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Rurouni Benshin

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Everything posted by Rurouni Benshin

  1. True... Might just be the draw of the different themes and references that the crew is made to represent. Maybe they're having some issues with the new server? Hopefully it gets resolved soon.
  2. If it weren't for all the other TT stuff due out, I would consider getting this for it's uniqueness. But alas...
  3. I actually plan on using Perdita in an upcoming 40ss tournament. Not sure how she'd perform, but I'll wager she'd be good at Headhunter too.
  4. I've painted feathers only a few times before, and I find that a wash, followed by dry brush makes for a nice effect. Any colors aside from black that you were thinking about using?
  5. Spanish, with a bit of Irish. We had one cook that emmigrated here when he was in his 20's. Talking to him was always fun.
  6. My last comment on the topic: We have that problem here too, and I've seen it first hand. People are living a lifestyle that are just simply beyond their means, and have no motivation to work for a better life for themselves. It's depressing, honestly... After my divorce, I sold my house and moved to a smaller place. Was it a trying experience after living there for 10 years? Absolutely, but it was still the best decision I made, and I'd do it again if I had to.
  7. lol, I'm no expert, but I will say that working in the food industry does teach you to appreciate their efforts. Plus it builds character. Never knew as much about breakfast foods, until I started working at IHOP.
  8. Me too! Johana came out really well! Should've taken a photo when I had the chance.
  9. Problem with the minimum wage going up is that it only temporarily helps offset the cost of living. The real problem (IMHO) is that cost of living needs to come down in an effective way that all can benefit. Kiddng aside, one of our hires from last year came into our company at an entry level position, with a Master's Degree. It wasn't in IT, but he's very well acknowledged in the IT world, and has since become our office's unofficial IT Tech. For what it's worth, I did my best to make sure he got some compensation for his efforts, but if McDonald's starting paying their IT tech's at $15/hour to start, I'd think of them as fortunate.
  10. I wouldn't disagree, but in a capitalist market, companies are always looking at how they can improve their bottom line. And like CJ mentioned, I'd give it a couple of years after this goes into effect before we start seeing automated cash registers. 10 Cashiers on staggered shifts will eventually be replaced by 2 IT technicians.
  11. I was curious why you didn't bring up Misaki as well. I actually playtested Headhunter with her, and she performed marvelously. The strategies that we played with for this game were Line in the Sand, Entourage, Plant Explosives, Take Prisoner, and Distract. I chose Entourage and Plant Explosives. And as Adran explained, Misaki's "Next Target" trigger makes killing and collecting in a single activation all that much easier. Just place the "head marker" somewhere out of engagement range of an enemy model, push to base contact with it, and as long as you have an AP left, you've got your VP. Bodyguard can still work, but it's also relative to the crew you're playing against. Obviously you would/should be able to perform your activations quickly enough that you're not wasting time. And even against an experienced player (or any player that knows their own crew well), there shouldn't be too much time wasted between turns. However, if you're facing a crew that summons heavily, then obviously with more models on the board, it would mean more activations. Be mindful of what you're facing when picking this Strategy. Good luck!
  12. And now Bernie Sanders wants to make it the Federal Minimum Wage too apparently. Say good bye to small businesses, everyone...
  13. Morning everyone! Didn't get around to The Torch and Blade last night, but I did finish Abuela Ortega and Johana. I'll try to have some pictures in my gallery tonight. How's everyone doing?
  14. My evening will be comprised of the gym, Netflix, and building/painting The Torch and Blade. Fun times for all!
  15. So that's what happened... What changed though? I haven't noticed anything different yet.
  16. I haven't played as Kirai yet, but now I know to keep an eye out for this... Thanks!
  17. I should keep track of how much I spend on milk, eggs, and bread alone just to see if that's worth the savings. I wouldn't be surprised if I did, considering how much of that I consume.
  18. Crush and I both work a full time job, just like every other person we game with. I'm also single father, who's time is dedicated to his son (when he's with me, which is about 50% of the time) and to the gym. ... And I still find the time to dedicate to meeting regularly on a monthly basis. People aren't just lazy, but lack dedication/interest. A lot of "Oh, sure we'd be interested in playing" but when the time comes to throw dice, no one wants to commit. I blame their non-gaming interests as well.
  19. That bar just keeps getting lower and lower.... Poor bastard...
  20. You're beginning to understand now! It was bad when we were doing this every week for about 4-5 months. Now we're lucky to even meet once every other month. Silly life priorities...
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