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Rurouni Benshin

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Everything posted by Rurouni Benshin

  1. Hi everyone, Stuck home today, nursing either a sore neck or trap muscle (pretty sure it's the trap, now that I think about my past injuries again), and probably finishing a few models in the process. How's everyone else's day so far? After my two previous relationships prior to my marriage, I didn't think I'd ever speak to either of them anymore. But as time heals all wounds, I actually tried seeking them out at one point, if not out of curiosity, then at the very least hoping that they're doing well for themselves. Managed to find both eventually, reached out to one, and actually arranged to have coffee with her one day. It's funny how much people can grow over time. We had a very pleasant time catching up and reminiscing about the things we did, places we'd gone, and the friends we had together. Granted this was in college, and we hardly speak to much of our mutual friends from that time anymore, but it was nice knowing that she was doing well, and that she's happy. I think what awed me the most about her was that despite how much time had passed, and how badly I took the break up at the time it happened, she seemed very sorry and remorseful for how it ended. She even admitted that she probably treated me like shit a lot of the time *lol*. In any case, it was fun catching up with her after all this time. I'd like to think she was thankful for me seeking her out as well, judging from how pleasant our conversation went. It's a shame that not all people who go through relationship problems can come back to this. My other ex was a very jealous person, and after our relationship ended, and she found out I was dating again, it was pretty obvious she wasn't going to take it well. Oh well, her fucking loss.
  2. Ok, just reread, the "Promising Disciple" upgrade for Sensei Yu. "Journeyman of the Four Styles": If a friendly Shenlong discards an upgrade, this model may immediately attach it ignoring all restrictions. If this model has more than one Limited Upgrade attached, it must immediately discard one of them. So if I'm understanding the wording, if Shenlong were to take a style from Sensei Yu, and then discard the one he currently has, Sensei Yu could immediately attach it to him. Am I wrong for presuming that? On another note... If I were to put an upgrade such as Recalled Training on Shenlong, discard it and use it, it would also stand to reason that Sensei Yu could immediately attach it to himself also. Clarification would be appreciated!
  3. Hmm... So am I to understand that they can't swap freely between each other? I was under the impression that with Monk of Many Styles they could. Judging from what you're saying, it seems they can only carry one, and if the situation arised, Shenlong could take Sensei Yu's (or vice versa) and leave the other one without a style at all. Is that correct?
  4. And years of experience, no doubt. My grandparents and great uncles/aunts weren't much for baking sweets, but when it came to chinese pastries, they were the best I've ever had.
  5. Hi again everyone! I bring to you all another Battle Report in the same week, as I’m slowly but surely learning more and more about the Ten Thunders and all of their Masters. In today’s game, I used Shenlong vs. Rasputina, in a strategy that was just recently released as part of the Gaining Grounds tournament format. Strategy & Deployment: Collect the Bounty / Close Deployment My schemes: Murder Protégé, Breakthrough (Both revealed) Opponents’ schemes: Murder Protégé, Breakthrough (Both revealed) My Crew: Shenlong Upgrades: Wandering River Style Peasant Sensei Yu Upgrades: Promising Disciple, Low River Style Kang Upgrades: Hard Worker Izamu, the Armor Upgrades: Recalled Training The Loneswordsman Upgrades: Recalled Training Opponents’ Crew: Rasputina Upgrades: Shattered Heart, Cold Nights, Imbued Energies Joss Upgrades: Imbued Energies Ice Golem Upgrades: Imbued Energies December Acolyte December Acolyte Ice Gamin Ice Gamin Ice Gamin Terrain and Deployment: There were 4 Ht 3 buildings forming a semi circle around the board, with some Ht 2 walls and Ht 1 barrels scattered about. In a small part of the board, there was a river stream, with