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Posts posted by doombladez

  1. Great job so far, I lost access recently (being redirected to the forums at the moment) but before that it looked excellent. The new section discussing the factions and masters in particular are a huge step up, the new pages are exactly what new player me wanted. Well done.

  2. Though I am not a Henchman (I have no LGS so my application would be denied) I am the community leader for my group.  If you are looking to expand and provide a good experience for the players that look to you here are some thoughts:


    1) Remember you are the host, not the boss.  Encourage play but don't dictate how it is played.

    2) If it is either you or another player who has to sit out, then you should sit out, the community takes priority.

    3) Have a demo crew together, something simple, painted and balanced against another demo crew, a great looking demo table helps.

    4) Have a 'loaner' crew.  Something (again) simple but strong enough to stand on it's own but also something you aren't invested in so that you are always willing to let someone play with it.

    5) Observe your group and be willing to provide feedback and rule calls but don't butt in or correct rules unless you are asked.

    6) Finally, always try to push towards a positive and encouraging environment that is welcoming to everyone regardless of the player type.


    Also, one thing I have learned from working in various stores, and from being a Henchman a few years back - talk to people. Find out what they like and what their play styles are. Engage them instead of waiting for them to come to you, but don't try to hard sell the game. A little conversation goes a long way.

    Very useful advice from both of you, thanks. I'm a judge in Magic the Gathering so fortunately this isn't my first rodeo, but your advice is great and I'll be keeping all of it in mind, thanks again. 

  3. So I've fallen pretty hard for this game pretty quickly, and now that I've got my feet wet a bit I'm thinking about where I want to go with my commitment to this game. I'm wanting to get really into this game is my point, in part thanks to the genuinely great community here. That said, I've decided I'm very interested in the Henchmen program, and I'm hoping that by the time registration opens back up in October I'll be ready with two crews to get signed up with. So I'm curious if there are any Henchmen running around the forums and if there are if y'all would give out any advice or information you think would be useful to know about the program. Thanks guys, you're the best  :D

  4. Coming out of the gate strong, having been recommended no fewer than three times by me, I think you should look into Nicodem. Attrition battles are firmly the forte of the Resser faction. Barring some weird cases, no one wins a straight up war of attrition with them. Nicodem skews the attrition angle even more than the other Ressers, able to summon bigger and better minions out of the corpses of stuff you just got finished killing. Even when he isn't summoning new guys, he buffs his minions and debuffs the enemy ones.


    Coming in as a strong second contender is McMourning, who frequently trades in his enemies for Flesh Constructs which, when backed up by nurses, are the most powerful attrition forces in the game. Its just that Nicodem brings so much more to the table when it comes to a crew designed to just roll over the opponent's crew in an unkillable wave. Its defensive versus offensive, really.

    Excellent synopsis, I'm currently enamored with Nicodem and hope to expand into McMourning soon after. You know your stuff, you got me down precisely. Thanks!  :D

  5. /soapbox


    Need to have the items listed on there, otherwise quite bluntly, we could be happily supporting another companies product being purchased. I hear people gasp and say 'never!' .. but as we have already received bogus receipts, multiple times, it is something that we have to put our foot down on. Hell I had a good laugh about the one that purchased product which we hadn't even released as of yet, just a copy paste of some of the stuff that was due to be out soon. 


    Sorry, and I know this will sound just a 'touch' harsh, but POS (point of sale) systems aren't that expensive these days in the least (I know, I just purchased a couple), and they do a world of wonder for keeping track of product and customers and hell, if you want to get just a touch fancy, they even have them setup with loyalty and point programs these days to keep customers coming back. An investment of a couple hundred dollars for something that is essential for a retail business, shouldn't be a surprise. Of course, you can go crazy with them as well and spend tens of multiple thousands, but that's for huge retail box stores. 


    /end soapbox


    That's understandable, I appreciate the response. I'll try to work something out with my LGS, and if not I can live without the promo. Again, thanks for the help  :)

  6. My LGS prints receipts but it just includes the transaction details like payment, total, etc. It doesn't actually have the specific items I bought listed. Any recommendations?



    I can ask if they can print out what I actually purchased..

    I too would like to hear if there is any way to make this work. My LGS just prints the date, total, and store name on the receipt, nothing about the items purchased. 

  7. Then (and in general) you should think about terrain. Lots of it. Your next purchases might very well best be spent on terrain.

    Fortunately my LGS has lots of terrain for use so that's not an  issue at the moment, and I'm working on learning how to make my own as well. 

