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Posts posted by doombladez

  1. On 12/22/2016 at 7:37 AM, Emberlost said:

    I'm liking the Gibbering Hordes more and more with each reveal. I've always wanted to try playing a horde army, but have always been put off by the sheer number of models I'd have to paint. But with the GH's Endless Numbers ability, I don't need more models, I just reuse the dead ones.

    Same here, although painting wasn't my worry as much as assembly, which thankfully Wyrd has made a non-issue for TOS

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  2. On 12/19/2016 at 3:36 PM, Nathan Caroland said:

    Honestly, we've been up front about this from day one - this game is for gamers, not necessarily hobbyist. 

    That's not saying that I don't think you can't get some kick ass pieces out of these and do a wonderful job with them, but the idea is for folks to get them and into a game with minimal effort. Some folks love the idea of building, modding, sculpting, painting, etc - I'm one of them! Then others, could care two shakes, they just want it to get put together with minimal amount of cussing and trouble, and to get straight to the gaming. 

    We'll accommodate where we can, just can't manage it all. 

    This is me. I hate assembly and the whole painting/primering/basing nonsense. I love seeing the results of people who are skilled at it, but for me it's just a huge barrier to playing several games I love. I really appreciate that TOS is going to eliminate one headache for me, I probably wouldn't have become a backer otherwise. 

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  3. 16 hours ago, Ressummon said:

    Hey, I am new to the forum and to Malifaux and have a couple of 'noobs' questions.

    First off my first foray into Ressurectionist is going to be McMouring because I love the model and the theme of his crew. However my opponent is Shen Long and his condition attrition!!

    I will have th following items at my disposal  (due to funding)

    McMourning crew set.

    Canine remains additional box.

    Guild Autopsy box


    What is the best way to deal with Shen and, by extension, other condition removal models?

    I could probably add another single box (approx £10) due to budget. Can't wait to join the Ressurectionist surge (resurgence?).

    Any help would be appreciated.

    First off welcome to the best faction in Malifaux! Second, I'd recommend picking up either Nurses or Shikomes, Nurses are great utility models and Shikomes are some of the best models you can get for Poison crews. At some point you'll also want at least one more Flesh Construct probably, since McMourning summons them.

    I'll leave it to others to give advice on Shen specifically, but I will stress this: Objectives (and by extension VP) win games. Don't get caught up killing things when you're playing Reconnoiter, Line in the Sand and Power Ritual. Your Canine Remains are decent enough scheme runners so send them in and get your objectives! 

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  4. 1 hour ago, SpiralngCadavr said:

    Think he means the Student of... snake tail or whatever. Viscera or Sinew, I think?

    Could be, I'm not familiar enough with first edition to know if there's an older model that fits the description. Regardless I'd take a look at McMourning's M2E box @WolfDayDream, it's a lot less body-horror than it used to be. 

  5. 41 minutes ago, WolfDayDream said:

    It depends Ilike some of the models that be ungodly freaky in real life. I don't mind the undead models just ALL of Mcmourning models are an unholy amount of disturbing. (that snake corpse thing being the worst offender)

    Out of curiousity do you know the name of the corpse-snake model? Is it Yin the Penangalan? If so then she's more of a Yan Lo model than McMourning, McMourning is mostly based on Flesh Constructs and Canine Remains as far as Undead models go. 

  6. On 2/26/2016 at 6:30 AM, Adran said:

    When Transmortis came out, they were M2e Cards, before there was an M2E game. Then the students all went back into the playtest, and got improved.  So a lot of the early dislike about the set was due to the circumstanes at the time, and the un-errata'd stats that they had. 

    Now they still seem to suffer "resser effect" which is they are worth summoning, but they wouldn't hire them. 


    4 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    Everything over 5ss suffers from the resser effect. It's not that the models are bad but that the ressers are spoiled with very good summoners. ;) 

    That makes more sense to me. Practically every time I hear people ask for recommendations on our subforum I hear the University get mentioned at least once, and honestly I've done it myself more than once, the Iron Zombies are fantastic summons, and since I play Nico I never hire anything I can summon anyway. 

    But to get back on topic, my favorite Story Encounter is the Crossroads 7, who have everything I want out of a story encounter. They're thematic, they're cool, they appeal to more than one faction, and they wouldn't make sense anywhere else. 

  7. As far as Strategies go he's pretty good at any of them, but weakest at Reckoning and Squatter's Rights and best at Turf War, in my opinion. I honestly can't think of a better Turf War master than Nico, his play-style is supported perfectly by it. Keep the summoning engine going and crush all resistance. Reckoning can be a problem since he summons half-dead models, and you usually want your models to die so Reckoning messes that all up pretty good. As for schemes I like Plant Explosives, Deliver a Message (which I usually find to be pretty easy since I can give out Fast to anyone I need to Deliver with), Distract (since I'm usually out-activating my opponent most games), and Protect Territory, and if you have Necropunks or Crooligans any Resser Master can be a pretty good master for Line in the Sand. 

  8. I suspect it's more newcomers to the forums, who look for the things they want to ask. They then feel the need to add something, not realizing that the thread is half a year old.

     I do love the joking comments and camraderie usually drifting around threads in general around here. 

    Yeah, I like to read through old threads as well. It was a really welcoming place to be. Felt like some kind of extended family to me.

    One of the best things about this game is the community, when I first showed up on here a few months back I got a plethora of great people answering all my questions and then some. Compared to certain other wargames the Malifaux forums are full of great people. 

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