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Rurouni Benshin

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Everything posted by Rurouni Benshin

  1. I would go as well. You may not have known him well personally, but you did share some happy moments with him, and I think his family would appreciate knowing that he had a positive impact on your life, however small it may have been.
  2. A little different when you're on a trip to see your SO's relatives though... My guess is that she probably has anxiety problems when faced with social situations? Probably due to the level of expectations (spoken or otherwise)? I dated a girl who was like this too, and it did bother me, and due to my inability to cope with it properly, this also led to more problems between us. It's hard... And I sympathize with people who have problems coping with anxiety. As for being the SO of a person with these types of problems, it all just boils down to how patient you are with them, and to what length you're willing to go to help them cope. Of course, KNOWING how to cope with them makes a big difference too. My ex and I were never able to find that middle ground, but from what I've heard, she lives a happier life now, as do I. At the very least, I can take what I learned from that experience, and grow from it.
  3. I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I'm always cautious at the same time. I hate having to take what they're saying with a grain of salt, but if it helps me be objective and rationale, I need to be able to compartmentalize the emotions out of the situation. I know that once I start feeling bad for a person, I've lost the ability to stay unbiased.
  4. I think most people, if not all people experience some sort of anxiety disorder in their lifetime. It's just a matter of 1) how you handle it and 2) how extreme each individual case may be. I liken it a lot to dealing with stress, even though there is a distinct difference between the two. In any case, I know I've had my fair share of dealing with people with both of these problems, and if anything, it's just helped teach me how to strengthen my resolve, and give me a chance to improve on my communication skills. That way, I can at least say I was being as pragmatic about the situation as possible. Me and my "Glass Half Full" personality... *lol*
  5. Morning everyone! How was everyone's weekend? My day's already off to a slow start, and for the first time in forever, I got an iced coffee. So not all that bad. Got my Sonnia crew delivered over the weekend (yay!) and her Avatar should be arriving today. Also expecting Perdita's avatar to arrive soon (double yay!).
  6. It was fun. First time using Bishop and Sidir, and I learned how to use them better. Still not giving up on Fuhatsu yet though. But knowing how to use Bishop and Sidir helps.
  7. Crap, should've spent an AP to "Focus"... In other Ebay news, I managed to score a Leveticus Avatar early this morning for $9 shipped. The auction ended at 4:20 am, and I'm pretty sure that's the reason why I was able to get it at that price. Not sure why the auction was started at that time originally but I'm grateful.
  8. Think I'll be getting sushi myself tonight too now.
  9. Dude, give Sense8 a try. It's one of the new Netflix originals.
  10. Dirial, you party animal! Enjoy! So my weekend is off to a great start. Just finished painting Bishop for a tournament on Tuesday, and probably going to start on my Viks soon. Hope you're all enjoying your weekends!
  11. I'm sorry you have to go through all of that. I had a similarly toxic ex gf at one point, and she was a pretty bad case of drama, to say the least. Not the exact same issues, but she always seemed to be out there looking for someone else to replace me. Longer story short, once her parents started voicing openly about how they didn't like she was in an interracial relationship, she started distancing herself a lot more emotionally, until we finally cut ties. Never lived together (thankfully), but it was probably the relationship that I had the most difficulty recovering from. Ironic, since I've also been through a divorce now too, but I chalk that up to how much I've learned about myself during and after my relationships. That, and having a kid also helps puts things into perspective. There aren't many things that help motivate you better than by saying "You've got a kid now. You don't have time to be emo about yourself. Move on from your problems with her, focus on your kid." Granted, in hindsight now, it's always important to reflect on the problems you face to gain insight and perspective, but in the beginning, it did work well for me as a motivator. Kudos for fighting the good fight! Well, you know... Since it seems you have or are about to start a new chapter in your life... A new adventure somewhere else wouldn't be all that bad of an idea. I know for a fact that there're some places for rent around CJ's neighborhood. I know Finland is a long ways away from here and I would really question anyone leaving Europe FOR the US too, but just in case you're interested... NY is a wonderful city, and I'm sure you'd love working there.
  12. On a side note, I always find my second cup of coffee of the day to be more enjoyable than the first. It contradicts the theory of diminishing returns, but maybe it's because I think I'm more concerned with chugging the first one, rather than enjoying it. Cheers!
  13. Must be available for weekends as well. Thought I'd contribute too...
  14. Well, the Avatar Kirai model showed up all well and on time, except for one problem.... I got 2 right arms. Hopefully the folks at Wyrd have a few left arms in stock for me. *lol*
  15. I want to see them, but not Marilyn Manson... Maybe I can get a discount ticket if CJ goes. *lol* Seriously though, I'm sorry you have to wait until Monday. Hope you have a nice weekend at least. Seriously, everytime we're playing, we've got something like this on in the background. If anything it's just funny noise filter.
  16. Foiled again... *womp womp*.... Serves me right for not reading EVERYTHING... That being said, I don't think there is a way, but Ramos does have a healing upgrade at least. Granted it's not as useful as Regeneration, but I suppose it could work still.
  17. Sweet... Thanks guys. Looks like I might need another Electric Creation then.
  18. My questions are about how Regeneration would work with the Electric Creation. "At the start of it's activation", the EC takes 1 damage. Regeneration +1 would normally allow it to heal "when it activates". So my questions are: 1. Would these two abilities cancel each other out on the EC's first activation? 2. Do I get to choose which ability happens first? Both seem to state the same thing using different words, so I'm confused as to which would take precedence over the other. Thanks everyone!
  19. I call bullshit on account that you'd never be caught dead in a Starbucks. And yes, I want my robot canines too. Wished they'd have included them on the release schedule.
  20. Still doesn't count as having a steady girlfriend! *lol*
  21. Only my genius! Sounds a lot like my night, only minus the ditching of the girlfriend due to lack of one. Have fun, Drial! Sorry you need to wait on that, Vic... Hope you get the good news back soon!
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