a plank bridge, which was decided to be severe terrain, unless you were moving over the plank. A few more buildings in the further off corners, and the table was set. No naturally hazardous terrain. He deploys first, with Rasputina in the back, the Ice Golem at the end of the deployment zone, with the 3 Ice Gamin flanking him on both sides and the rear, and Joss about halfway between the Ice Golem and Rasputina. The December Acolytes are deployed in the left and right side of the board, just behind a Ht 2 wall and a Ht 3 building, just outside of 6” of my deployment zone. My crew is deployed just about all along the furthest edge, starting from left to right, Izamu, Shenlong, The Lone Swordsman, Kang, and Sensei Yu, spread out about 2 inches from each other, with the Peasant 1” behind Shenlong. Turn 1: The turn started for me with the one Peasant making his (1) Interact Action to summon the second Peasant. I win initiative, and elect to go second. He begins with the December Acolyte behind the wall, and shoots at Kang, damaging him for 2 Wds. I respond with the summoned Peasant by casting “Gifts of the Temple” on Shenlong for Focus +1. His other December Acolyte then shoots Sensei Yu, and damages him for 4 Wds. I then use the other Peasant to cast “Gifts of the Temple” on Shenlong for another Focus +1, and then move up towards the wall where the first December Acolyte was hiding behind. Rasputina then puts up Ice Pillars between Shenlong and his own side of the board, blocking LOS to 2 of the Ice Gamins and the Ice Golem. She then shoots at Sensei Yu through the December Acolyte, and damages him for 2 more Wds. Now Shenlong goes… He starts off by casting “Mighty Gust” on Izamu, pushes him just past the Ht 2 wall, into melee range of the closer December Acolyte, and drops his Focus by 1 to give him Fast. He then casts it on The Loneswordsman, spends his last Focus to make him Fast, pushing him towards the other December Acolyte, towards my right. Moves up a few inches, and then (0) Action “Monk of Many Styles”, switches styles with Sensei Yu. He then sends an Ice Gamin up towards my right, and goes Defensive Stance. Izamu acts, sacrifices Recalled Training, Melee Expert attacks the December Acolyte, and one shot killed him, after cheating with the Red Joker. Izamu then moves into position to charge an Ice Gamin on the left flank, takes that out in two attacks, and avoids the explosion damage because of the 3” reach. He then sends the last Ice Gamin into base contact with Izamu. Sensei Yu, having switched styles earlier with Shenlong , now casts “Airburst” on The Lone Swordsman, and casts “Mighty Gust” on Kang, giving him “Fast”, moving both closer to the other December Acolyte. Finally, he cast his (0) Action “Disciple” to use Shenlong’s “Mastery”, and gained Focus and Defensive +1. His Ice Golem then activates, and charges at Izamu, taking off 4 wounds. Kang then charges the other December Acolyte, and brings him down to 2 Wds in his 3 attacks. Joss walks up the board, and shoots at the Loneswordsman, hitting him for 1 wound. Finally, the Loneswordsman takes out the last December Acolyte. Turn 2: Shenlong starts the turn with his (0) action “Monk of Many Styles” to switch back to “Wandering River Style”. I win initiative and elect to go first. The previously summoned Peasant walks up to Shenlong, and casts “Gifts of the Temple” for Focus +1. Rasputina then attempts to shoot into the melee between Izamu, Ice Gamin, and Ice Golem, through Joss, (after giving him “Frozen Heart”) with “Freeze Over”, but misses the Ice Gamin on two attempts. Shenlong now goes, and casts “Mighty Gust” on Sensei Yu, pushing towards Kang and The Loneswordsman, and makes him Fast. Moves to the back of the wall where the December Acolyte used to be, uses “Monk of Many Styles” to switch back to “Low River Style”, and heals Izamu for 2 Wds. The other Ice Gamin now charges at Kang, and hits him for 1 Wd. Izamu then attacks the Ice Golem, but fails to damage him on all 3 attacks. His Ice Golem then attacks Izamu, and brings him down to 1 Wd. Sensei Yu then activates, and first uses “Mighty Gust” on The Loneswordsman, pushing him slightly closer to Joss, and makes him Fast. He then casts “Disciple” for “Monk of Many Styles”, switching back to “Low River Style”, and spends his last 2 AP healing himself