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    Nicodem is not easy to kill, and in my opinion works best if he moves up a bit. Use one AP to walk him 2 first turns if you can, or use a rotten belle to lure him up, to save his own AP for other stuff. He can hand out fast and slow, he can heal undead models and he can ress. He is a supporting master that can summon stuff depending on what you need. I try to have a big soulestone cash (6 or 7 stones) when I play him, as you very often need to stone for crows

    Thanks for the suggestions, especially the strategy tips at the end there. The model-by-model synopsis is appreciated as well  :)

  9. Any idea what your opponent is going to be running?  Proxying is always a good idea while you get a feel for the game.

    He's looking into Guild and Arcanists at the moment, he likes shooting a lot so I have a feeling he'll end up with a Guild crew. He plays Wood Elves in WHFB if that tells you anything. 



    Another quick word on summoning and starting - often people like to play smaller games to begin with (usually 25-35SS) but summoners become quite unbalanced at this level and you only really want to play them in 50SS.  Your opponent is going to get the wrong idea of how powerful summoners are and is likely to be frustrated in smaller games!

    Cool, all the more reason to run Seamus for a bit then, and that'll give me some time to pick up my models. 




    It tends to pay to have a lot of options in the faction anyway, especially as it allows you to branch out into different Masters and have the right tools for the job, but Nico loves his choices!  Check out the summoning cards here too.  They're useful to use in game but also gives you a handy list of everything that Nico can summon which can help with prioritising purchases!

    Thanks for the link! I found those a little while ago but forgot to save them, I won't be making that mistake again. 

  10. If you're just getting into the game I'd actually suggest playing some games with Seamus first if you're going to pick that box up.  He's a little easier to use which is good when learning the game but still complex enough to continue using once you're more experienced.  As a summoner Nicodem requires learning how to manage your resources (namely cards and SS) effectively in a different way to a non-summoning Master.

    Fortunately I've picked up the arsenal box and my first few games are going to be proxied while we're waiting for our models to get in, so playing a few games with Seamus shouldn't be a problem. My opponent is still figuring out what master he's gonna go with so he won't mind me trying out a different build. 


    But the best thing is you can summon whatever you need. Bad thing is, you end up owning the whole faction. But then again, it's the best faction in Malifaux. ;)

    Yeah, one could do worse than owning all the models for the Ressers  :). Long term I hope to end up with most of the models in the faction to deepen my summoning options, so I'm pretty excited about how flexible Nico's summoning options are. 

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  11. The Hanged are really good summons but I very rarely hire them into the crew.  I find that Bete doesn't work that well in a Nicodem crew.  You can't summon her because she's not a Minion and you usually want to keep a 10+ card in your hand for her Bury to avoid her dying and that's a card that Nico could be using to summon something else.  Izamu is really good in a Nico crew because you can hand out Fast like candy which helps with his slow speed and if you take the Graveyard Spirit you can give him armour +4 which combined with Nico's healing makes him very difficult to get rid of.


    One thing that hasn't been mentioned as a purchase yet is the University of Transmortis set.  The Valedictorian is a great Hench(wo)man and the Iron Zombies make really good Swiss Army Knife summons as you can always have the one that is most effective for the opposition you are facing.


    Check out this thread too.

    Thanks, that's really helpful. I like the Hanged models too so I'll be sure to get a box to summon up. I've been on the fence about Izamu but after hearing from y'all I think I'll give him a chance. 


    Glad to hear about the University, my store is gonna be getting one in soon so I think I'll be picking that up too eventually, the Students look like fun targets to summon. Thanks for the link too. Y'all have been a great help!

  12. Thanks to both of y'all! I have found the wiki, it's been really helpful in selecting my starting master and looking into expansion options. Getting master boxes sounds like solid advice, I like the McMourning box so I'll look into picking that one up.


    Should I look into putting the Hanged into my starting crew or try to summon them throughout the game?


    Izamu seems pretty cool so I'll have to look into picking one of him up as well. 


    Necropunks will go nicely with my Punk Zombies and look cool to boot so they sound like a good runner, thanks!. 

  13. New player here, I'm planning on making Nicodem my first master and I was wondering if anyone had any pointers about what models I should pick up in addition to his Open Graves box? I really like Bete Noir but besides her I'm unsure where to go from here. I'm planning on running everything from his starter box if that helps. Also I wasn't sure if this is the most appropriate place for this thread or the New Player Lounge, so I erred on the side of my fellow Resurrectionists, sorry if that was incorrect. Thanks in advance  :)

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