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Rurouni Benshin

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Everything posted by Rurouni Benshin

  1. I'm intrigued as well... But alas, work calls. I shall return!
  2. One could argue that because it's in the Death Marshal's pine box, you can measure the from the Death Marshal. However, I'm pretty sure that it doesn't work that way either.
  3. lol, mine just started... Have to say it's interesting talking to people half way across the world on a regular basis. Helps put my day into perspective. Have a pint for me when you go! Good. Keep up the good work. Make sure those TPS reports get signed and scanned by noon though. Sorry to hear that... Unfortunately, I'm kind of stuck to the plan I have because no other provider offers unlimited internet service to their phones anymore. I was lucky enough to be grandfathered into my plan back when AT&T discontinued it. Good luck though! Nice! How're the beaches in Germany? I always imagined that anywhere where there's good recreational life outside of the US, that it's significantly better. Only place I've been to in the US where the beaches are nice was in Maui, but that hardly counts.
  4. Hey everyone! Hope you're all having a decent Friday so far. My son woke up twice last night with vomiting and diarrhea, so I'm running on about 4 hours of sleep right now... Thankfully his mother has the day off, and I'm still here at work. Might have to make multiple coffee runs today though... *sigh* On the bright side, I managed to assemble the Latigo Pistoleros, Abuela, and the Large Arachnid I just got yesterday. Even managed to finish painting my Fire Gamins and started on the Slate Ridge Mauler. How's everyone else doing?
  5. "Is this where the criminals and/or bad guys hang out, because I too, am a criminal and/or bad guy." *Rolls to Deceive* *Opposed roll fails* And just like that, I was in.
  6. Ah, that's right. My suspicion would probably be by Black Friday of this year then. I did see a preview for the Komainu about a month ago or so though. Looked pretty nice!
  7. I say the same thing about heroin. #justtheonetime
  8. A friend of mine played in the Broadway production of "Lion King" for a number of years. During his last year there, I went to see him perform, and after the show, he was able to show me around backstage, and explain how the "Disney Magic" happens during the show. Quite a fun experience!
  9. Also time of year, in my experience. It also might just be my impression, but people attend the opera tend to be "better-off" people in general. Granted I hadn't seen one since college, so I'm a bit out of touch with the cost of opera tickets now, but I could imagine the same seat at an opera house being more expensive than a similar seat at musical (On Broadway, anyway).
  10. They tend to grow on you. I was fortunate enough to be able to go on group trips, where the ticket was more affordable for a college student. So far, I've seen "Madame Butterfly", "The Mikado", "Porgy and Bess", and "Marriage of Figaro". It's been forever since I've been to the opera, but musicals I tend to see more often, since they're a bit more upbeat and cheaper.
  11. If she hadn't tried repeating his name back to me, I would agree. It went something like: "You said your child's name was Tristan, right?" "Yes..." *pause* "Ok, we'll see you then." "...Sure..." And I haven't seen the opera yet! Definitely need to do that now.
  12. I think this coming Gen Con release has what's left of the TT Wave 2 models being released. Have you checked the home page for their Gen Con announcement?
  13. I've seen this version of his name spelled this way before... But maybe because it's not as commonly used, that it's not really seen as a gender specific name. From that point of view, I can understand. Changing one letter in the name hardly makes it unique or different though (ie - Catherine and Katherine). Maybe I'm just secretly ashamed of anyone who doesn't read more about Arthurian mythology. *lol*
  14. My point exactly! Maybe it's an American thing...? I don't know... But then again, I've only recently become a better read person in the past couple of years. Thank you! I felt a strong connection to it myself. Fortunate that his mother agreed. We actually came up with "Xavier" at first, but later changed that to be his middle name instead. I'm glad that worked out well for me.
  15. It does surprise me a little that not many people have heard of it before, and even mistake the gender of it without knowing that he's my "son" and not just my "child". I'll ask the rest you OTT folks. Have any of you ever met a woman/girl by the name of "Tristan" before? I first experienced this when I called his pediatrician's office for an appointment, and the nurse mistakenly referred to him as my daughter. I have yet to meet or even hear of a woman by that name, but that's just me.
  16. Back to Amazon Prime real quick though, I did just receive one of the four things I ordered yesterday. I have a Large Arachnid to build and paint tonight now!
  17. Was I the only one fortunate enough to find something decent on Amazon yesterday?
  18. Kill Teams wasn't bad. They could've done more with it, but when they realized how little people would end up spending on the game (especially for a new player), they basically tossed it aside, along with Blood Bowl and Necromunda.
  19. lol, I'm sure a lot of you are seeing a bit of irony in this... For the record, I'm 99% sure this wasn't my set of rules... Never got around to converting it to PDF.
  20. A friend and I tried to make our own narrative campaign with our own set of rules back in 5th edition. Wasn't perfect, but it was fun for the few months we tried it. Came up with a whole system for gaining XP and gaining stat bumps and special rules and what not. It'd be fun to try something like that again, but with the constant changes as of late, it's harder to adapt it.
  21. I've only heard about the formations in passing. Still haven't picked up their most recent codex yet either (tells you how disconnected I've become with the game at this point), but from what people tell me, it's very similar to the formations used in Apocalypse style games. I heard of one formation where if you take 4 specific squads of a certain type, they get to have free dedicated transports. And that's just plain cheesey...
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