with “Stones on the River” for 4 damage. He then activates the Ice Gamin engaged with Izamu, and kills Izamu finally, accomplishing Murder Protégé. The Loneswordsman, now sacrifices Recalled Training, and charges at Joss, and since Joss is a Living Construct, he gets a to MI and damage flips from being within Kang’s aura, and inflicts 8 Wds. He then uses his (0) Action “You Shall Never See Another Sunrise”, and names Joss as the target. Joss then activates, sacrifices “Imbued Energies”, and attacks The Loneswordsman 3 times, hitting him for only 3 damage though. The Loneswordsman reactivates, and manages to take down Joss in two attacks, accomplishing Murder Protégé, and then uses his last AP to drop a scheme marker in his deployment zone. Kang finishes off the Ice Gamin that charged him, bringing him down to 1 Wd from the explosion, and my last Peasant then casts “Gifts of the Temple” on Shenlong for another Focus +1. End of Turn 2 Scoring: I’m winning 4-3, as we both accomplished Murder Protégé, and I outscored him on Bounty Points (4-2). Turn 3: Start with my (0) Action “Mastery” and gain Focus and Defensive +1. I win initiative, and act with Sensei Yu first, who casts “Airburst” on Kang first, and then "Mighty Gust" on The Loneswordsman (with Fast) pushing both away from the Ice Golem’s charge range. He activates Rasputina, sacrifices “Imbued Energies” who shoots first at one of my Peasants in the open with December’s Curse, and manages to catch the other Peasant and Shenlong in the blast template. She then kills Kang, and then shoots at The Lone Swordsman twice, but fails to wound him. Shenlong then activates, uses “Mastery” for another Focus and Defensive +1, moves, and charges the Ice Golem with a VERY Focused attack. Managed to cheat damage with the Red Joker, and bring it down half it’s Wds. The Ice Golem then sacrifices “Imbued Energies” and takes 4 attacks on Shenlong, hitting him for a total of 3 damage. The Lone Swordsman then (0) Action “Wanders the Earth”, and charges the Ice Golem, managing to kill it with all 3 of his attacks. Both he and Shenlong take 3 damage from the explosion. His Ice Gamin then attempts to attack Shenlong, but fails. My last Peasant then moves up to the centerline of the board. End of Turn 3 Scoring: Tied 4-4, since he outscored me on Bounty Points (3-2). Turn 4: Start the turn with my Peasant taking his (1) Interact Action by dropping a scheme marker just past the center line, and summons the second Peasant back again. He wins initiative and his Ice Gamin tries to leave melee combat with Shenlong, but fails on both attempts. The Loneswordsman charges Rasputina, and manages to damage her for 2 Wds, but she ends his activation with her Defensive trigger. Rasputina then casts “December’s Touch” on herself, casts “Biting Chill” on The Loneswordsman, but fails to wound him, and then ends her activation. Both Peasants move up closer to Shenlong, with the unsummoned one casting “Gifts of the Temple” on Shenlong for Focus +1. Sensei Yu then moves up closer to The Loneswordsman, casts “Disciple” for “Mastery”, and heals The Loneswordsman for 4 Wds. Shenlong then activates and uses (0) action “Monk of Many Styles” to switch back to “Low River Style”, heals himself for 2, kills the Ice Gamin with a Focused attack, takes another 2 damage from the explosion, and walks towards The Loneswordsman. End of Turn 4 Scoring: I’m winning 5-4, since I outscored him on Bounty Points (1-0). Turn 5: Start my turn with “Mastery” for Focus and Defensive +1. He wins initiative, and moves Rasputina around The Loneswordsman to engage Shenlong, and attempts to use “Biting Chill” on him, hitting him for 2 damage, and triggering to take the attack again. Shenlong is hit again, but I burn my last Soulstone to prevent all the damage. Sensei Yu activates, casts “Disciple” for “Mastery”, and heals Shenlong for 4 damage and then heals The Loneswordsman for 2 damage”. Both my Peasants cast “Gift of the Temple” on Shenlong for Focus +1 each. Shenlong then takes a Focused attack at Rasputina, but is unable to continue since she triggered another tome on her Defensive flip. The Loneswordsman now activates, attacks and misses her, and (unknowingly at the time) ends his activation because of her Defensive trigger. He flips for Turn 6, and flips less than a 10. Game ends at a