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Posts posted by Erorior

  1. Envy (while good on his own) can become quite good with Leveticus, since he can bring Mechanical Rider. While the rider is generally considered a really good model, it also gives Envy a nice boost by dropping scheme markers close to enemies. Bring someone with I pay better and fire two focused gatling shots towards the opponents. Hilarity ensues. :P


  2. It's a tactical action that doesn't specify "other," so I think you can target yourself - am I wrong?


    I think you are right. I read the parts in the rulebook about the actions, and only attack actions had the clause that restricts a model from targeting itself. So Envy should be able to focus himself. That gives great potential together with I Pay Better, since you can then discard a card for focus, fire a focused shot, take his 0- action and fire a second focused shot. You really only need moderate damage against single targets to get a great effect out of his actions. And woe to the enemies which groups up around a scheme marker... :P

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  3. I'm going to try out the Seven with Daw as well, and see their different uses and synergies. Gluttony and Envy with some crooked men can be nice when there will be a lot of scheme markers, and Greed together with Pride could drain your opponents resources quite quickly, even more if you include Hannah and copy their abilities with Daw :)



    Lessons learned: Envy is a complete boss. The damage track on his gun (2/5/6) means you want to be focused, which happily he can give himself with his (0) action! 


    I thought that you couldn't target yourself with actions, but maybe that only applies to attack actions?

  4. While Killjoy is probably most effective with Tara (due to her being able to sling him across the field with abandon without the requirement of the death of your own models), I'm sure that there are ways that Killjoy can benefit from hanging out with our favourite, albeit twitchy, hanged man. 


    Most synergies with Daw tend to land around having them Tormented, and Killjoy could benefit from those synergies. For example, with Writhing Torment he could be pushed out from an ongoing engagement to be able to use his 1AP-charge (against another target or perhaps against the same enemy he was engaged with) or he could hit someone an extra time or take a crucial walk via Twist and Turn. And Jack himself could borrow his Cleaver from time to time. 


    The problem with Killjoy and Jack is that Killjoy himself can be quite a hazard and therefore begins buried, and before he unburies he cannot receive the Tormented characteristic. It's not entirely possible to control the opportunities of unburying the big stick, so you would want to have a guilty standing by to make him tormented when this happens. But if you manage to torment him, he becomes as synergistic with Daw as most other beatsticks.


    Let's not forget though, that Killjoy can be quite killy enough without synergies. :P


    To sum it up; he as synergy-potential, albeit a more tricky one to utilize. :P

  5. You did well in keeping up with all the spider who tend to swarm the board when Ramos is around! :)


    Also, it's nice that you write each move on a new row since that makes it easier to follow what's going on!


    Poor Joss! He can usually be quite resilient, but those double auras does a good job in bypassing his Hard to Kill.

    If you want to give your opponent some advice, it would be to only hire one Steam Arachnid in the beginning and then kill it with Joss to give double scrap markers and a potential of 6 arachnids! Give someone the upgrade Bleeding Edge Tech and then all arachnids within the aura will regenerate in no time. Repeat if there are no scrap markers around. (When your opponent increases his/her model collection ofcourse! :)  )


    Also, he shouldn't have had to stone for a Tome during turn 3 if he used the red joker. It counts as any suite of the player's choice, and therefore it would count as the needed tome. :)

  6. I've been trying to get people to start playing here in Luleå without much success. I even built a dedicated 3x3 Malifaux table! :P

    When are you moving here?  :)


    Yay, a fellow Breach-sider! :D I'm moving there August 17, so than we'll have to make sure to put that table to good use!  :D

  7. Welcome-greetings from a "neighbor" (I live in Umeå)! ;)


    I've heard that the Malifaux scene in Skellefteå is slowly expanding, and it's great to hear from more players. I have a friend who will move there soon and will be eager to play. :)


    (Since I'm moving even further north, to Luleå, I will have to cross my fingers that there are some players even up there :P )

  8. You're right--Hannah cannot be lured without a crow from the flipped/cheated card. My mistake, and this one likely affected the game I think. I'm not sure, but I think at least a couple of the lures had a crow cheated/flipped, because I mistakenly  triggered the discard ability twice, so there was at least one crow to hit the TN--I say mistakenly because I would have lost the built in crow, but would have cheated in the crow to make it work.


    That being said, I know I didn't hit it every single time, so that means Hannah wouldn't have been lured at least one of those times.


    Learning rules better.




    Actually, a Belle cannot use lure at all at a target with counterspell, since it requires two suits (both built in though). Since the belle isn't a master or henchman, it cannot use a soulstone to gain the additional suit needed. So anyone with counterspell are safe from the lure of minions and enforcers. :)


    This game has a lot of rules. I've been playing since january, and I still learn something new rules-wise every couple of games. :P

  9. I have also considered using Pull the Void to give a Desperate Merc fast and then fire away with abandon. However, I would only consider it during super-friendly games just for the heck of it. :P


    My dream (to actually get a reason to use the nice models) is that there would have been a general Outcast upgrade allowing you to summon one up to once per turn at a reasonable cost. Just throw some money and a gun at desperate bystanders, and off they go! ;)

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  10. I for one cannot wait till the Boondo-errr, Crossroads Seven are released at GenCon!

