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Lizzy Lovecraft

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Posts posted by Lizzy Lovecraft

  1. Performers are 5SS before you pay the Merc tax so they don't act as anchors. It's their raw cost before anything else that counts.

    Anna looks decent enough, although I still haven't played her yet.

    Thank you for the clarification.  I was going by their cost after merc tax.  Is this also true for Vendetta?  Cause that would change a few games I played (in my favor).  And one more... Big Head, the campaign injury, same concept?

  2. A little fan fiction...


    Dr. Albus Von Shtook Has Been Revealed As Leveticus

    Malifaux City, 11 December 1911


    During a Guild raid led by Sam Hopkins, the mysterious Ressurectionist doctor known as Dr. Albus Von Shtook was captured and revealed to be the Outcast known as Leveticus.  Von Shtook is the person responsible for the creation of the Iron Zombies that rampaged through the city last spring.  Leveticus, aka Von Shtook was found with a sprawling laboratory, producing monstrosities, beneath the Western Quarantine Zone of the city.  He is currently in Guild custody.

    Sonnia Criid was reported as stating, "Measures have been taken to ensure that [Leveticus] does not just disappear on us.  He has been fitted with a sanctioning collar and put in a reinforced prison.  The laboratory has been disassembled and all constructs found within destroyed.  Citizens can rest easier tonight."

    Dr. Dougles McMourning added about the reveal through fits of creepy laughter, "Explains why Von Shtook was always so enamored by Molly Squidpidgge; Young, undead girl with a pet construct.  That's Levi's style alright!  Poor Rusty."

    Leveticus's long time companion Alice was not found in his company when captured.  She denies any knowledge of his alternate identity, but currently remains in custody as well.



    ### GP


  3. So I just got the Salvage and Logistics crew box and have played two 50 SS games.  I decimated the Latigos in the first one and got shut down by Ramos in the second.  Both opponents only tweaked their box crews with a model or two; 2 Pistoleros for Perdita, and JoJo (Johanna) instead of Howard for Ramos.

    In the first game I put Desolate Soul on both Levi and Alice and didn't take either Pariah.  I merced two Performers instead (making them pull capable anchors that gave out slow).  The second, I took Pariah of Bone instead and brought the Valedictorian and a Dead Doxy.

    Up till now I've played Rezer and I have to say, I had more fun in these last two games than I ever did with any Rezer crew.  Sometimes the Rezers feel like I'm pulling teeth to get them to function.

    Anywho.... I'm looking over Anna Lovelace and I'm thinking, "Wouldn't it be fun to have Alice and Anna hanging out together, babysitting waifs, throwing their :ranged attacks around while enemies can't push, charge, or place within :aura3!"  Obviously this would only work for certain strats and schemes where movement across the board is not as important.  These girls are both 10 SS hires, abominations don't seem to be super capable of anything but hindrance and horde-ing, and Levi would have to do everything himself (maybe he can).  But I wonder if there is a way to make this idea work.  Maybe for Protect Territory, Bodyguard, etc.  Turf War, Guard The Stash, etc...

    It also feels weird having Levi's hiring options and still hiring mercenaries.  But if it would work!

    Any ideas?

  4. A small group of casual Malifaux players in the Capital District are starting up a weekly playtime at local game store on Thursday evenings after 5.

    The last Thursday of the month will be a $5 buy-in tournament style game.  Winner gets a gift card of the total for use at the store.  We are also thinking about running a campaign the rest of the month.

    So if you live in or around the Capital District Area near Albany, NY, and are interested, send me a post, I'll give you all the details.


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  5. So I just finished reading the shifting loyalties fluff stories.  What is The Event?  I don't mean the weekly event on a red joker flip, I mean what the fluff seems to be leading up to story-wise in Malifaux.  At one point in the book it talks about playing before or after The Event on the timeline, but non of the stories seem to mention it.  All I can glean is, obviously, all the masters become avatars for it.  But only 'Tina and Sonnia have a tyrant on board...?

  6. My favorite video games are MMO's.  I'm currently having a DDO phase.  I almost exclusively play paladin-like classes. 

    I like to dish out decent damage and then, when their defenses are down, smash their faces in!  I would like to always do a lot of damage, but I know that's unrealistic, cause I like to be able to buff myself defensively, and spam a heal when I need it. 

    Before this phase, I was hooked on Diablo 3, in which, you probably guessed it, I played a crusader. 

    Essentially, I run a moderately defensive, self-buffer hit-stick that occasionally lands a wallop and can keep herself alive. 

    I am eyeing Leveticus, but not sure if he is what I'm looking for.  He also seems to need a lot of thought, and I isn't smart.

