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Posts posted by gerykhan

  1. 6 hours ago, Aaron said:

    It's just one less Token. If all three challenges are corrupted, you'd only place 2 of the corruption.

    not so clear...  

    the tokens are distributed by space and not by region.... 

    so i can choose which space not to be corrupted and then  avoid a shadow ... 

  2. thanks for the answers


    i saw item token refences after my topics,

    and difference between optional and additional was not so clear for me 

    so i thought the sticky action might be "optional" too. but not matter in fact ;-)


    about round counter  i just thought it would be a nice to have.



    My last concern is not about upgrade, it's about to have a good visual link between a card and the miniature related on the board

    visible for all players.


    I did not yet play , ( waiting paint of my miniatures).

    I'am just afraid it could be messy, when playing 3 times the same pawn on the board.


    the future will tell me if am right.


    Anyway, i really like miniatures and rules seem cool.


    I also ask myself why create three size of  "battle boxes"  if the rules are anyway the same...


    will other old metal miniatures  be converted in plastic ( new sculpt are actually better) in near future?


    Thanks again

  3. hello,

    I am from Belgium so i apologize for my english.


    i have just bought the box and i am confused about few things.


    In the rules book , we are told about item token (stiky action)

    but i don't see any item token in the box and in action or abilities on statistics cards...( only find firecrackers in optional rules...)


    what about marks like  rip , paralyzed, stuck? why there are no token to represent them?



    one more, how attach specific card with specific miniature?

    when you have 3 of a kind, it would be easy to confuse the effective state of each miniature...


    Can i find other tokens anywhere?


    i think a round counter is missing too...



    thanks in advance

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