final score of 8-4, since I managed to accomplish Breakthrough with 3 VP. Lessons learned: After reading Rasputina’s defensive trigger at the end of the game, I realized that she needs to be wounded first before it takes effect. That said, The Loneswordsman would’ve had at least one more shot at her. She still had 7 Wds, but not knowing what else he had in his hand, he may not have been able to pull off the trigger when he needed it to. Other thing I didn’t remember was the fact that Sensei’s MI attack ignores Defensive triggers. If I had remembered that, I would’ve spent the efforts with Shenlong to “Mighty Gust” Sensei Yu with Fast and move him further along the board to get in range of Rasputina, and let him do the rest of the work. Final thoughts on game: Truthfully speaking, I did not expect this list to function as well as it did. My intentions originally were to use this as a funny list in the last round of a tournament, should I feel that I hadn’t had a prayer in winning by then. Turns out it did pretty well in the end, so I was pleasantly surprised by it. I made two tactical errors, when I failed to heal Kang when I had the chance to, or even use a soulstone to prevent the damage he had taken on Turn 3, and then with Sensei Yu’s attacks at the end of the game. Aside from that, I thought the game went very well for me. This was the first time I used The Loneswordsman’s Reactivate ability, and it proved to be very fruitful, given that he had been Fast and had used Recalled Training at the start of his first activation that turn. I’m tempted to try Shenlong in a “Reckoning” game now, seeing as how he can make the crew around him so much better. Thanks for readying, everyone! And as always, comments and critiques are welcome.
  6. In order from top to bottom: Shenlong Lucas McCabe Mei Feng Misaki Playing to their triggers, I think that's a good order. I would've really liked to fit Yan Lo in there instead of McCabe, but his triggers don't really resonate with as well as McCabe.
  7. His name would be "Moe", and the trigger would cause "Slow" to models within 1" unless they pass a Df duel to avoid the splurge of muck and goo from the resulting explosion of the shot. POST NOTE: They should make models with references to the Three Stooges.
  8. I've agreed to buying coffee once he's proven right. Don't know when I'll play Levi again, but we shall see. Also, I'll be putting up a new Battle Report later about my game from last night. I totally didn't expect the list to work, considering it strayed away from my usual play style, and was only going to use this list in the last round of our tournament next week if I felt I had no shot at winning, if anything, just for shits and giggles. Oh, and good morning!
  9. I prefer this one. And after making some great progress for the past few days, I'm sad that I didn't manage to finish painting any single model last night. I did manage to mostly finish Miss Step though, who is coming out pretty nicely. Only need to dry brush a few details, and then work on the base. My Outcasts are all coming along nicely though, I have to say. Mostly finished with Vanessa and the Student of Conflict, and about half done with the Viks themselves. More pics to come soon!
  10. Yeah... About that... I actually do own her in metal. That said, I'd totally be up for using her.
  11. Kirai is here too! And funny enough, they didn't send me the same one as last time. Now I have a spare left arm of aKirai.
  12. Misaki's crew box was my first box into Malifaux, and the Torakage were my go-to scheme runners for a very long time. As others have noted, their Wk 6 is great, and being able to ignore disengaging strikes makes it that much easier to get away when you need to finish a scheme. If you're running Last Blossom Henchmen or Misaki herself, having Smoke & Shadows makes them all the more mobile. Oiran are another Last Blossom choice too, and with Hidden Agenda on a reliable damage dealing model, they'll be Fast and Focused very often. TT Brothers are great for objective protecting as well as placing. If you can flip the for Dance of Heavens and jump around when you need to, it makes scheme running that much easier. Have not tried Tengu or Komainu yet, simple because I never bothered to proxy them, but after reading this thread, I'd be interested in trying.
