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Posts posted by Freman

  1. I've not played Reva, only McMourning, but he is a lot of fun. Nico will be my second Resser master once I can stir myself enough to paint his models.

    I think that McMourning and Nico share more of a model pool than Nico and Reva inasmuch as many of McMourning's themed models are also Undead and benefit from Nico's synergies.

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  2. If you can pull Joss into a position where a Nurse can medicate him onto negative flips, with a Belle, and then hit him with a Shikome and/or McMourning he will evaporate. Reactivating on one wound doesn't mean anything when he's poisoned and sitting near the Doc, that's if he hasn't been expunged into a Flesh Construct already. In fact sitting the Doc next to a poisoned model on one wound, who's yet to activate, is quite enjoyable.

    McMourning's answer to every question is "poison it". Must be that Guild education.

    As others have said, McMourning isn't a beatstick, although with Rafkin (and I always run Rafkin with him) around he can put out a tolerable amount of damage. He's a scalpel. Pick a model. Kill it. Move on. That said you should be splashing poison around like it's a half price sale on pesticides (Guild Autopsies, Rafkin, Rogue Necromancy can all do it at range, some with blasts) so there shouldn't be a healthy model on the board.

  3. On the Levi subject, the reason he went to nothing is because his card, including his damage tracks, was originally written with the assumption that you'd be burning his wounds to get positive flips. That's why the damage tracks all very low for a master (except his melee severe). With channelling reduced to one incidence of focus he's hitting minimum damage more often, where 1 or 2 just isn't enough. He needs new damage tracks, possibly 2/4/6 for melee, and 3/4/5 for unmaking.

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  4. Neverborn: Collodi. "I had strings but now I'm free, there are no strings on me."

    Guild: Hoffman. "We can rebuild him. We have the technology." Lucius: "The prosecution rests, m'lord." Sonnia. "I am the god of hellfire."

    Arcanists: Marcus. "Wild Boys!" Duran Duran

    Ressers: Nicodem. "My mother said I should make more friends." McMourning. "The doctor is in."

    Gremlins: Ophelia. "You have to ask yourself, 'Do I feel lucky?' Well do ya, punk?"

    10 Thunders: Maybe Lynch. "The House always wins."

    Outcasts: Leveticus. "You get an Abomination, and you get an Abomination, and you get an Abomination." Viktoria. "Off with her head." Hamelin. "Oh rats!"

    Edit: I play Outcasts (so far everyone except Tara) and Ressers (only McMourning so far).


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  5. Definitely going to get those Viktorias.

    Viktoria of Blood is a Neverborn Doppelganger. We've seen what the Doppelganger looks like. She's not just missing clothes, she's missing her skin as well. Neverborn don't really care about human sensibilities. Just look at Zoraida.

  6. I run Rusty Alyce with him, and with From Aether she can produce an Abomination for a 7 and a 10 each turn. It also allows friendly models to use the (0)s from the Steam Trunk either in multiples or in combination with their own. Survivalist is another option of course.

  7. Don't forget that the positive flips benefit any model with Oathkeeper, not just Freikorps.

    Hire a model with Oathkeeper and they'll also be getting positive flips against models damaged by Von Schill until such time as they drop it, and then Von Schill can slap it on another Freikorps model.

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