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Rurouni Benshin

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Everything posted by Rurouni Benshin

  1. I have the first 2 companies built and painted, and about half of the 10th company, with a lot of additional odds and ends. Yes, it would be Ventris, from the novels. They're pretty good reads, if you haven't read them yet. Graham McNeil wrote the entire Ultramarine series around Ventris, starting with how he became Captain. Truthfully speaking, I was hoping to get rid of the Eldar and possibly the Grey Knights that I haven't even touched yet. If either of those armies pique anyone's interest, by all means, please let me know.
  2. Morning all! Someone looking to collect GW stuff? Whatcha lookin' for? (Translated as: "Please take my shit away from me!")
  3. This is a friend of mine who made his own cosplay costume and prop. Maybe I can look into asking him to make a relic hammer for Victoria.
  4. Because upper class, pretentious "stay-at-home" mothers need someone who they can "relate" to, is probably the best explanation I can make to justify Oprah's continued relevance. Talk shows are fine, in general, IMHO. It's just the crowd that they individually cater to that turn me away from some of them. I also find it hilariously ironic that comedians are taken more seriously than non-comics. At least we have John Stewart and Steven Colbert.
  5. He's more of a tv personality, than an actual doctor. Like if Oprah had a PhD, that'd be the kind of doctor she'd be.
  6. Interesting. So there is quite some validity to it the results then. Glad that I'm getting this insight from someone I didn't have on retainer.
  7. Considering how you can't take a (1) Interact action to drop a scheme marker within 4" of another, this is the perfect way to get around that.
  8. I completely 100% agree. The doctor did explain that there were ways of telling if a test taker was trying "beat or cheat" the test though. Evidently, unless you're Charles Manson himself (or someone equally as intelligent), there's very little chance of that happening. If anything, it did enlighten me to a few things, and helped put things into perspective.
  9. It's okay. We keep telling ourselves the same thing.
  10. lol, this was actually given to me by the psychologist I retained when I was going through my divorce. Truthfully speaking, my results did intrigue me, since the doctor said he hadn't seen a range of results like mine in over 10 years. Suffice to say, I'm quite the anomaly.
  11. I've always thought of myself as an optimistic person, until I took an abbreviated version of the "Charles Manson Test", which told me that I am, in fact, pessimistic. So I guess I've just been lying to myself all these years.
  12. So Amazon Prime is having a crazy sale today... And lo and behold, I do find some more stuff and things to get... Mostly stuff I wouldn't use right away, but when the price is right, how can I complain... *sigh*.... Pokemon Catcher problems
  13. Don't think anyone's mentioned him yet, but Fuhatsu wouldn't be a bad addition either. He's not "Last Blossom", but as far as Henchmen go, he's sturdy and pretty powerful. However, the best overall Henchman in TT, IMO is Toshiro. He brings a lot of bonuses to your crew, between his (0) Actions and passive abilities. If you run a lot of Minions, he's a good choice as well. Good luck!
  14. When there are schemes that benefit from scheme markers, he's amazing. Admittedly, I haven't used him in missions involving "KILL EVERYTHING", but as far as a 4 point model goes, he pulls his weight pretty well.
  15. lol, oh I know. And that's why I'm not bringing Yan Lo to this one.
  16. I hear she likes Hunpo. I played Yan Lo once against CJ, and nearly had my arse handed to me. I brought the typical TT list with a splash of Ressers in it. Only model I didn't bring was Chiaki. Thinking of trying her next time.
  17. This is true, although there can be a moment where there is 3 on the table. Victoria, did you know about this? EDIT: Nevermind.
  18. That sounds like a tough list to play against. What did you bring?
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