  13. His cache is indeed 5. Makes him a great Henchman for the campaign.
  14. What that game taught me is that I need to be more aggressive with Misaki, actually. I use Disguise a lot, but then I get into the mindset of going after things. It helps that she can't be charged, but lacking that extra Attack and Damage flip is starting to show. At any rate, Edonil was able to get all the stuff I asked him to pick up for me at Gencon (yay!), so hopefully he'll be able to get them into the mail tomorrow, and I'll have about a week to build and paint Shenlong's crew, Shadow Effigy, and the Loneswordsman. #teamteninches
  15. Hi everyone, So I played in my first regular tournament today. Didn't place, but I did learn a lot more about Leveticus and Misaki (as an Outcast Master). The battle report I have for this tournament won't be as detailed as the one I did for the Henchmen Hardcore, due to it being twice in size, but it's riddled with all of the important details, as well as pictures this time (yay!) I'll start off each round with my list, and the general list that my opponents played (minus their upgrades), and then go in turn to how things ended. Round 1: Turf War / Corner Deployment My schemes: Protect Territory (revealed), Frame for Murder His schemes: Protect Territory (revealed), Frame for Murder My crew: Leveticus (Leader) Upgrades: Pariah of Iron, From Ash Joss Upgrades: Tally Sheet Ama No Zako (Frame for Murder) Abomination Abomination Abomination Hollow Waif Hollow Waif Opponent’s crew: Ramos (Leader) Cassandra (Frame for Murder) Mechanical Rider Willie Electric Creation Turn 1: As you could tell from my list, I went with summoning strategies for Leveticus. My first turn comprised of me using all of my Abominations hitting each other with Vile Reclamation to draw cards, and positioning themselves further up the board. Used Joss to kill two of Abominations and created 4 scrap markers. Leveticus summons 3 more Abominations, who move further up the board, and Ama gets herself closer to the middle. Leveticus summoned the 3rd Hollow Waif 6” from Ama No Zako, and the other two scatter about, somewhere within the vicinity of Ama and Joss. My opponent’s turn consisted of killing the Electrical Creation with Cassandra, and having Ramos summon 3 Steam Arachnids. He pushes them all closer to the center, along with Willie going further around the Turf War radius, and the Mechanical Rider going around the opposite direction, in more of a flanking position. Turn 2: At this point is when combat starts happening. Ama charged in first, and went after a Steam Arachnid, also getting off Miasma of Boils and Flies. Ramos then summons another 2 Steam Arachnids, and shoots a couple times at Ama. I did a little bit of card drawing from the 3 fresh Abominations, and then having Joss punch another two, creating 4 more scrap markers. In between all of that, the summoned Steam Arachnids attack Ama, followed by Cassandra charging her and killing her, which earned me full VP for Frame for Murder. His Mechanical Rider moves around closer, but stays in the outskirts of the Turf War Marker. Levi summons another 3 Abominations, and summons his 3rd Hollow Waif again, this time on top of a Ht 3 building nearby. Eventually, I manage to create the Desolation Engine, and move him up to melee range of Cassandra, and used his Desolate Supplications, trying to ping the Steam Arachnids, Cassandra, and Willie. Attacked Cassandra and gained all the Wds back that I took, and then managed to kill both Arachnids because of Industrial Nightmare. However, since both of us didn’t have 2 models within range of Turf War, we both lose out on scoring. Turn 3: Cassandra and The Desolation Engine take turns pummeling each other, but it’s the Desolation Engine that wins out in the end, earning him 2 points for Frame for Murder, and because of the Vile Supplications and Industrial Nightmare killing Willie, he was able to kill the Desolation Engine, as well with this final blast. My 2 new Abominations pop up and are now in range of Turf War. Ramos summons 2 more Steam Arachnids, and then begins moving to drop scheme markers. Leveticus summons the last 2 Abominations, and manages to shoot 1 Arachnid before disappearing again. Joss finally starts making his way up the board, but then is met by the Mechanical Rider, who shoots at him, and