  7. The title explains the question, but I want to type it one more time..... reactivate....

    My game group has always played it that a model has to wait until all the other models on its crew are done before reactivating, but that is not stated anywhere in the rules for the condition.  Frankly, I have no idea where I picked up the rule and taught my players it; but now that I've discovered a little Molly/Nurse/summoned combo, I'm hoping it was just a hallucination that I had when I was learning the game (maybe from a concussion I received the first time I wrestled Joss down to 1 Wd).


    ...reactivate... ;b

  8. I pointed out that I understand the game will make my best laid plans come undone, but I do agree with all of you, that the playbook approach has to be taken lightly.  I would also like to point out that only four models are doing any planned work in this;  Mort, the canines, and all the summoned belles are not planned out.  Even the nurse is being shuffled along and still has her actions free to hinder or help.  But loss of the vulture would be horrendous!

    Also, Doombladez, I am not personally impressed with Sybelle in general.  For the longest time, she was my only henchman, and now I only hire her when Molly or belles need a taxi service.  Sure, her upgrade trigger to execute is cool, but it's a little tough to deliver.  This is why I've hired Mortimer for this strategy; he's the real henchman of the team.

    Also; you're right about missing information, My Union-ed opponent runs Ramos and Ironsides.  Though I just hooked him up with both Arcanist Arsenal Decks 1 & 2, so I expect to see Kearis soon.  I can only throw poison at him for so long before he starts the burning game.

    Nicodem is my newest master, and I do love him for exactly the reason Gromgrom says; he can summon for the situation at hand.  "Oxfordian Mage locking up Punk Zombies, summon Belles and pull her out of range, etc..."

    I wish I had Izamu!  Soon....

    Thanks for the advice, but I must mention that I plan for this to just be a general plan of action.  Maybe some advice to tighten up the odds in my favor.


  9.      I've been losing a lot lately.  It's not completely my fault; I have one regular opponent, and he's definitely more of a critical thinker than I am (he's also a bastard Arcanist).  But I recognize that I sometimes don't think ahead enough, and need to focus.  I tend to get super excited when things go my way, and get sloppy; I also get disappointed when things go bad and can lose focus.

         The strategy I hate most is Reconnoiter.  I don't know why.  As  Rezer player, I can make the hordes for it, but I still find myself struggling.  So I sat down, sipped some scotch, and began thinking through google docs.  This is what I came up with.  Please, if you care enough, give me feed-back of what I might do to improve it, or things to adjust to make the game go more in my favor.  All the models are the ones I own (see signature), so I can't hire too differently,  Please don't troll with mean, snide responses, I'm just looking for helpful/positive feedback.  Thanks.

    The Funeral March

    50ss Crew

    Reconnoiter Strategy

    Spread of Decay Scheme

    Breakthrough Scheme (Perhaps Bodyguard on M. Sybelle if available)

    Nicodem -- 7ss

     +Maniacal Laugh - 1ss

     +Undertaker - 1ss

     +Shadow Embrace - 1ss

    Vulture - 3ss

    Canine Remains - 4ss

    Canine Remains - 4ss

    Madame Sybelle - 8ss

     +Not Too Banged Up - 1ss

    Mortimer - 9ss

     +My Favorite Shovel - 2ss

     +Corpse Bloat - 2ss

    Nurse - 5ss

    Rotten Belle - 5ss


    The idea is to begin first turn finding bones which Nicodem uses to summon more belles.  He then gives Sybelle fast.  The summoned belles all lure the opponent’s meat-heads towards the center of the board if they can.  Sybelle dashes up the closer side of the board, using call belle on the hired belle before she gets out of range.  The hired Belle then lures the nurse towards her and Sybelle, placing her in position to protect Sybelle, and/or screw up a dangerous opponent’s activation.  Any left-over corpse counters should be flown by the vulture to the next estimated stopping point.


    Turn two see’s Mort and the canines attempting to offer cover for the “funeral procession”, and digging up corpse counters if they can.  Once all the corpse counters have been found, Nicodem gives Sybelle fast again and summons more belles.  If a canine has by chance gone down, he should re-summon one.  The two belles left behind continue to pull the opponent’s models towards one corner of the board.  Sybelle again runs up the flank, stopping long enough to call belle the hired belle again.  The hired belle then lures the Nurse so she can bodyguard Sybelle.  If the opponent is a real prick, this may have to go in reverse order, as the nurse might need to “combat-medic” the main procession before the belle pulls her away.  Again, vulture gets any corpse markers where they need to be, or Nicodem’s eyes and ears where he needs them to cast.  Freshly summoned belles will stay in their quadrant.


