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Posts posted by Freman

  1. How to play against Viks?

    Very carefully.

    Make no mistake, when a Vik attacks something will die. You have to prevent that being more than one thing. Whirlwind, the Mask trigger on both of their melee attacks, allows them to attack other models within range so you have to keep enough distance between your models so they can't Whirlwind.

    Models that prevent enemies charging into them, Ronin, Desperate Mercenaries, Rusty Alyce, Hamelin, will put a damper on Viks, forcing them to spend AP walking into base contact.

    Kill Viks when the opportunity presents itself. Start with Blood as she's usually the most dangerous. Remember she's just Df6 with 7 wounds and soulstones to prevent damage. If she gets the opportunity to attack, or another model can heal a sister, she'll heal though so ideally you want to kill her in one activation.

    Ashes can range from fragile, Df5 and 7 wounds, to quite durable, survivalist and Marlena, so she can be a bit more tricky to deal with. With Blood gone though she's a bit less of a threat.

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  2. Declared Faction: Neverborn 
    Crew Name: Neverborn # 1 50ss 
    Leader: Collodi - Cache:(3)4
       Strum the Threads 1ss 
       Fated 1ss 
       Threads of Fate 1ss 
    Marionette 3ss 
    Marionette 3ss 
    Marionette 3ss 
    Marionette 3ss 
    Brutal Effigy 4ss 
    Hodgepodge Effigy 4ss 
    Stitched Together 6ss 
    The Illuminated 7ss 
    The Illuminated 7ss 
    Beckoner 6ss 

    11 activations. That's a lot. Should he drop one Marionette to add 3 to the cache?

  3. Yes. His new Wave 5 upgrade "Test Subjects" which is dual faction, allows him to hire four models with the Beast or Academic characteristic. It also causes any model with those characteristics to heal when they activate near him so it's never a useless upgrade. Bring a Malifaux Raptor and you can even give non-Beasts in your list a condition that applies the Beast characteristic so they also benefit from the healing aura (like McMourning himself).

    Of course matchups against Marcus could get messy.

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  4. Blood should probably be taken as the default "of course she'll kill it, what else?"

    McMourning ignores armour and hard to wound, but not hard to kill and he'd need some decent flips to kill it in one activation. Min damage 2 doesn't help him. On the other hand, with the Evidence Tampering upgrade, he can do 4 attacks at Ml6 and if he does bring it down to 1 wound poison damage will kill it when it activates near him.

    Leveticus ignores most defences but his damage track is appalling.

    Your best bet is something with an instant kill trigger like Misaki or Madam Sybelle.

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  5. Isn't this discussion trying to get around one of Sandeep's limiting mechanics, that he has a hard limit of three summons, and all of them are limited in some way?

    The only Gamin I can see being worth the hassle involved above is his totem. Summon turn one, remove his upgrade, put it back into play turn two so Sandeep can summon three regular Gamin.

  6. Although Sandeep is the answer, I'm going to throw in a vote for Marcus anyway. He's a "Jack of all trades" model because he is effectively a faction by himself. Of course, as said, you then need to buy and carry a bunch of models where Sandeep gets by with a mere handful.

  7. Having Soaring Dragon on Blood could be difficult because you're giving up either Mark (yeah right) or Oathkeeper. However being able to kill then bury, makes her more resistant to being killed immediately afterwards. However don't try it against new Lady Justice, Aoinus, Void Wretches, or anyone else who can attack buried models.

    Scion of the Void is what you use for an unbury Blood attack. Ashes has the usual, Fury, Synchronized, maybe Spirit or Survivalist, Scion has  Scramble and Oathkeeper. Scion goes fast, heading up the board, unburying Blood in position where she can threaten a significant chunk of the board but is not in immediate danger. Opponent moves. Ashes activates, uses Fury. Double walks so she's close enough to Blood to trigger Accomplice if there's something she can charge. However that's where you start to miss Oathkeeper. Blood can still double-walk and attack once with Melee Expert, but it's harder to get off a charge with only 2AP. However if there is an opposing model within 10 inches (which for a double-walk and 6" range for accomplice from Ashes) could be 26 inches up the board, she can usually carve it up, discard to bury, and then unbury with Scion again next turn. For this I'd take Student of Conflict and keep her back so that if someone whacks Scion, Student can unbury Blood towards the end of the turn.

  8. Leveticus, desolate soul, untimely demise, scramble (6 stones)

    Two Hollow Waifs.

    Hodgepodge Emissary, aethereal conflux

    Dead Rider

    Hooded Rider

    Pale Rider

    Having stones available for Leveticus is a nice change. Scramble gives him improved mobility. Desolate Soul gives ranged summoning. Untimely Demise allows you to blow things up.

    The app isn't letting you add two Hollow Waifs at the moment.

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