then manages to summon his own Metal Gamin. One of my Abominations places a scheme marker, and I draw a card with the other one. Turn 4: (Final turn of the round) His Mechanical Rider moves to drop his 2nd scheme marker for Protect Territory, which proves to the difference in the end. Leveticus manages to summon another Abomination in time for the Desolation Engine to come back, but unfortunately it’s not able to do enough damage before the round is called. I failed to get my 2nd scheme marker for Protect Territory. We both failed to score for Turf War in this round, and I end up losing by a score of 7-6. Round 2: Reckoning / Close Deployment My schemes: Plant Evidence, Breakthrough His schemes: Line in the Sand (Revealed), Breakthrough My crew: Misaki (Leader) Upgrades: Stalking Bisento, Scout the Field Lazarus Upgrades: Scout the Field Student of Conflict Killjoy Freikorpsmann Freikorpsmann My opponent’s crew: McMourning (Leader) Sebastian Zombie Chihuahua Flesh Construct Canine Remains Bête Noire Nurse Turn 1: I take my free walk actions with Lazarus and Misaki towards his Flesh Construct, Nurse, and Chihuahua, which are bunched together. I win initiative, and Rapid Fire into the Flesh Construct with Lazarus first. Managed to clip all 3 of them in one shot from the Grenade Launcher on the last hit, and softens them up considerably. I run the 2 Freikorpsmann up one side of the board together behind a blocking wall, and my Student of Conflict manages to get on the other side of the same blocking wall, due to an entrance in the terrain. Misaki then “Stalks” the Flesh Construct and manages to charge him, landing her just behind it. I failed it kill it, despite all 3 of the attacks, but I did bring it to a single wound. Meanwhile, between my activations, he managed to move the Nurse away from the group (before Misaki got there). He then moves Sebastian and the Canine Remains up the other side of the board to get as close to my side as possible. McMourning eventually charges Misaki, and hits her for a few Wounds. Turn 2: This was the turn that Misaki turned it up. Finally killed the Flesh Construct on two attacks, because of the Black Joker coming up once, but then managed to position myself next to the Nurse. “Stalked” her, and then took my last AP to attack and kill her, earning me my first and only Reckoning point of the game. He then summons Bête Noire after the Nurse dies, and Misaki takes her last push out of combat, towards Lazarus. Bête charges Misaki, and brings her down to a 1 Wd. My Student of Conflict makes one of the Freikorpsmann “Fast”, but not before he gets his Chihuahua within range of all 3 of them, giving them all Poison +2. The non-Fast Freikorpsmann takes it out, and the Fast one double moves up further through some terrain, and plants his first scheme marker. McMourning manages to take out Misaki with a cast action that summons a new Flesh Construct, which also brings Killjoy out. Killjoy attacks the new Flesh Construct, and brings it down to 4 Wds. Lazarus then attacks Bête, and manages to flip the Red Joker on damage. I move the 2 blast markers towards the Flesh Construct and Killjoy, and manage to kill the new Flesh Construct, along with the help of Killjoy’s Black Blood. He flips for Bête’s “One With The Night”, and makes it. Sebastian and the Canine Remains then lay down 2 scheme markers on the center line. Turn 3: Killjoy charges McMourning, and deals considerable damage to him, but fails to kill him in a single activation. McMourning attacks Killjoy, and manages to damage him some in return. Student of Conflict makes the other Freikorpsmann “Fast”, and then he rushes up and drops another scheme marker after double moving. The other Freikorpsmann does the same, but in another direction. Lazarus rapid fired into Sebastian, and killed him before he had a chance to activate, and the Canine Remains plants the 3rd scheme marker for Line in the Sand. Turn 4: (Final turn of the round) Killjoy activates and attacks McMourning, but fails to kill him. McMourning attacks, flipping the Red Joker on damage, and manages to kill Killjoy finally on his last AP, and healing all the damage he sustained. Lazarus Rapid Fires into him, but doesn’t manage to kill him either. My two Freikorpsmann drop another scheme marker each, and his Canine Remains is unable to drop it’s 