    Turn three is mostly rinse, repeat; if Malifaux was fought in a vacuum!  By now, your opponent has caught on to your sneaky, underhanded rezer tricks, has probably made some solid engagement, whether with your first turn belle tar-pits, or is vulture hunting, and a model or two might be down.  Also by now, you have a good idea of what his/her schemes are.  While trying to stay the course as much as possible, now is the time to make critical adjustments for whatever is going wrong.  Just remember, you want to get your vulture back to eyes and ears range of Nico this turn.  That is the most important thing. 


    On turn four, continue the “funeral march” of Nico, Sybelle, hired Belle, Nurse as best as possible.  As long as the battle hasn’t totally thrown the Black Joker at you, this should still be mostly possible.  Vulture should go before Nico so he can cast through eyes and ears, because now is the time to repair any damage your opponent might have caused for Reconnoiter and Spread of Decay.  Also, don’t be afraid to make mindless zombies if you notice your opponent is running schemes that need unengaged models.  They may not count for the strategy, but they still tar-pit Outflank and Protect Territory.  By the end of this turn, there should be 2 non-peon models on the three quadrants.  The belles in the opponent’s “non-quadrant” can start pulling enemies out of an adjacent quadrant to deny the points.  Depending on the 2nd scheme selected, now is the time to start dropping scheme markers if you need to.


    Turn five is the time to tie up loose ends, for both you and your opponent.  Nico and vulture should continue to refill any fallen ranks, while belles yank enemy models out of any VP gaining positions.  The nurse should either be patching wounds or immobilizing any enemy jerks that think they’re going to take a quadrant back.  She can also throw some speed on an ally that needs to get somewhere quick.


    The flip is made, it’s below 11, and Nicodem cackles “Mwhaha!”


    Obviously, in actual game play, none of this works out as planned… Bad Things Happen!


  10. Looking to buy someone's Rafkin.  I don't want to wait until Wyrd finally gets around to making a plastic one.  If anyone has Rafkin they don't mind giving up, please send me a message with a price, maybe we can do business.  I don't need the card, and I don't care if it is painted or not, as long as the limbs are all there.

  11. I find the Captain the lynchpin of this crew.  Take care of him and his air burst  and Toni is less dangerous.  I definitely wouldn't take a melee crew against her if possible. And if she making you swing when you don't want to, cheat so you miss and you won't get hit back.  

    Agreed.  Ironsides don't seem so bad herself, for my play-style, I'm putting that Oxfordian Mage with Blood Ward in my cross-hairs.  I'm gonna request the levitating one be the one wearing the upgrade, so at least I think the model's cool while I scorn it....

  12. Now that I've calmed my embalmed nerves and cleaned up the 3'X3' table I flipped...

    I began my foray into Malifaux with Seamus and the Red Chapel girls.  Expanded with Molly and the crooligang.  And Have been spending my days running board control, movement tricks, and a less than melee heavy crews.  I have two opponents.  One runs Perdita, the other Ramos.  Perdita is easy to work around with swarms of undead, hard to wound, and pulls and pushes.  Sometimes things get hairy, as they often do in a skirmish game, but through scheme and strategy work, winning is still viable.  Ramos (or more importantly, Joss and Howard) can hit hard if I get too close.  And I feel like deep down Ramos wants to be a Rezzer with all his spider summoning.  But still, at the end of the day in Malifaux, VP gets you a win, not brute force. 

    Still, I wanted to hit something; a wanted to hit it hard!  So I left the Belles and Doxies and Crooligans behind and I showed up today with the University of Transmortis students and some Punk Zombies, led by Horror Molly in-case one went down.  I knew my opponent was playing Arcanists, and I knew he had his new Troubleshooter crew, and I didn't do my homework of what that was bringing to the table. 

    I now know that fights in the middle of the table is what Toni is looking for.  I recognize that those Oxfordian Mages need to be dragged kicking and screaming 11" away from her.  Black Blood will be useless.  Slice and Dice will only hurt my crew.  And two Students of Viscera is one too many near Ironsides.  And most importantly, I learned to respect my dead girls and don't scoff at their 1/2/3 damage spread.   Seamus IS gonna make Ironsides' corpse into a Belle!  Now to figure something out about that Counterspell ('Tina has it, but when do I ever actually throw a spell at 'Tina?)

    ...She still seems way OP...

  13. I'm kinda new to Malifaux, played awhile back.  Now I see Molly Squidpiddge is a master of her own crew.  I want her to still hench for Mister S!  I haven't picked up the "landscape" card yet, cause I don't want it if I can't use Molly like the "green booklet" card.  But the gang here is trying to get current with the game.

    The crew creator on this website won't let me pick her for a Seamus crew.  I'm hoping this is a bug...  I see I can make her master of my Seamus crew without him there... can Molly run with Seamus, or is she still holding a grudge?

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