    ~Lil Kalki


    Same here! Since I wasn't in the beta I have no idea what they can do, but something about them still makes med crave them!  :huh:

  11. I'm not really an experienced Daw player (having only played one actual game with him) but I have done a lot of Theory-faux (for what that's worth :P ), and have found Hannah to be a nice addition to his crew. She has a nice staline, is fairly resilient, gives an extra card and can hit really hard at times (especially with focus). What gives that special little ounce of synergy is her ability to copy Ca-actions from non-leaders. With it you can copy the Guilty's Share Guilt to make an extra model (perhaps herself) tormented, and you can copy all actions from the Hanged. Extra Whispers from Beyond is always nice. :)


    Otherwise, I like Johan as an all-round model. Just bring a Guilty to make him tormented and voilá; he's part of the gang. His condition-removal stacks nicely with nurses. In my first (and only :P ) game with Daw I used a nurse to restore Daw to full health from 3 remaining wounds, and then simply removed his paralyze with Johan.


    I loved Jack Daw during my first game, and hopefully you will too. :D

  12. I have just picked up Jack Daw myself, and will get my first game with him tomorrow. :) Hopefully, I will be able to dish out the vengeance as well! :P


    One of the theoryfaux:ing ideas I have is to run Daw (with Twist and Turn) with Hannah and a Hanged. Then you have 2 additional models who can use Whispers from Beyond if needed. :)


    Another possible trick is to see if I can get both Firing Squad Injustice and Drowning Injustice unto an enemy model, and then obey:ing the model to attack Daw (with the upgrade to give him Terrifying). The model should then take 2 damage from declaring an attack action, 2 damage when I cheat low to fail the terrify (by failing the simple duel) and then end up paralyzed. 


    While these tricks sound good in my mind, I'm curious to see if they would actually work in the field. Let the trials of guilty and innocent alike begin! :D

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  13. The cost for masters has already been calculated by the designers. Basically every master/henchman is cost 14SS - Cache. The cache value is the leftover cost from base 14SS of the model.

    Example: Hamelin, Cache 1. His base cost is 13SS. Collodi, Cache 3. His base cost is 11SS.


    Ah, I see. As I´m fairly new to the game (been playing since January) I haven't gotten around to listen to the different podcasts. Thanks for the info though, that explains the vastly different caches. :)

  14. Also, don't forget that Malevolence is an aura which means that it requires LoS. Depending on model size, this mean that if you can end your charge between Kirai and the target (and therefore block LoS) no mean Ikiryo will appear. Killjoy can be great for this, but as long as the thing you want to attack is ht2 with 30mm base, another similiarily sized model should be able to block it with careful positioning. :)

  15. This discussion came up when me and my friend (Paradigm in the forums) walked his dog, and as usual the topic came back to this lovely game (Due the amount of Malifaux-related talk and the frequency of walks, his dog is probably quite proficient by now... :P  ) . After the usual talk about strategies and interactions, we came to muse upon how much the different masters would cost if you actually paid precious soulstones for them when hiring a crew. While we didn't specify much, we pondered if he would pay more than 12 ss for his precious Misaki and I had a really hard time putting the price on Tara. 


    I thought it could be fun to hear your thoughts on the matter; How much do you think your  favourite (or most dreaded)  master should cost? And why? :)


    (I apologize if this topic have already been brought up)



  16. I'm terribly sorry if this question has been asked and answered already, but I couldn't find it when searching (but I also had trouble finding the proper terms to search for). Here goes:


    When redirecting an attack (from e.g. Misdirection or Safe In My Bed), do you flip a new card for the new target to determine the defense of the target?


    Example 1: Misaki (with misdirection) is engaged with 2 Witchling Stalkers (A and B ). Stalker A attacks with a duel total of 15. She then cheats in a 4 of Masks to trigger misdirection and redirecting the attack unto Stalker B. Do you flip a new card for stalker B before adding defense, or is it stuck with the 4 used to trigger the effect?


    Example 2: The Dreamer is shot by a Freikorps trapper. The trappers duel total is 16, while the Dreamer is stuck with a lowly ace (for a total of 5). He discards a card and redirects it to a poor daydream instead. The question here is the same; do you flip a new card for the defense of the daydream?


    The examples are quite similiar, but how would you inperpret the rulings regarding these? And would it be a difference when an enemy model (example 1) would be the new target instead of a friendly (example 2)?

  17. The arguemnet goes something like this.

    Was Tara the first friendly model to activate this turn? Yes. So even in her second activation, she was still the first friendly model to activate this turn.


    Ah, I see. Well that's good news. Thanks for updating me on the earlier argument. I'm fairly new to the game, so it's easy to miss stuff that has been previously discussed.

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