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Rurouni Benshin

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Everything posted by Rurouni Benshin

  1. And immediately queue's the theme to the movie in the recesses of my mind... Thanks for that.
  2. Slightly off topic question: Is there a thread where people discuss model conversions or kit bashing? Or do people just use the "Faction Discussion" threads for that?
  3. Reposting this because it deserves it. And people say I'm not a gracious manager.
  4. Mine as well! Seems Tuesday's are a popular Malifaux day, for whatever reason.
  5. Well then... Looks like I need to see how she does as an Outcast now... Post Edit: Just looked up the upgrade. "Scout the Field" wouldn't be bad for her, except you need to sacrifice it in order to let her charge without needing LOS. That extra move at the start of the turn would be nice early on though. If she can survive the length of the game, it would definitely help having her have the extra movement.
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Misaki's "Diving Charge" only ignored terrain and intervening models. Does this also imply that she doesn't need LOS? I've always thought she still needed LOS.
  7. I haven't seen him in the other threads either. Hopefully he's doing alright.
  8. I'm willing to bet I'd be the only "Misaki" player at this tournament... And from what I gather, I'm also the first player in this community to play her. That could work for me... We'll see, I guess.
  9. The one time I played Yan Lo, I didn't bring Chiaki, because I just didn't feel she worked well with the list that I was bringing. In hindsight, she could've been useful, but only with her ability to remove conditions though, and in that a MLR would've been far better. I still would like to give her a chance though, since she does have her uses. And in a Ressers list, she'd probably be the only person that can remove harmful conditions at all out of the entire Faction (as far as I can recall, anyway).
  10. I posted a thread about my take on Mei Feng a couple weeks ago, so I'll just reiterate what I said there. 1. Mei is purely combative, so having the support crew to help with objective running while she fights is key. I like "Seismic Claws" with her a lot, and others have mentioned "Misdirection" and "Wings of Wind" too. Be sure to keep a decent cache though, in case you need to burn a stone for the Mask trigger. 2. I like Metal Gamin a lot. If you're going up against a list with Constructs, all the better. They're resilient, cheap, and provide a decent means for her to Rail Walk. 3. TT Archers would be magnificent. If you can find a carrier for "Blot the Sky", and keep them in range of the carrier, all the better. 4. Kang is an all around great Henchman. As a secondary combatant, he pulls his weight and then some. If you're going up against Ressers or Arcanists, taking him with the "Hard Worker" upgrade are pretty much auto-include. 5. Emberling is the best totem she can have alongside her. What I like most about it is that it's not Insignificant. If you need a model to drop Scheme Markers, he can easily do that for you. Good luck!
  11. I'm glad this got "necro'ed" actually, because I've been leaning towards not using my MLR recently. However, in light of some recent games, and now having seen which Schemes they're more proficient in, I see that they're very situational indeed. Most recently, I played against Pandora with my TT, and she managed to make 3 of my models Insignificant when Interacts were moderately important. In the end, I still won, but having 1 MLR could've made the mission easier. Using them against "Cursed Object" is a great way of getting rid of the condition without having to rely on the model cursed to do it. Need to definitely keep that one in mind.
  12. While we're on the topic the tournaments, I'll ask for everyone else's opinions here. I've only heard in passing on the Masters that are considered "Top Tier", and wanted to know what your take on the Masters I should expect to see. This will be my first tournament, and I don't expect to win, not by a long shot. But just so I'm not going in blind, what would you expect to see a lot of? We've mentioned Perdita, Hamelin and Leveticus already. Would you expect to see a lot of TT Masters there? My first choice to bring originally was (and still is, honestly) Misaki. I've the most experience with playing her, and have gotten the hang of most of her abilities and her synergies with the TT's. The only missing piece to my TT faction would be the Monks of High River. Thanks a lot!
  13. Great! At this point, I'd only want to pick up Shenlong anyway. If you think you'd have room for a Lone Swordsman though, let me know. I'll PM you later with my contact info. lol, Perdita isn't off the table yet. I have all but 3 models painted for her crew, so all I'd need is some practice with her. I actually don't know if this tournament as a painting requirement. I just feel funny fielding an army that isn't completely painted is all. If anything, I love tournaments for these reasons. Motivates the hell out of me to get on my painting. I don't think I've painted as much as I did in the past 2 months than I had in the past 2 years.
  14. Edonil, I'm in the NY area. Are you going to Gen con? Maybe we could work something out.
  15. Speaking of Gen Con sales, do they all go on sale on the first day of Gen Con? Crush and I have a tournament on the 15th, and I could really use those Monks of High River for it. Trying to get an idea if they'd arrive in time for it if I order it on Gen Con's first day. That is, if I can even order them on day 1.
  16. Aww... (And I totally mean that in a genuine way ) Yes, I think you should... Clearly you had an impact on his life too.
  17. Kidding aside, if it weren't for the fact that I hadn't seen my son since Friday, I would stay late. I'll gladly take a half day off in the middle of the week in lieu of it.
  18. BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!@12@!@!@!!@!111@@@@1!!@12!@2!!!
  19. Then it would stand to reason that I'm a better dancer than at least one other person.
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