. I'm not sure if Graves hits hard enough to count for that, and there's always the risk of your hard hitting models being killed, which is likely because your opponent will know it not only removes that model, but also reduces the power of your Doppleganger/Changling.

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  7. Damning Oratory? Sure, it'd be difficult to get it on a model McMourning is actually engaged with, but Skin Graft has a 3" range. Just have McMourning 3" from the model you want to kill, and put the Exorcist on the other side. "Pop!" Damning Oratory by itself, along with Skin Graft, could be an annoying way of shutting down models that rely on triggers.

  8. Never overlook the possibilities offered by combining Plastic Surgery and an Exorcist. Everything within 3" of McMourning is Undead, including things that wouldn't normally have a characteristic like spirits, so, if you have the cards, the Exorcist can kill them instantly.

  9. I suppose Nicodem would be the natural foil to Molly, since he uses a lot of the same models, but on the other hand he does have a similar style being a summoner.

    I chose McMourning and Nicodem as my two Resurrectionist masters because of their different playstyles.

    Saemus likes belles, so there is some overlap there, and he has a different playstyle... although there are some who would say he's not outstanding at that style... but loaded with models that affect Wp duels he is entertaining enough I'd imagine.

    If you're playing Spirit Molly there's a lot of crossover with Kirai, although again... summoner. Still, Resurrectionists are the summoning faction. Tara is there of course, but she's very different to the rest of the faction.

    I'd say play Saemus and Molly. It's fluffy too, given their history.

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