4th scheme marker for Line in the Sand. I win by a score of 6-1. In hindsight, I probably should’ve revealed my schemes, which would’ve earned me the last VP for one of them, but considering how fast I thought the turns were going, I thought I’d be able to get the 6th scheme marker in. Round 3: Reconnoiter / Standard Deployment My schemes: A Line in the Sand (revealed), Breakthrough (revealed) His schemes: Break Through (revealed), Murder Protege My crew: Leveticus (Leader) Upgrades: Pariah of Iron, From Ash Joss Upgrades: Tally Sheet Ama No Zako (Frame for Murder) Abomination Abomination Abomination Hollow Waif Hollow Waif Opponent’s crew: Somer (Leader) Whiskey Golem Gracie Skeeter Bayou Gremlin Bayou Gremlin Slop Hauler Turn 1: I did the exact same thing I did in my first game with this list, and did my usual card drawing. Only difference was I failed to get my 5th card from Joss because I flipped Black Joker on damage for the second Abomination. Double moved Ama up to the center line, and had Leveticus summon 2 Abominations. He manages to kill one of my Abominations with Somer, and then moves both the Whiskey Golem and Gracie up the middle. His Bayou Gremlins spread out a bit, taking both of his own table quarters. Turn 2: Leveticus summons 2 more Abominations, only to have 1 of them die to Somer again. I moved Ama closer towards Gracie and the Whiskey Golem, and activate Miasma of Boils and Flies, only to have killed by the both of them. Joss moves further up, and kills one of my Abominations to create more scrap markers. His Bayou Gremlins start moving around towards my quarter, but is unable to contest my left table quarter. Turn 3: Leveticus summons another 2 Abominations, and takes a shot at Gracie before disappearing. Somer tries to kill them, but fails on all attempts. I finally manage to summon the Desolation Engine, and manage to damage Gracie with the combination of Vile Supplications and Industrial Nightmare as well. The Whiskey Golem and Gracie are able to take out Joss together, and because of that, I fail to earn a point for Reconnoiter, and earning him 2 VP for Murder Protégé. His Bayou Gremlins make their way up to my half of the table and start dropping scheme markers now. Turn 4: (Final turn of the round) Lost Leveticus and my last Abomination to Whiskey Golem and Somer ganging up on them, and wasn’t able to do much at this point. The Desolation was able to take out Gracie though. In the end, he won 8-1. My Final Scores: Total VP: 13 Tournament VP: 3 Total Differential: -3 My Final Thoughts: The first two games were pretty good for me, despite losing one of them (even though it was by just a point). In the last game, I made some key tactical mistakes which really hurt me. One was not choosing to activate Joss when I had the chance to use him to attack the Whiskey Golem before Gracie came to finish him, and the other was not using Ama to do more scheme running. All in all, the game could’ve been much worse for me, and as I said before, had I gone with Ten Thunders, who I’m much more experienced with, I’d have probably fared. Comments and list critiquing is welcome as always. Thanks for reading everyone! Pictures from each round. They weren't taken in coherency with each other. I was a little too preoccupied with playing to take decent photos, but here they are nonetheless. Round 1: http://imgur.com/IXHDJH5 Round 2: http://imgur.com/tEe3NEJ Round 3: http://imgur.com/Z4M8CVD
  16. Hey guys, So I didn't win the tournament (womp womp), but I did have tons of fun, and I did learn a lot more about Misaki as an Outcast Master. That said, I still have some tweaking to do with Leveticus, but I'm confident that I'll get the hang of him eventually. In hindsight, I'd have done a lot better with the TT Faction, but as a "Beginner Outcast" player, I'm glad I went with them. I'll have a Battle Report up sometime tonight. It won't be as detailed as the Henchmen Hardcore I played it, since the games were twice as big in soulstones, but it'll have all the important details and some pics to go with it. Hope you're all enjoying your weekends!
  17. Morning all! Hope you're all having a nice weekend. I'm just about ready to head to the tournament. Wish me luck! I'll do my best to have a battle report tonight, if I'm not too tired.
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