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Posts posted by CalicoJack1966

  1. I've been asking about the same sort of thing over in the TTB Discussion area and here is what another user - Wakshaani - had to say about occular implants:



    Right now, there aren't any occular improvements, but, again, Into the Steam should have 'em.


    For now, off the top of my head?


    BRASS EYE ($15) (May be given one upgrade)

    Part of the growing school of Almagamation, teh Brass Eye is a glass eye that replaces the character's normal eye (Or, more likely, is placed into the location where a non-functioning eye once was!), held in place by a brass plate attached to the side of the character's face and powered by a tiny bit of soulstone. This magical eye functions in all way as a normal eye, but the baleful contraption can unnerve some people.



    Telescopic Scope ($10)

    When you Focus with any ranged weapon, the range is increased by X10. This can combine with the Rifle upgrade to give your weapon range X100.


    (Thus, a scoped rifle can hit a target about 1800 yds away, which is about the known max of the day (2000 yds).) 


    This may be taken as a stand-alone item or built into a Brass Eye.


    Others could include:


    Venatione Occulus ($10)

    With a built-in crosshair and a magical indicator that flashes green when a target presents itself, the Venatione Occulus allows the user to ferret out targets who think that they're hidden. This removes one negative flip from any Ranged Attack that you make.


    Circumspector Occulus ($10)

    The eye constantly moves, darting about from person to person, keeping one on top of any movement. This ever-shifting eye takes quite a bit of getting used to, and we remind any purchasor that stomach-quelling elixers may be purchased from our sister site. The Circumspector Occulus gives the character a positive flip on all Notice checks.


    Verax Occulus ($10)

    While most of the eye upgrades are heavily mechanical, the Verax is, instead, more powerfully enchanted, using a somewhat larger soulstone shard to provide overall power. It prevents the user from seeing phantasmic energies, thus providing the user with immunity to the Illusion Magia.


    Gaze of Death ($10)

    Sometimes, you need an ace in the hole. In this case, it's an ace in the hole in your head. Hidden inside your eye is a single-shot pistol. Removing it for a reload takes about a minute, so use it wisely.


    Protective Upgrade ($10)

    Replacing the brass plating with a larger steel plate, and adding a thick glass window over teh eye itself, the protective upgrade helps make certain that the purchaser won't have to worry about losing an eye again. This upgrade counts as Light Armor for the head and provides Protection (Rams).


    Its not "official" but I found it useful. ;)

  2. Ah ha!


    So, what you're telling me is that in any given Duel when I need to hit a TN all I'm looking at on any card I pull from the Fate Deck (or my Twist Deck) is the numeric value of the card (1-13) to see if I beat the bTN. The suit of the card only comes into play if there is an assciated trigger (such as in the case of a Specialized Skill Talent where I chose a suit to act as a trigger).


    Am I understanding that right?


    So, why would I want to add a trigger to a skill? In this case I went with Specialized Skill: Gambling and lets say I added :tome as the suit; what good does that gain me?

  3. Wakshaani -


    Yeah, I see your point, but the game only speaks in terms of Pneumatics; further it does reference that they are a fusion of steam-tech and magic - which in my book comes pretty close to cybernetics. So I guess I was looking to see if there has been any official artifical eye rules yet.




    Although, the Pnuematic Limb chart on page 179 states that the Pnuematic (aspect) descriptor allows the character to use the limb to increase the Noted Aspect to 5 for the duration of a Duel; so I would assume that you could have a 'pnuematic' eye which would increase, say, your cunning (and thus aid your Notice skill). Just wasn't sure how much that would cost (see my question about cost in regards to starting Pursuit below).


    I'll look for future supplements and see (pun intended) what they come out with.


    In reference to what Ampers&nd said, yeah, I thought I had seen figs or art with what appeared to be somekiind of occular implants, so I also see that the door is open to that sort of material in the future.


    On a side, but related question, the Drudge Pursuit, if taken as yor starting pursuit, states:


    "A Drudge begins the game with one pneumatic limb with steam augments up to a total value of $25."




    Does this mean a limb with augments, and the total value of the augments is $25? Of that the total value of the limb plus the augments is $25 (which would pretty much limit you to a partial limb)? And if it is the former, what sort of augments could one put into an occular implant?

  4. Hi all!


    Another question:


    Page 63, Step 14 of Fated Creation talks about what the suits relate to, but it's kind of vague and doesn't list off the Aspects each suit relates to.


    As I'm about to build my Twist Deck (and since I took the Specialized Skill Talent) I want to make sure the cards I select best match up to the Aspects and - by extension - the skills I have chosen.


    Is there a more precise correlation between Suits and Aspects?



  5. Hi all!


    New player here (although looking for a game in the Balitmore area - see post in New Players Lounge).


    I assume that the list of pneumatic limbs in the Fated Almanac (pg 178) is not exhaustive. What I wanted to know (and I don't have a copy of the Fate Master's Almanac yet, but it's coming) is this: are there pneumatic eyes?



  6. Hi all!


    I just got the game this past week and have had fun reading it and creating a character. It's kind of got me excited to play in an RPG again, but I don't know where to find a game in my area.


    Are there any games looking for players in the Baltimore, MD area?


    I'm an experienced role-player and have been a gamer since 1977. I worked for several years for R Talsorian Games and wrote (some) for the Castle Falkenstein steampunk/fanstasy RPG, so I get the TtB vibe.


    Hope to find a game and give the system a whirl.


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