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Posts posted by cobalttheunicorn

  1. So with the a 600 dollar purchase and every thing I can possible own for Ressers under my belt, I am faced with the daunting task of learning an entirely new faction. 

    It just so happens my local group is starting a campaign soon, so I thought it would be a good time to ease one foot into the grave as it were, but I find myself still a little overwhelmed. So I turn to my undead masters for advice. 

    What kind of starting crew would you use for a campaign, and where would your next couple of purchases go?  This will help me focus on which to build and paint first so I dont get bogged down in undead minions. 


    My current plan is to start with Toshiro as my leader and build eventually into Nicodem and his avatar, since Nicodem is what I really want to play. Beyond Toshiro I am not sure what else to add, a couple punk zombies for killy power, a dead puppy or two for scheme running/making early corpses for summoning, a nurse for just goo support?


  2. 500$ thats probably close to the entire faction.

    Well if you collected all neverborn and plan to start ressers my bet is that you will probably collect them all in due time.
    But Here is what i would do if I where you with that budget.
    Seamus box 45$
    Mcmourning Box 45$
    Molly Box 45$

    From these boxes you get bells, crooligans, sybell, Flesh construct and some masters and henchmen. All these boxes work quite good together aswell.
    Then you add
    University 40$ For summons and Valledictorian the quite Nice henchwoman.

    You will now need to fill up on some more summon-based stuff (mindless zombis for nico and dogs for Mcmourning
    Mindless zombies 35$
    Canine remains 18$
    Crooked men 21$
    Flesh construct 16$
    Drowned 20$ i think (new release)

    Then you add some nice enforcers
    Bete Noire 11$
    Izamu The armor 16$
    Yin 11$

    Thats 339$

    For variation of scheme runners Necropunks is nice but since you already have crooligans from the Molly box you dont need to get these right away.

    I would probably get Toshiro aswell since he is quite good.


    Thank you so much for your very informative post, I will most certainly look into those.


    Is one box of mindless zombies enough or should I grab two?

  3. Hello Undead (future) brethren!


    Having just finished painting my Nekima I now officially own at least one of every Neverborn model ever made fully painted. With such an amazing feat behind me I think it is time to start looking towards a second faction, and no faction holds more interest for me than the Monster Mashers themselves, the Sultan's of Summoning, and the Cazr's of Corpses...The Resurrectionist.  


    Now I have been playing Malifaux for over five years now but I have never really ventured beyond the horrors of the Neverborn; Since I have so enjoyed the summoning version of Dreamer and I have always loved zombies, it seems only natural for this to be my next expansion. With the Black Friday sale coming up, and with a lot of cash to burn, I turn to the more experienced Resser players to find out  what I should get in order to start. What masters are good, what are some good models to pick up, etc?


    I very much enjoy a defensible slow-roll style of game. I enjoy a long grind that never seems to end as I go about completing schemes and starts while my opponent is left fighting wave after wave of useless things. 


    I already have some Reserectionist models, though my collection is very limited. 

    I have the Open Graves Box

    Two extra punk zombies

    Two Nurses (for my Zorida crew)

    Two Hanged 

    The Carrion effigy 


    So, with about 500 dollar budget what do you all recommend I buy to get one foot in the grave. 

  4. Yep she's personally my favorite henchmen and I'll run her with any master besides collodi who she competes with crows for. My whole reasoning is basically because she ensures you can score on any of the marker schemes as your scheme runners can't be taken off the board early in the game. And by the time they do show up your opponent likely won't be in position to do much about them and it's easy to get them in position with a walk and leap on turn 4.


    Sure nothing on her card especially stands out but her attacks are good enough and her resiliency mostly goes up the more eggs you have out. What she's good at is scoring points and at the end of the game it doesn't matter how many models you've killed or still have on the table, it's about who scored more points.

    Do you find yourself lazying the eggs and hatching them on turn four so they can run on turn five, or do you generally lay four and than kill her youself so you have one more model to run the next turn

  5. So while I absolutely love the model, I have not found a use for my Spawn Mother. I keep telling myself I will try her out, but than whenever I get ready for a game she jsut doesn't seem like she is worth it. 


    She doesn't seem that tanky, her attacks is not anything to write home about, and while I like the bonus from dying Swampfiends I don't find it would come up that frequently. Of course Gupps are amazing, but only laying one egg a turn, and needing a turn to hatch means realistically you get three eggs that hatch on turn four and maybe they can run scheme's on turn five.  Is that really worth the soulstone investment?


    What do people think about one of the fishy mama?

  6. So I feel fairly confident in almost all the strategies and schemes but one, the dreaded Reckoning. While I find it fairly easy to kill one model a turn, I have trouble getting that all important second one  in order to score points. 


    What is eveyrone's favorite master or models for the most deadly of strategies. I use to love taking Pandora as she is great at weakening models so you can finish two off in a turn, or she is good at getting big damage off  when your opponent brings just a few very big heavy hitters. 

  7. Could someone link me to where it says that the old avatars may be used as a legal proxy? I thought I read that somewhere but when I tried to play it in a tournament the henchman told me that was not allowed.


    Also does that rule specify that the you have to use the avatar of the master whose upgrade the emissary is taking

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