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Posts posted by easily_mused

  1. If you are looking to "twist" cross roads 7 it would be the 7 Virtues.  There are 2 main interpretations -the 3 Theological Virtues of Love, Hope, and Faith plus the Four Cardinal Virtues of Prudence, Temperance, Fortitude, and Justice.  Or the Seven Contrary Virtues that line up with the Seven Sins

    Humility- Pride 

    Kindness - Envy

    Temperance/Abstinence - Gluttony

    Chastity - Lust

    Patience -Wrath

    Charity/Liberality - Greed

    Diligence -Sloth

      Besides a Malifaux Interpretation of "the good guys" has to be twisted.

    • Like 6
  2. 8 hours ago, Gnomezilla said:

    I had REPRESSED those memories of those illustrations, thank you for nothing! :angry:

    (My childhood copy of fairy tales had been illustrated in the '70s. It was...a different time. A different aesthetic. A different, bulbous, pasty white aesthetic. A different, really rather warped aesthetic.)

    Brings new meaning to Nightmare Edition boxes.

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  3. Bound by Law as the Emperors New Clothes.  The Guild Lawyers can be the Weavers, The scribe the boy who see's thru it, or maybe holding a mirror.  Captain Dashel the executioner. Guild Guardsmen just daring you to say anything.  And of course Lucius just in a mask. 

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  4. Okay i will admit it. Maybe i am not alone. For me i couldnt figure out the format of how to hide the pictures. I thought of posting my starter set since it wasnt available before the contest started...  I dont think it was the big leap some one had in finished minis since there was little activity. May want to do seasonally as well, less months more resets. 

    also keep in mind this was suported by an individual. Not Wyrd.  So saying "hey you did 2015 we expect a 2016" might be a little much. Unless some one else knows they want to pick it up?

  5. I noticed that if you searched something like "Edition"  "terreaclips"  "Puppet wars" that not only products come up but information from the F&Q, News, About us.. any mention of the word came up.  I am not sure if that is intentional or if you want to keep the search to products only.  A single article may not sem like much now; but a year from now or more it might get congested.    This likely isnt an error.. but i know shipping was an issue before.  I wanted to get the carver, even though I am suppose to be saving money for GenCon.  But the 8$ as Cheapest shipping option to Illinois talked me out of it.  If that is best option commercially, I understand. But seemed a lot for one model that could be sent first class for $3.

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